3.Senior_Affairs_Committee_Meeting_Minutes_03_29_2023APPROVED1 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee Senior Affairs Committee Meeting Chair: Debi Quade, At-Large Vice-Chair: Oscar Llorente, Director Network Development Mount Sinai City Liaison: Luis Callejas, Aide to Commissioner David Richardson ----------------- TO: Members of the Miami Beach Senior Affairs Committee DATE: March 29, 2023 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE SENIOR AFFAIRS COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON MARCH 29, 2023 – VIRTUAL MEETING Attendees: Natacha Fernandez, Enilda Thomas, Ana Rabelo, Gaby Baglietto, Larisa Cajiao, Debbie Quade, Carolina Cuadros, Carmen Datorre, Jessica Perez Waleck Absentees: Magui Benitez, Oscar Llorente Special Guests: Paul Guasto, Criminal Investigations Division, Miami Beach Police I. Introductions and Roll Call The Chair shared the Committee’s mission statement. Chair previewed agenda topics. Attendance was taken. II. Approval of February 2023 minutes Jessica Perez Waleck noted she was noted absent. Luis Callejas advised minutes need more edits and that they will be ready for the following meeting for approval III. Presentation from Suzy Trutie, Miami-Dade County Deputy Supervisor of Elections, Government Affairs and Media Relation, On vote-by-mail ballot request renewal changes Suzy Trutie was introduced and topic for discussion was introduced. Key takeaways included: - Suzy explained a changed the Florida Legislature made in 2021. Changes were made to the time period a vote-by-mail requests is active. New law only allows such requests to be active for up to two (2) years. - Before the change, about 29% of county voters had active requests. Miami Beach had 31% of registered voters had active requests. As of the date of the meeting, only 7% of Miami Beach registered voters had an active request. 2 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee - Elections Department will conduct outreach effort in anticipation of local election. - Campaign will include social media, community events etc. - Suzy explained how make a request by calling the department number: 305-499-8444, personal information will be asked. Hours: 8am -5pm, Monday through Friday - Also via website: www.iamelectionready.org - Forms available at government buildings - Email address: votebymail@miamidade.gov - Jessica Perez Waleck asked how to bring the election’s department to the center - Suzy stated that the Outreach Coordinator is Michael Rodriguez, 305-499-8585 - Debi Quade asked when the deadline to register to vote for Miami Beach elections is. - Suzy stated that the city’s next election is November 7, 2023 and the deadline to request to vote by mail is 10 days before – late October - Form needs to be at Elections Office 10 days before - Elections Department will send a postcard when the request expires - Chair opened the floor to questions from the public IV. Presentation from Bianca Montenegro, Program Supervisor, Miami Beach Office of Housing and Community Services, on Tax Preparation Services. - Bianca encourage everyone to ensure they file their taxes on time as tax season is coming to a close - Bianca noted that the office of housing and community services has been doing free tax preparation services since the beginning of February 2023, To this day, they’ve served 291 residents. - Bianca noted that for the remainder of the tax season, the office of housing and community services is fully booked with appointments for tax preparation services - Bianca noted that residents who are still in need of free tax preparation services can call 211 to find another agency that can assist them - Debi Quade asked about assistance for next year‘s tax preparation season - Bianca responded by stating that she encourages residence to call the office of housing and community services in January 2024 - Debi asked about what kind of documentation is needed - Bianca responded by stating that the office has a document she can send to the committee 3 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee - Debi asked about calling 211 now and booking an appointment for next year. Bianca responded by stating that they would not be able to. Bianca explained the reasons why the person with me to wait until January 2024 - Debi asked about the location of where the services take place. Bianca responded with the address of the office of housing and community services. 765 17th St., Miami Beach. Near City Hall. - Luis Callejas asked for clarification on whether 211 is a city number or a county number. Bianca responded stating that it is a county number. - Jessica Perez-Waleck stated that 211 is a Jewish Community Services service. She enumerated the various services residents can ask for when they call V. Senior Center Representative Report and Discussion A. Blackstone Apartments – Vacant B. Council Towers South – Natacha Fernandez: All is well. C. Council Towers North – Vacant D. Federation Towers – Magui Benitez: Absent E. Four Freedoms House – Enilda Thomas: Absent. F. Rebecca Towers – Ana Rabelo: Asked about providing parking for her home health aide (HHA). She stated that there is very limited parking and HHA’s do not want to come. Debi requested that staff liaison look into it. Luis stated that this could be a topic for next month’s meeting. G. Stella Maris House – Gaby Baglietto: Noted that the Florida Department of Transportation made a presentation to the building on the approved pedestrian crosswalk. She thank Luis Callejas and Commissioner Richardson. H. UNIDAD of Miami Beach – Larissa Cajiao: Highlighted schedule of events and lunch. Noted several changes. I. At-Large – Debbi Quade, Chair: No update. J. At-Large – Carolina Cuadros: No update. Reminded the Committee of the Senior Soccer every Tuesday from 10-11am at North Shore Park. K. Hispanic Affairs Committee Chair – Carmen Datorre: She introduced herself. She highlighted an initiate to celebrate senior resident’s birthdays. She is working with Carolina to visit seniors who are not able to attend events/leave their home and celebrate their birthdays. A discussion was held. L. Jewish Community Services of South Florida – Jessica Perez-Waleck: She explained requirements and services provided. All services are free for seniors above 60 years. Phone 4 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee number: 305-899-8301. She also noted that for any other service, residents can call 305-576- 6500. All is well and under preparations for Passover Season. M. Mount Sinai Medical Center – Oscar Llorente, Vice-Chair: Absent. VI. Discuss April Calendar of Events Calendar’s were shared and discussed. Senior Choir no longer meeting at Unidad on Mondays. Gaby asked for Jewish Community Services calendar. VII. New Business A. Proposed 2023 Meeting Dates i. ii. Monday, April 24, 2023 ii. iii. Monday, May 22, 2023 iii. iv. Monday, June 26, 2023 iv. v. Monday, July 24, 2023 v. vi. Monday, August 28, 2023 vi. vii. Monday, September 25, 2023 vii. viii. Monday, October 23, 2023 viii. ix. Monday, November 27, 2023 ix. x. Monday, December 25, 2023 B. April 24, 2023 Meeting Topic Agreed that the topics will be related to parking or an update on the better bus project. Longer term topic around affordable housing for senior residents to be taken up at a later meeting. A discussion was held. - Jessica Perez-Waleck stated that an update from the Housing Authority would be good. - Bianca Montenegro highlighted volunteer real estate agent volunteer program C. Staff Liaison’s Report Highlighted changes to section of the city website devoted to the committee. Updated the committee on Federation Tower requests (last month’s committee motions) Provided food distribution update: April 20 at 4000 Chase Ave at 9am Provided update on important topics discussed at the City Commission meeting held in March. Next Commission meeting will be on April 28. 5 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee D. Public/ General Comments Carolina Cuadros asked to see if it is possible to change the committee composition. Blackstone vacancy for over a year was noted as an example. The Committee discussed that if a building would like to be represented on the committee, the building should be allowed. Staff liaison to work with Carolina Cuadros on a motion. Bianca Montenegro mentioned citizenship drive for the coming weekend. VIII. Closing Next meeting is scheduled for April 24, 2023. Motion to adjourn was made. Motion made by Jessica Perez Waleck Motion seconded by Ana Rabelo Motion passes unanimously, 9-0 Meeting Adjourned at 10:39am