5.Senior_Affairs_Committee_Meeting_Minutes_05_22_2023APPROVED1 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee Senior Affairs Committee Meeting Chair: Debi Quade, At-Large Vice-Chair: Oscar Llorente, Director Network Development Mount Sinai City Liaison: Luis Callejas, Aide to Commissioner David Richardson ----------------- TO: Members of the Miami Beach Senior Affairs Committee DATE: May 22, 2023 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE SENIOR AFFAIRS COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON MAY 22, 2023 – VIRTUAL MEETING Attendees: Natacha Fernandez, Magui Benitez, Ana Rabelo, Gaby Baglietto, Larisa Cajiao, Debbie Quade, Carolina Cuadros, Carmen Datorre, Jessica Perez-Waleck, Oscar Llorente Absentees: Enilda Thomas Special Guests: Eric Zahn, Service Planning Manager, Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works Guests: Cindy Esquivel I. Introductions and Roll Call The Chair shared the Committee’s mission statement Chair previewed agenda topics Attendance was taken II. Approval of February 2023 meeting minutes Motion to approve was made Motion made by Magui Benitez Motion seconded by Oscar Llorente Motion passed unanimously, 10-0 III. Approval of March 2023 meeting minutes Motion to approve was made Motion made by Jessica Perez-Waleck Motion seconded by Oscar Llorente Motion passed unanimously, 10-0 IV. Approval of April 2023 meeting minutes 2 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee Motion to approve as amended was made. Motion made by Magui Benitez Motion seconded by Carolina Cuadros Motion passed unanimously, 10-0 V. Presentation from Linda Morris, AICP, Chief of Service Planning and Scheduling and Eric Zahn, Service Planning Manager, Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works on the Better Bus project Eric Zahn began the presentation. Linda Morris was not able to join. Key takeaways included: - The Better Bus network is a redesign of the bus network to increase access to high use lines - Plan was approved in October of 2021 - A lot of routes have been consolidated to simplify the service, bust stops have also been consolidated - Debi Quade asked about high frequency. Eric responded that it’s a bus that comes every 15 minutes - Map of existing network was compared to a map of the Better Bus network - Miami Beach impacts/changes were highlighted - Oscar Llorente asked about how the route reduction and increased frequency will impact traffic, Eric stated that people will have to walk a little more but more reliable service which should help attract more riders - Maps detailing improved frequency was shared - Today, only five percent of county residents have access to a high frequency network, The Better Bus network increased that to 23%, Also, 29% of households with no car currently have access to a high frequency network, the plans increase that to 48% - Timeline of project was shared, Started in 2018, approved in 2021, COVID delays, bus operator shortage, attrition rate is 14 per month, hiring more operators - Debi Quade asked about the high attrition rate and advertisement for hiring, Eric responded by stating that the nationwide industry is grappling with the same issue, Noted that it is a tough job and a lot of people changed jobs during COVID (retention issue), Hiring was placed on pause during COVID, but now internal HR department is attending job fairs and offering signing bonus of $5,000 for new recruits - Jessica Perez-Waleck asked about senior employment, Eric responded positively and is open to hiring seniors - Miami Beach concerns addressed: Route 150 will remain (to airport), Improved frequency to Rebecca Towers and Stella Maris House, no need to walk further, bus stops stay where they are today. Benefits to Miami Beach: 15 minute or better service on causeways, bus stop consolidation will make service more consistent - Map of routes was shown and explained 3 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee - Debi Quade asked about routes going to South of Fifth, Eric stated that the new route 100 does not, but route 14 will, transfer will need to be made, a discussion was held on how everything is getting faster, concerns over bus stop elimination was shared - Debi Quade asked about timeline, Eric stated that this latest planned will be going to a County Committee on June 21 at Government Center and then final approval at the County Board of County Commissioners - Miami Beach specific changes were outlined - Gaby Baglietto asked about route 120 merging with the new route 100 and where the bus stop will be, Eric stated that this stop will be left and that it will be served by 8 buses per hour, 4 buses per hour for the new route 125, a discussion was held on service to and from North Beach - Debi Quade asked about bus transfers to get to Alton Rd and timing, Eric responded that the transfer would take place on 41st Street, a discussion was held, Debi Quade stated she is skeptical about timing - Ana Rabelo stated that sometimes buses passing stops without stopping, Eric stated that that was happening a lot during COVID due to social