4.Senior_Affairs_Committee_Meeting_Minutes_04_24_2023APPROVED1 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee Senior Affairs Committee Meeting Chair: Debi Quade, At-Large Vice-Chair: Oscar Llorente, Director Network Development Mount Sinai City Liaison: Luis Callejas, Aide to Commissioner David Richardson ----------------- TO: Members of the Miami Beach Senior Affairs Committee DATE: April 24, 2023 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE SENIOR AFFAIRS COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON APRIL 24, 2023 – VIRTUAL MEETING Attendees: Natacha Fernandez, Magui Benitez, Gaby Baglietto, Larisa Cajiao, Debbie Quade, Carolina Cuadros, Oscar Llorente Absentees: Enilda Thomas, Ana Rabelo, Carmen Datorre, Jessica Perez Waleck Special Guests: Morgan Goldberg and Sasha Gonzalez, City of Miami Beach Finance Department, Customer Service Alberto Ventura, Assistant Director, Miami Beach Parking Department I. Introductions and Roll Call The Chair shared the Committee’s mission statement. Chair previewed agenda topics. Attendance was taken. II. Approval of February 2023 and March 2023 minutes Not enough members present. Staff liaison still needs to make changes and will have them ready for next month’s meeting. III. Presentation from Manny Marquez, Assistant Director, City of Miami Beach Finance Department and Jacqueline Caicedo, City of Miami Beach Parking Department on Parking programs/permits specifically available for the Senior community Morgan Goldberg and Sasha Gonzalez began presentation. Key takeaways included: - Two permits are available for Senior residents 2 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee - Caregiver Permit is for residents that require medical care, qualifications were given, resident must provide a utility bill and be 62 or older, complete notarized affidavit, and letter from physician or nurse agency - Debi Quade asked about frequency of service - Staff stated that the permit is valid for 6 months, and up to 2 per household, with a cost of $25 plus tax. - Permit can be used for different caregivers. - Residential Disabled Permit: Virtual permit for residential zones, resident must show their disabled placard. Other qualifications were outlined - Bianca asked about using permits with a different car - Staff stated that the resident would need to come in and request a temporary permit - Debi asked about how a person who cannot come to the office can go about requesting a permit - Staff stated that they can email residentialparkingpermits@miamibeachfl.gov - Staff to send liaison details - Debi Quade asked about online renewals. - Staff stated that caregiver permits cannot, but a family member can come to 1755 Meridian Ave to request a permit - Debi Quade asked what residents should ask for when the resident comes to the Customer Service desk - Staff stated that the resident should ask to request a caregiver or disabled parking permit - Debi Quade asked for what materials the resident should bring - Staff stated that they need to bring the required documents as discussed earlier - Alberto Ventura, Assistant Director, Miami Beach Parking Department, added that disabled parking permits are permitted to park on a disabled zone - Debi asked for clarification on the Caregiver permit - Alberto provided an answer/clarification - Magui Benitez asked citywide permits (benefit from being a member of the Committee) - Clarification was provided IV. Senior Center Representative Report and Discussion A. Blackstone Apartments – Vacant 3 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee B. Council Towers South – Natacha Fernandez: All is well. She congratulated the Miami Beach Police Department for the Block Party held the day prior. She noted the improvements continue in the building. She noted that last week a famous soccer player visited the Senior Soccer program and she invited everyone to watch the recording. Tuesdays at 10am at North Shore Park. C. Council Towers North – Vacant D. Federation Towers – Magui Benitez: Tenant meetings are taking place monthly. The Committee Staff Liaison attended the last one. Security concerns related to the back gate is still unsolved. Fears of car damage are top of mind for residents. A discussion was held, and staff liaison is exploring next steps. E. Four Freedoms House – Enilda Thomas: Absent. Sent images of donated furniture. F. Rebecca Towers – Ana Rabelo: Absent. G. Stella Maris House – Gaby Baglietto: Renovations continue, and residents are happy about the progress with the pedestrian crosswalk. Temporary signs are to be installed as a result from Florida Department of Transportation Public Meeting. H. UNIDAD of Miami Beach – Larissa Cajiao: No report. I. At-Large – Debbi Quade, Chair: No update. J. At-Large – Carolina Cuadros: No update. Reminded the Committee of Senior Soccer every Tuesday from 10-11am at North Shore Park. K. Hispanic Affairs Committee Chair – Carmen Datorre: Absent L. Jewish Community Services of South Florida – Jessica Perez-Waleck: Absent M. Mount Sinai Medical Center – Oscar Llorente, Vice-Chair: Working with the City’s Disability Access Committee on better signage at the hospital. Debi asked about disability parking permit holders, and Oscar responded by stating that such permit holders do need to pay to park. V. Discuss April Calendar of Events Chair Recognize Lucy Alonso, Miami Beach Parks and Recreation Department Calendars were not ready but she will share them later with the staff liaison. Lucy noted that May is the last regularly opera rating department before Summer season changes because if summer camps. Unidad stays the same. Parking Garages are being looked at to use for exercises for Seniors during the summer months for the south end. Art Galley on May 4th at Unidad. Second annual event at 6pm.Invited the Committee to attend. 4 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee VI. New Business A. Proposed 2023 Meeting Dates iii. Monday, May 22, 2023 iv. Monday, June 26, 2023 v. Monday, July 24, 2023 vi. Monday, August 28, 2023 vii. Monday, September 25, 2023 viii. Monday, October 23, 2023 ix. Monday, November 27, 2023 x. Monday, December 25, 2023 B. April 24, 2023 Meeting Topic Agreed that the topics will be related to the Better Bus Project C. Staff Liaison’s Report Updated the committee on Federation Tower requests Met with Gaby regarding bus stop and discussed topic for the next meeting: Better Bus Project from Miami-Dade County Provided food distribution update: May 18 at 4000 Chase Ave at 9am Next Commission meeting will be on April 28. D. Public/ General Comments Bianca Montenegro mentioned tax preparation services information was shared to prepare for next year. Nutrition classes will be available in the summer. Department is also working with the State Attorney’s office on providing anti-scam workshops to senior residents. Additionally, they are planning hurricane preparedness workshops. Flyers will be shared. Bianca asked JCS to share their calendar. Address of walk-in center: 765 17th Street, Miami Beach, and the hours are: 8:30 to 5pm and closed from 12 to 1pm for lunch. Department of Children and Families (DCF) liaison is also present at the center Monday through Friday from 9 to 4pm and closed for an hour lunch during 12 to 1pm. Magui invited the Committee to a Mother’s Day Celebration “Broadway Highlights” scheduled for May 11 at the Miami Beach Bandshell at 6pm. 5 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee VII. Closing Next meeting is scheduled for May 22, 2023. Motion to adjourn was made. Motion made by Oscar Llorente Motion seconded by Magui Benitez Motion passes unanimously, 7-0 Meeting Adjourned at 10:10am