3.Senior_Affairs_Committee_Meeting_Minutes_02_28_2022_APPROVED1 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee Senior Affairs Committee Meeting Chair: Debi Quade, Cervera Real Estate Vice-Chair: Oscar Llorente, Director Network Development Mount Sinai City Liaison: Luis Fernando Callejas, Aide to Commissioner David Richardson ----------------- TO: Members of the Miami Beach Senior Affairs Committee DATE: February 28, 2022 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE SENIOR AFFAIRS COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON JANUARY 24, 2022 – VIRTUAL MEETING Attendees: Carolina Cuadros, Natacha Fernandez, Debbie Quade, Enilda Thomas, Magui Benitez Larissa Cajiao, Gaby Baglietto, Gabriel Paez. Absentees: Oscar Llorente, Maria Marrero, Gladys Navarro, Sandra Ala Special Guests: Gray Crow, City attorney’s office Josiel Ferrer, Deputy Director, Department of Transportation and Mobility. Miami Beach I. Introductions and Roll Call Chair welcomes and shares the Committee mission statement Roll Call Natacha Fernandez, Gaby Baglietto, Carolina Cuadros, Gabriel Paez, Larrisa Cajiao,Magui Benitez, Enilda Thomas, Debra Quade II. Approval of January 2022 minutes Motion to adopt the minutes from the previous meeting held on January 2022. Motion made by Magui Benitez Motion seconded by Natasha Fernandez Motion passes unanimously, 7-0 III. Ethics/Sunshine Law briefing by Gray Crow There are three basic requirements: A. The meetings must be publicly noticed B. They must be open to the public C. Minutes must be taken. Any gathering of two or more members of the same board to discuss committee business or an issue that could foreseeably come before the committee you should refrain from discussing outside of a publicly noticed meeting. This applies to any form of communications, email, texts, phone calls, social media, responses in person. Violations carry both civil and criminal penalties. Intentional violations would most likely be considered a second-degree misdemeanor carrying 2 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee criminal fines and imprisonment. All the emails that with share to the city staff. The city keeps all our emails on the server. Debra Quade: Committee members are not allowed to discuss any committee business with each other until the public meeting. If we have a question, or something we’d like to share, we send it to our staff liaison and then the liaison can distribute to the whole committee. IV. Update on 87th Street and Harding Ave crosswalk by the Miami Beach Department of Transportation and Mobility. Deputy Director, Josiel Ferrer The City requested DOT try to advance the project. DOT put in their 5-year work program, but it is a little far out. Construction can begin as early as next year or 2024. Luis Callejas; the sidewalk was on 87th and Harding only, but I think it’s a big project. Gabby Baglietto: Requests to place temporary signs in the area by the bus stop to protect pedestrians. Carolina Cuadros: FPL has a big construction on 87th street. Josiel Ferrer: DOT is doing a project at the same on Harding and the project include additional crosswalk at 79th. From the funding perspective is two separate projects but there are more crosswalks coming to the area. Unfortunately, it’s a State road so we have to work with the Florida Department of Transportation to see what the best approach is. I will reach out to FPL and DOT to see if there’s anything we can do. V. Senior Center Representative Report and Discussion A. Blackstone Apt - Maria Marrero: Absent B. Council Towers South - Natacha Fernandez: The repairs for all the apartments and parking lots continue and are doing well. C. Council Towers North: Gladys Navarro: Absent D. Federation Towers - Magui Benitez: Our building is still under construction but almost done. All the impact windows are done. We are going to have different classes like meditation, painting, zumba, yoga, flamenco so all the residents have an option to be healthy. E. Four Freedoms House - Enilda Thomas: We finished our reconstruction. We had a fire on the 11th floor but thank God everybody was ok. F. Rebecca Towers – VACANT: Luis Callejas said I’ve been working with the administration to identify somebody who would want to come and represent. They are renovating their elevators. G. Stella Maris House - Gaby Baglietto: Everything is ok, the only question is there any free tickets for seniors? It’s been a long time since we received an invitation. I know Gloria Campos oversees the invitations. Luis Fernando Callejas: Gloria Campos from the Mayor’s office is in charge. I will ask her and get back to the committee and I will email everybody. In March the City is doing a lot of spring programming. 3 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee H. UNIDAD of Miami Beach- Larissa Cajiao: UNIDAD is open Monday thru Friday, 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. with resources to schedule a vaccination or COVID test. Regular yoga, ta-chi, and zumba classes continue as well as the lunch program. We have a new instructor for Ta-chi, her name is Elaine. Fernando for dance fusion. The only class that had to stop was the training, awaiting the City to hire a new instructor. I. At-Large - Debbi Quade: No update J. At-Large - Carolina Cuadros: No update K. Hispanic Affairs Committee Chair - Gabriel Paez: Informed the Hispanic Affairs Committee would host a Simon Bolivar event on Sunday July 24th honoring Peru. If you have anything that you like to go for us to look please come and join us at our first meeting in person at Chalan. L. Jewish Community Services of South Florida - Sandra Ala: Absent M. Vice-Chair Oscar Llorente: Absent VI. Discuss March Calendar of Events The proposed meetings dates are held on the 4th Monday of every month at 9:30 a.m. A. Flamingo Park - water aerobics, dance fusion and Tai-Chi – No senior programming the week of March 21st to the 25th. B. North Shore Park & Youth Center- outdoor yoga, Tai-chi C. Scott Rakow Youth Center- Tai-chi, dance fusion, Yoga VII. New Business A. Proposed 2022 Meeting Dates i. Monday, February 28 ii. Monday, March 28 iii. Monday, April 25 iv. Monday, May 23 v. Monday, June 27 vi. Monday, July 25 vii. Monday, August 22 viii. Monday, September 26 ix. Monday, October 24 x. Monday, November 28 xi. Monday, December 26 B. March Meeting Topics Chair stated that the Committee’s March meetings will include in update on voter protection. C. Staff Liaison’s Report 4 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee City Liaison Callejas introduces his activities and provides an update on the upcoming food distribution activities put together by his Commissioner, David Richardson. The city will continue to hold two walks-up distributions per month: • one in North Beach on March 31, 2022 (7500 Collins Ave behind the library). • one in South Beach on March 17, 2022 (South Shore Community Center at 833 6ths between Meridian and Jefferson). • one in mid-beach Sunday March 6 in mid-Beach (4000 chase Ave with Temple Beth Sholom’s as part of their annual Mitzvah Day). • City Liaison Callejas provided a summary of March City Commission. • The next City Commission is March 9, 2022. • The City Commission authorized committees to continue meeting virtually. VIII. Closing Chair states that the next meeting is scheduled for Monday March 28, 2022. Motion to adjourn. Motion made by Magui Benitez Motion seconded by Debbie Quade Motion passes unanimously, 7-0