5.Senior_Affairs_Committee_Meeting_Minutes_04_25_2022_FINAL1 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee Senior Affairs Committee Meeting Chair: Debi Quade, Cervera Real Estate Vice-Chair: Oscar Llorente, Director Network Development Mount Sinai City Liaison: Luis Callejas, Aide to Commissioner David Richardson ----------------- TO: Members of the Miami Beach Senior Affairs Committee DATE: April 25, 2022 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE SENIOR AFFAIRS COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON APRIL 25, 2022 – VIRTUAL MEETING Attendees: Carolina Cuadros, Natacha Fernandez, Debbie Quade, Magui Benitez, Gaby Baglietto, Gabriel Paez, Enilda Thomas, Larisa Cajiao. Absentees: Maria Marrero, Gladys Navarro, Sandra Ala, Oscar Llorente. Special Guests: Susan Holtzman, Office of Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine-Cava I. Introductions and Roll Call Chair welcomes and shares the Committee’s mission statement Attendance is taken. II. Approval of February 2022 minutes Motion to adopt the minutes from the previous meeting held on March 2022. Motion made by Gabriel Paez Motion seconded by Enilda Thomas Motion passes unanimously, 8-0 III. Age Friendly Initiative, and the Thrive 305 results presentation by Susan Holtzman, Office of Miami-Dade County Mayor Daniella Levine-Cava. Susan began her presentation: My role here is to connect you with the County services and also to work on policy affecting the elder population. The survey consisted of online and in person engagement, The idea was to gather information to help identify the needs of residents in the county, broaden civic engagement within the county and especially in the over 55 population. Susan highlighted that the survey did have trouble getting 85 and older participants. When asked about what the best way to reach, the survey concluded that email is the number one way to reach anybody. In the younger groups, social media is the best way. Older adults also focus more on television and newspaper. 2 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee Survey results also note that housing is a major issue. The county has been building affordable housing units as well. Miami Beach in transportation ranked very high but lower in opportunities in employing for older adults. Questions and answer period began. Presentation ended. IV. Senior Center Representative Report and Discussion A. Blackstone Apt - Maria Marrero: Absent B. Council Towers South - Natacha Fernandez: Mentioned that the repairs for the apartments and elevators are going well. During the daytime, residents participate in samba, exercise at federation Towers. The Pride and the salsa fest was excellent. C. Council Towers North: Gladys Navarro: Absent D. Federation Towers - Magui Benitez: Mentioned Earth Day activities held. E. Four Freedoms House - Enilda Thomas: Noted that they are doing well and that the community room is now open. Also, residents are happy that Indian Creek is open, and the traffic is improved. F. Rebecca Towers – Vacant G. Stella Maris House - Gaby Baglietto: Asked to know about the progress regarding the crosswalk signs on Harding Ave and 87th Street. A motion was made: o The Senior Affairs Committee urges the Mayor and City Commission prioritize the installation of a pedestrian crosswalk, including a flashing pedestrian crosswalk light, at Harding Avenue and 87th Street. Motion made by: Gabriel Paez Motion seconded by: Gaby Baglietto Motion passes: unanimously H. UNIDAD of Miami Beach- Larissa Cajiao: Reported on center activities. I. At-Large - Debbi Quade: No update. J. At-Large - Carolina Cuadros: No update. K. Hispanic Affairs Committee Chair - Gabriel Paez: No update. L. Jewish Community Services of South Florida - Sandra Ala: Absent M. Vice-Chair Oscar Llorente: No Update V. Discuss March Calendar of Events Calendar of upcoming events was reviewed. 3 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee VI. New Business A. Proposed 2022 Meeting Dates i. Monday, May 23 ii. Monday, June 27 iii. Monday, July 25 iv. Monday, August 22 v. Monday, September 26 vi. Monday, October 24 vii. Monday, November 28 viii. Monday, December 26 B. March Meeting Topics Hurricane Season preparedness. C. Staff Liaison’s Report City Liaison Callejas introduced his activities and provided an update on the upcoming food distribution activities put together by his Commissioner, David Richardson. The city will continue to hold two walks-up distributions per month: • May 19 food Distribution at 833 6th Street. • May 26 food Distribution at 7501 Collins Ave. Provided a summary of April City Commission. • The next City Commission is May 4, 2022. VII. Closing Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, May 23, 2022. Motion to adjourn was made. Motion made by Gabriel Paez Motion seconded by Gaby Baglietto Motion passes unanimously, 7-0 Meeting Adjourned at 10:33am.