2.Senior_Affairs_Committee_Meeting_Minutes_02_27_2023DRAFT/ City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov Senior Affairs Committee Meeting Chair: Debi Quade, At-Large Vice-Chair: Oscar Llorente, Director Network Development Mount Sinai City Liaison: Luis Callejas, Aide to Commissioner David Richardson ----------------- TO: Members of the Miami Beach Senior Affairs Committee DATE: February 27, 2023 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE SENIOR AFFAIRS COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON FEBRUARY 27, 2023 – VIRTUAL MEETING Attendees: Magui Benitez, Enilda Thomas, Larisa Cajiao, Debbie Quade, Carolina Cuadros, Jessica Perez Waleck, Oscar Llorente Absentees: Natacha Fernandez, Ana Rabelo, Gaby Baglietto, Carmen Datorre, Special Guests: Paul Guasto, Criminal Investigations Division, Miami Beach Police Introductions and Roll Call Chair introduced two new members to the Committee. Jessica Perez Waleck representing Jewish Community Services. Carmen Datorre representing the Hispanic Affairs Committee was recognized but was absent. The Chair shared the Committee’s mission statement. Attendance was taken. Selection of Chair and Vice Chair Oscar Llorente nominate Debie Quade for Chair Debbie Quade nominated Oscar Llorente for Vice Chair Both approved unanimously, 6-0. Approval of November 2022 minutes Motion to adopt the minutes from the previous meeting held on November 28, 2022. Motion made by Carolina Cuadros Motion seconded by Enilda Thomas Motion passes unanimously, 6-0 Presentation from City Attorney’s Office, Farosha Andasheva, Sunshine Law Update Introduced herself and introduced the topic of the presentation: Sunshine Law. Key takeaways included: - Sunshine Law is a constitutional right for the public to attend and have access to meetings of public elected official. - It applies to Board members such as Senior Affairs. - Two or more members cannot meet to discuss a topic that can potentially be voted upon at a meeting. -Communications include texts and emails. - She explained what is and what is not allowed. - She explained the penalties involved when law is violated. - An explanation of how Sunshine Law involves public records requests was made. - A recommendation on how to keep public records was made. - Debi Quade asked how to best communicate with the staff liaison. - Oscar Llorente asked about best practices regarding social media. - Jessica Perez Waleck asked about meetings dates. - Luis Callejas spoke about best practices when communicating with committee members. Discuss March Calendar of Events Schedule was shared. Senior Center Representative Report and Discussion Blackstone Apartments – Vacant Council Towers South – Natacha Fernandez: Absent Council Towers North – Vacant Federation Towers – Magui Benitez: Made three motions: MOTION 1: The Miami Beach Seniors Affairs Committee (the “Committee”) urges the Mayor and City Commission to prioritize the safety of elderly residents at Federation Towers (757 West Avenue, Miami Beach, FL. 33139) and urge the building administration to prioritize the repair of the back parking lot gate and the back door to prevent unregistered persons from entering the building. Additionally, the Committee urges the Mayor and City Commission to increase Police visibility in the area to increase building security. A discussion was held. Motion made by: Magui Benitez Motion seconded by: Carolina Cuadros Motion passes: 7 – 0   Members Present by Zoom for Motion: Magui Benitez, Enilda Thomas, Larissa Caijao, Debi Quade, Carolina Cuadros, Jessica Perez Waleck, and Oscar Llorente Members Not Present: Natacha Fernandez, Ana Rabelo, Gaby Baglietto, and Carmen Datorre. MOTION 2: The Miami Beach Seniors Affairs Committee (the “Committee”) urges the Mayor and the City Commission to urge the building administration (at Federation Towers [757 West Avenue, Miami Beach, FL. 33139]) to open the dining room, already renovated and with all equipment necessary, for lunch and for the residents to get the opportunity to meet and greet, which is very important for the elderly