distancing - Eric highlighted frequency of busses on 41st street will be faster and more reliable - Debi Quade asked to confirm that no stops have been eliminated in the South Fifth Neighborhood have been removed - Cindy Esquivel asked if the presentation has been made public, Eric said no, that this was prepared for this committee, and that there is a website, Cindy asked if this plan was approved by the city, Eric stated no and Luis Callejas stated that he has not seen an item come to the City Commission - Cindy Esquivel stated her concerns with the number of connections and general concerns with the existing network and proposed network, concerned that there have not been community meetings - Eric stated that upcoming Board of County Commissioners meeting will not make major changes - Debi Quade thanked Eric for the presentation - Magui Benitez asked about an app to track the busses, Eric stated that the Miami-Dade transit app will be updated with these changes, to be implemented in November of 2023 - Ana Rabelo asked about a bus that went to Walmart once a month, Eric stated that it is not a city service, it was concluded that it was a service provided by a former city commissioner -Presentation concluded VI. Senior Center Representative Report and Discussion A. Blackstone Apartments – Vacant 4 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee B. Council Towers South – Natacha Fernandez: All is well. Repairs continue to advance. Senior Soccer was highlighted by a local TV station. She was recognized by Commissioner Dominguez and the Mayor. C. Council Towers North – Vacant D. Federation Towers – Magui Benitez: She was recognized by Mayor Dan Gelber and all the Commissioners. Thank city staff. Issue with the gate and parking lot continues. Because of the gate being broken, the laundry room is now being closed during the weekends. All the activities will also be closed during the weekend. Staff liaison explained that the city does not have purview. A discussion was held about the lack of security and police activity. E. Four Freedoms House – Enilda Thomas: Absent. F. Rebecca Towers – Ana Rabelo: All is well. G. Stella Maris House – Gaby Baglietto: Stated that last week she and Luis Callejas toured North Shore Park to look at the remodeled amenities. Noted that water fountains are needed on the beachwalk. H. UNIDAD of Miami Beach – Larissa Cajiao: Shared flyer of anti-scam workshop, father’s day lunch for registered participants at Unidad, June 5 Nutrition Class and June 6 Hurricane Preparedness workshop. I. At-Large – Debbi Quade, Chair: No update. J. At-Large – Carolina Cuadros: All is well. She Will send an email with evento dates. K. Hispanic Affairs Committee Chair – Carmen Datorre: Had to leave early. L. Jewish Community Services of South Florida – Jessica Perez-Waleck: Highlighted once a month shopping trip from JCS center on Espanola Way. Registered participants can participate. Information to be sent to Rebecca Towers. Shared a draft June calendar. M. Mount Sinai Medical Center – Oscar Llorente, Vice-Chair: No update from last month. Still working on better signage and way finding improvements. Hurricane infrastructure improvements ongoing. VII. Discuss June 2023 Calendar of events – Lucy Alonso, Parks & Recreation Department, City of Miami Beach Kevin Cobas updated on changes during the summer for seniors because of Summer Camps. City Hall will be used for South end activities. North end events are not impacted. Summer Bash will be in July at the Convention Center. 5 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee Magui Benitez invited the community to an event on June 24 at 1:30pm at the Library in Collins Park (22nd Street and Collins Park) VIII. Update from the Office of Housing & Community Services, Bianca Montenegro Bianca Montenegro announced the addition of another food distributions. There will be two monthly distributions. Flyer forthcoming. Tomorrow at the Collins Park Library the City will host a Tenant Rights Workshop. Others will be scheduled. IX. New Business A. Proposed 2023 Meeting Dates List was reviewed. iv. Monday, June 26, 2023 v. Monday, July 24, 2023 vi. Monday, August 28, 2023 vii. Monday, September 25, 2023 viii. Monday, October 23, 2023 ix. Monday, November 27, 2023 x. Monday, December 25, 2023 B. June 26, 2023 Meeting Topic Agreed that the topics will be related to Hurricane Preparedness C. Staff Liaison’s Report Updated the committee on Federation Tower requests Met with Gaby Baglietto regarding park improvements in North Beach Last Commission Meeting was May 17 and top issues discussed. Next Commission meeting will be on June 28 Still working on vacancies Provided food distribution update: June 15 at 4000 Chase Ave at 9am to 11am 6 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee D. Public/ General Comments None X. Closing Next meeting is scheduled for June 26, 2023 Debi recognized Natacha and Magui for being honored by the City Motion to adjourn was made. Motion made by Oscar Llorente Motion seconded by Jessica Perez-Waleck Motion passed unanimously, 10-0 Meeting Adjourned at 10:51am