7.Senior_Affairs_Committee_Meeting_Minutes_06_27_2022APPROVED1 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee Senior Affairs Committee Meeting Chair: Debi Quade, At-Large Vice-Chair: Oscar Llorente, Director Network Development Mount Sinai City Liaison: Luis Callejas, Aide to Commissioner David Richardson ----------------- TO: Members of the Miami Beach Senior Affairs Committee DATE: June 27, 2022 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE SENIOR AFFAIRS COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON APRIL 25, 2022 – VIRTUAL MEETING Attendees: Carolina Cuadros, Natacha Fernandez, Debbie Quade, Magui Benitez, Enilda Thomas, Gaby Baglietto, Oscar Llorente. Absentees: Maria Marrero, Gladys Navarro, Gabriel Paez, Larisa Cajiao, Sandra Ala. Special Guests: April Hoyt and Raquel Behar, Mount Sinai Medical Center I. Introductions and Roll Call Chair welcomes and shares the Committee’s mission statement. Attendance was taken. II. Approval of May 2022 minutes Motion to adopt the minutes from the previous meeting held on May 2022. Motion made by Magui Benitez Motion seconded by Oscar Llorente Motion passes unanimously,7-0 III. Hurricane Season 2022 preparedness presentation from Mount Sinai Medical Center April Hoyt made a presentation on hurricane season emergency response. The Hospital’s Emergency Department is accessible during storms, but it is recommended that individuals stay in their homes as much as possible unless something is life threatening. City of Miami Beach Police and Fire Rescue will be able to respond as well. The Cancer center is open until the very last minute to maintain all appointments. The Command Center at the hospital is hurricane proof (no windows, no exterior walls) and set up to handle all functions. Mount Sinai is a Medical Management facility for Miami Dade County’s Emergency & Evacuation Assistance Program (EEAP). The hospital has medical monitoring of all the people that stay at the facility. In addition, wellness checks are done on residents who register. 2 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee Link to register: https://www.miamidade.gov/global/service.page?Mduid_service=ser1470238193996672 Power availability and supply numbers were discussed. Raquel Behar made a presentation on the Alzheimer Disease Resource Center (ADRC) in Miami Beach at the hospital. The goal is to establish or research findings which are lacking to in the field in comparison to research on patient populations. The team of experts come with an understanding and sensitivity to the specific needs and concerns of the community, especially minority populations. Mount Sinai provides free memory screenings and the team of experts is available to attend senior centers. Raquel Behar made herself available if anyone was interested in reaching out to her (Raquel.Behar@msmc.com). IV. Senior Center Representative Report and Discussion A. Blackstone Apartments – Maria Marrero: Absent. Additionally, the Committee was informed that Maria Marrero can no longer participates as a committee member. We now have a vacancy from Blackstone Apartments. B. Council Towers South – Natacha Fernandez: Residents have been participating in the soccer program at Flamingo Park every Tuesday morning. C. Council Towers North – Gladys Navarro: Absent D. Federation Towers – Magui Benitez: Issue with the building name change and building number removal. City Liaison to follow up and report back. E. Four Freedoms House - Enilda Thomas: Noted that they are doing well and that the community room is now open and hosting events. F. Rebecca Towers – Vacant, awaiting Commission confirmation of Ana Rabelo. G. Stella Maris House – Gaby Baglietto: City liaison will meet with Gaby to discuss all sidewalk, and pedestrian crossing. H. UNIDAD of Miami Beach – Larissa Cajiao: Absent I. At-Large – Debbi Quade, Chair: No update J. At-Large – Carolina Cuadros: Highlighted upcoming 4th of July celebration at Lulav Apartments (620 Lenox Ave, Miami Beach). K. Hispanic Affairs Committee Chair – Gabriel Paez: Absent L. Jewish Community Services of South Florida – Sandra Ala: Absent. M. Mount Sinai Medical Center – Oscar Llorente, Vice-Chair: No update V. Discuss July Calendar of Events 3 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee Calendar of upcoming events was reviewed. VI. New Business A. Proposed 2022 Meeting Dates i. Monday, July 25 ii. Monday, August 22 iii. Monday, September 26 iv. Monday, October 24 v. Monday, November 28 vi. Monday, December 26 B. June Meeting Topics Mount Sinai Hurricane Season preparedness. C. Staff Liaison’s Report City Liaison Callejas introduced his activities and provided an update on the upcoming food distribution activities put together by his Commissioner, David Richardson. The city will continue to hold two walks-up distributions per month: • July 21 food Distribution at 833 6th Street. • July 28 food Distribution at 7501 Collins Ave. • No food distributions in August. Provided a summary of June 22 City Commission. • The next City Commission is July 20, 2022. Provided overview of upcoming events: • Summer Bash for Seniors is Wednesday, July 13, 6pm-8pm at Miami Beach Convention Center (Sunset Vista Room). Free Event. • Seniors Soccer Champion at Flamingo Park, every Tuesday 9am to 10am. • Celebration of Life of Miami Beach Commissioner Mark Samuelian at New world Center 500 17 Street, Miami Beach, Monday, July 11, 2022 at 4pm. • Dia de Simon Bolivar y Las Americas (Homenaje a Peru) Collins Park, 21 Street & Collins Avenue. Sunday, July 24 at 5:00pm. VII. Closing Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, July 25, 2022. Motion to adjourn was made. Motion made by Oscar Llorente Motion seconded by Carolina Cuadros Motion passes unanimously, 7-0 Meeting Adjourned at 10:34am