2.Senior_Affairs_Committee_Meeting_Minutes_01_24_2022_APPROVED1 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee Senior Affairs Committee Meeting Chair: Debra Quade, Cervera Real Estate Vice-Chair: Oscar Llorente, Director Network Development Mount Sinai City Liaison: Luis Fernando Callejas, Aide to Vice Mayor David Richardson ----------------- TO: Members of the Miami Beach Senior Affairs Committee DATE: February 28, 2022 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE SENIOR AFFAIRS COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 24, 2022 – VIRTUAL MEETING ATTENDEES: Carolina Cuadros, Natacha Fernandez, Maria Marrero, Oscar Llorente, Debbie Quade, Gabriel Paez, Gaby Baglietto, Larissa Cajiao. Special Guests: Charles L. Cyrille, Interim Director, Miami-Dade County Office of Emergency Management Kirsten Castillo, Governmental & Community Liaison, Office of Mayor Daniella Levine Cava Absentees: Magui Benitez I. Introductions and Roll Call Chair welcomes and shares the Committee mission statement Roll Call Maria Marrero, Natacha Fernandez, Gaby Baglietto, Carolina Cuadros, Gabriel Paez, Larissa Cajiao, Oscar Llorente, Debra Quade II. Approval of December 2021 minutes Motion to adopt the minutes from the previous meeting held on December 2021. Motion made by Gabriel Paez Motion seconded by Carolina Cuadros Motion passes unanimously III. Selection of Chair and Vice-Chair for 2022 Calendar Year Chair explained that she and Vice Chair have agreed to stay on but want to ensure the positions are open to new members as well and are willing to have someone else take over as chair and Co-Chair Motion to select Debbi Quade as Chair and Oscar Llorente as Vice-Chair. Motion made by Gabriel Paez Motion seconded by Carolina Cuadros Motion passes unanimously, 5-0 2 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee IV. COVID Update Chair introduced Mr. Charles L. Cyrille, Interim Director, Miami-Dade County Office of Emergency Management. Mr. Cyrille provided an update on COVID-19. He highlighted that the County has been putting together a multi-program to vaccinate and mitigate the spread of COVID in partnership with multiple municipalities, state and federal partners, private infrastructure and business. There is a 26% positivity rate and over 32 different sites throughout the county (not including municipal and other sites where testing is available), and homebound testing for individuals 12 years and older. Teams were sent out to the long-term care facilities to provide vaccinations and boosters. Requested that members contact any long-term care facility to ensure they have been contacted. Emphasized that anyone needing a vaccine or appointment can visit www.miamidade.gov/vaccine and restated the requirements. Shared data on sites over the 2021 holiday season. Chair inquired about where to go for monoclonal treatment. Mr. Cyrille shared that the treatment should be scheduled within the first 48 hours of feeling symptoms and a COVID test should be taken to prove positivity before receiving treatment. Mr. Cyrille commented that the City receives daily dashboard updates with many facts and useful information. Chair inquired about knowing the next steps after someone tests positive to learn the variant and if that data is shared. Mr. Cyrille shared that this information is managed only by the county and is not normally something that is provided to the public because it doesn’t change treatment Ms. Kirsten Castillo (Office of Mayor Daniella Levine Cava) shared that she is available as needed and shares information with the Vice-Chair and City Liaison. Her work is praised by the Chair. V. Senior Center Representative Report and Discussion A. Blackstone Apt - Maria Marrero: Absent B. Council Towers South - Natacha Fernandez: The repairs for all the apartments and parking lots continue and are doing well. Thank you for the Christmas party at the Convention Center and to Carolina Cuadros, Commissioner David Richardson, Melina Almodóvar for the first Three Kings festival at Collins Park. C. Council Towers North: Vacant D. Federation Towers - Magui Benitez: Absent E. Four Freedoms House - Enilda Thomas: Absent F. Rebecca Towers - Yliana Gonzalez: Absent G. Stella Maris House - Gaby Baglietto: Thank you to Diana Fontani and welcome to Luis Callejas. The building is following all COVID-19 recommendations and continuing to take the classes offered Monday to Friday in the dining room (Tai-Chi). The building is appreciative of former City Liaison Diana Fontani’s interest in providing Crosswalk safety at 87th Collins Ave and would like to continue to ensure their resident’s safety. 3 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee Chair requests that City Liaison reaches out to former Liaison Fontani to inquire on this project so that a motion can be made at the following meeting recommending action to the Commissioners for a similar action on Harding Avenue. Vice-Chair added that the City could survey the area, which was brought up about two years ago because it is like a blind spot for individuals crossing the street. Vice-Chair requests that City Liaison follows up with former Liaison Fontani for an update on the survey. H. UNIDAD of Miami Beach- Larissa Cajiao: UNIDAD is open Monday thru Friday, 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. with resources to schedule a vaccination or COVID test. Regular yoga, ta-chi, and Zumba classes continue as well as the lunch program. I. At-Large - Debbi Quade: No update J. At-Large - Carolina Cuadros: No update K. Hispanic Affairs Committee Chair - Gabriel Paez: Informed the Hispanic Affairs Committee would host a Jose Marti event on Thursday January 27 at Collins Park at 2:00 PM with refreshments. Larissa Cajiao requested a flyer to share with seniors; the City Liaison agreed to acquire one and send to the Committee L. Jewish Community Services of South Florida - Sandra Ala: Absent M. Vice-Chair Oscar Llorente: provided an update on Mount Sinai stating that many residents, seniors, and tourists have been reaching out to get tested and vaccinated, but they are note a testing site. Larissa Cajiao requested information to share with seniors Gabriel Paez emphasized the Hispanic Affairs Committee’s willingness and commitment to assist the senior population as needed and requested their Committee City Liaison Leonor Hernandez be contacted as needed. VI. Discuss February Calendar of Events The proposed meetings dates are held on the 4th Monday of every month at 9:30 a.m. A. Flamingo Park - water aerobics, dance fusion and Tai-Chi B. North Shore Park & Youth Center C. Scott Rakow Youth Center VII. New Business A. Proposed 2022 Meeting Dates i. Monday, February 28 ii. Monday, March 28 iii. Monday, April 25 iv. Monday, May 23 4 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee v. Monday, June 27 vi. Monday, July 25 vii. Monday, August 22 viii. Monday, September 26 ix. Monday, October 24 x. Monday, November 28 xi. Monday, December 26 B. February Meeting Topics Chair stated that the Committee’s February meetings will include an ethics and Sunshine Law briefing from the City Attorney’s Office, as coordinated by the City Liaison. Requested topics from the Committee. C. Staff Liaison’s Report City Liaison Callejas introduces himself and his activities and provides an update on the upcoming food distribution activities put together by his commissioner Vice-Mayor David Richardson. The City will continue to hold two walks-up distributions per month: • One in North Beach on February 24, 2022 (7500 Collins Ave behind the library) • One in South Beach on February 17, 2022 (South Shore Community Center at 833 6ths between Meridian and Jefferson) City Liaison Callejas provided a summary of the January City Commission: • Ocean Drive reopening to southbound traffic • Commissioner Richardson was able to have the 72nd Street Complex proposal approved in North Beach • The next City Commission is February 9, 2022 VIII. Closing Chair stated that the next meeting is scheduled for Monday February 28, 2022. Motion to adjourn. Motion made by Gabriel Paez Motion seconded by Carolina Cuadros Motion passes unanimously Meeting adjourned: 10:34AM