residents. A discussion was held. Jessica Perez Waleck explained prior Jewish Community Services service at the meal site and what is currently being done. She stated she would abstain from voting. Motion made by: Magui Benitez Motion seconded by: Debi Quade Abstentions: Jessica Perez Waleck Motion passes: 6 – 0   Members Present by Zoom for Motion: Magui Benitez, Enilda Thomas, Larissa Caijao, Debi Quade, Carolina Cuadros, Jessica Perez Waleck, and Oscar Llorente Members Not Present: Natacha Fernandez, Ana Rabelo, Gaby Baglietto, and Carmen Datorre. MOTION 3: The Miami Beach Seniors Affairs Committee (the “Committee”) urges the Mayor and City Commission to ensure the City Administration appropriate the donated funds of $20,000.00 from the Barry S. Sternlicht Foundation and the Barry and Mimi Sternlicht Foundation accepted by the Mayor and City Commission at the February 1, 2023 City Commission Meeting. The Committee wishes to thank Miami Beach resident Barry Sternlicht for his passion for supporting senior programming and activities such as Zumba, Tai Chi, Yoga, Arts and Crafts, and field trips to sports and cultural programming come to our Seniors under the hard work of Mrs. Gloria Campos, who was the first free Zumba instructor more than 11 years ago and has since been vital in the creation of the Miami Beach Senior Chorus and the Golden Rainbow Art Exhibition. A discussion was held. Motion made by: Magui Benitez Motion seconded by: Oscar Llorente Motion passes: 7 – 0   Members Present by Zoom for Motion: Magui Benitez, Enilda Thomas, Larissa Caijao, Debi Quade, Carolina Cuadros, Jessica Perez Waleck, and Oscar Llorente Members Not Present: Natacha Fernandez, Ana Rabelo, Gaby Baglietto, and Carmen Datorre Four Freedoms House – Enilda Thomas: All is well with the building. Did highlight resident Manny Sanchez for his community involvement. Rebecca Towers – Ana Rabelo: Absent. Stella Maris House – Gaby Baglietto: Absent. UNIDAD of Miami Beach – Larissa Cajiao: Highlighted schedule of events and lunch. Noted distinction of field trip registration. At-Large – Debbi Quade, Chair: No update. At-Large – Carolina Cuadros: Reminded the Committee of the Senior Soccer every Tuesday from 10-11am. Hispanic Affairs Committee Chair – Carmen Datorre: Absent. Jewish Community Services of South Florida – Jessica Perez Waleck: Chair asked about the organization’s transportation service. Jessica explained requirements and services provided. All services are free for seniors above 60 years. Phone number: 305-899-8301.Re-opening of a new building was mentioned. Mount Sinai Medical Center – Oscar Llorente, Vice-Chair: No update. New phycians are joining and he noted that there is a shortage in specialist. Noted work to make pace makers more accessible. New Business Proposed 2023 Meeting Dates i. Monday, March 27, 2023 (Conflicts with City Commission) Moved to Wednesday, March 29, 2023 ii. Monday, April 24, 2023 iii. Monday, May 22, 2023 iv. Monday, June 26, 2023 v. Monday, July 24, 2023 vi. Monday, August 28, 2023 vii. Monday, September 25, 2023 viii. Monday, October 23, 2023 ix. Monday, November 27, 2023 x. Monday, December 25, 2023 March 29, 2023 Meeting Topic Agreed that the topics will be voter registration and the tax preparation services. Staff Liaison’s Report Provided an update on crosswalk at 87th and Harding Avenue. Provided update on important topics discussed at the City Commission meeting held in September. Next Commission meeting will be on March 27. Provided food distribution update. Public Comment Cindy Esquivel commented on the Baylink discussion and how that will impact the availability of busses. She opposes M line being removed. Encouraged the Committee to keep an eye on it. Magui Benitez thank Dabi and Oscar for being the chair and vice chair for the upcoming year. She also thank Luis for his assistance with her presentation. Closing Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 28, 2023. Motion to adjourn was made. Motion made by Oscar Llorente Motion seconded by Enilda Thomas Motion passes unanimously, 8-0 Meeting Adjourned at 10:43am