8.Senior_Affairs_Committee_Meeting_Minutes_07_25_2022APPROVED1 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee Senior Affairs Committee Meeting Chair: Debi Quade, At-Large Vice-Chair: Oscar Llorente, Director Network Development Mount Sinai City Liaison: Luis Callejas, Aide to Commissioner David Richardson ----------------- TO: Members of the Miami Beach Senior Affairs Committee DATE: July 25, 2022 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE SENIOR AFFAIRS COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON APRIL 25, 2022 – VIRTUAL MEETING Attendees: Carolina Cuadros, Natacha Fernandez, Debbie Quade, Magui Benitez, Enilda Thomas, Gaby Baglietto, Oscar Llorente, Larisa Cajiao, Ana Rabelo, Gabriel Paez. Absentees: Sandra Ala. Special Guests: Nick Kallergis, Deputy City Attorney I. Introductions and Roll Call Chair welcomes and shares the Committee’s mission statement. Attendance was taken. II. Approval of June 2022 minutes Motion to adopt the minutes from the previous meeting held on June 27, 2022. Motion made by Gabriel Paez Motion seconded by Oscar Llorente Motion passes unanimously, 8-0 III. Overview of August 23 Election Ballot by Deputy City Attorney, Nick An overview of the ballot questions was given. Miami Beach Referendum #1 concerns the naming of a 3.0-acre public park at Alton Road between 6th and 8th streets. The park includes a Botanical Garden, dog park, playground, fitness area and other elements around a central lawn. Shall the new public park be named “Canopy Park? Miami Beach Referendum #2 concerns the Board of Adjustment-Changing the “Architecture Membership category from Permissible to Required Membership. City’s Related Special Acts Article I, establishes a Board of Adjustment (“BOA”) 2 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee appointed by City Commission, composed of two citizens at-large and five persons each representing one of these professions: Law, architecture, engineering, real estate development, certified public accounting, financial consultation, general business. Shall Article I be amended for limited purpose of requiring appointment of one member from the architecture profession? Miami Beach Referendum #3 concerns the creating of additional qualification requirement for City Commission Candidates: Proof of Residency Documents. Shall “ qualifying” for City elected office, be amended to create an additional qualifying requirement that candidates submit one or more proof of residency documents upon which candidates rely to evidence their compliance with the Charter’s existing requirement that candidates reside in the City for at least one year prior to qualifying for office? Miami Beach Referendum #4 concerns the conversion of remaining apartment hotel uses to residential use. City Charter requires voter approval before increasing a property’s floor area ratio (“FAR”) (City’s method of regulating building size). Shall City increase FAR from 1.25 to 1.50 in RPS1 District, and from 1.50 to 1.75 in RPS2 District, to provide bonus FAR incentive only for converting apartment hotel uses to residential use? Miami Beach Referendum #5 concerns increasing the Alton Road Gateway Area Maximum Floor Area Ratio (FAR) from 2.0 to 2.6. City Charter requires voter approval before increasing a property’s floor area ratio (FAR) (City’s method of regulating building size). The Alton Road Gateway Area, located between 5th and 8th streets, from Alton Road to West Avenue, has maximum FAR of 2.0 Shall City increase maximum FAR in above area from 2.0 to 2.6, only if existing community health center at 710 Alton Road is relocated to another site, with new health facilities and public library? Miami Beach Referendum #6 asked voters whether to require voter approval to aggregate Floor Area when vacating street/conveying public property. Charter Section 1.03 (c) requires voter approval before increasing a property’s “floor area ratio” (how City regulates building size). Shall the charter be amended to require voter of such floor area aggregation? IV. Senior Center Representative Report and Discussion A. Blackstone Apartments – Vacant B. Council Towers South – Natacha Fernandez: Residents have expressed concern with the Big Bus tour buses parking in front of the building and blocking access. Luis to look into it. C. Council Towers North – Gladys Navarro: Absent D. Federation Towers – Magui Benitez: Issue with the building name change and building number removal. City Liaison to follow up and report back. New Zumba classes on Saturday at 10:30 am An update on the building sign and number was given. Update on the name change of the building was also given. The building is revert back to Federation. E. Four Freedoms House - Enilda Thomas: Noted that they are doing well and that the community room continues to host events. 3 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee F. Rebecca Towers – All is well, except that there have been numerous COVID cases. G. Stella Maris House – Gaby Baglietto: Thanked city liaison and will continue to coordinate regarding the crosswalk and sidewalk improvements. H. UNIDAD of Miami Beach – Larissa Cajiao: Announced a new menu that began July 18. Announced the start of new classes at the center. Everything else is well. I. At-Large – Debbi Quade, Chair: No update. J. At-Large – Carolina Cuadros: Left early. No report. K. Hispanic Affairs Committee Chair – Gabriel Paez: Informed about the Simon Bolivar event held in Collins Park the day prior. L. Jewish Community Services of South Florida – Sandra Ala: Absent. Chair requested that liaison check in with Jewish Community Services on attending meetings. M. Mount Sinai Medical Center – Oscar Llorente, Vice-Chair: Shared a story about a senior couple who visited the hospital. Oscar highlighted that the family was trying to find information about one of them who was checked in at the hospital. Oscar was able to get a hold of the patient. Oscar made himself available to assist in similar situations. Gave a shout out to the Mayor, Commissioner Richardson for being response. Elderly couple was very satisfied. V. Discuss July Calendar of Events Calendar of upcoming events was reviewed. VI. New Business A. Proposed 2022 Meeting Dates i. Monday, August 22 (No meeting to be held) ii. Monday, September 26 iii. Monday, October 24 iv. Monday, November 28 v. Monday, December 26 (Discussion to be held if meeting will be canceled) B. September Meeting Topics Chair invited members to send suggestions to staff liaison. C. Public Comment A. Elizabeth Latone – Spoke regarding ballot question #6. Disagreed with the members of the committee on how the ballot question was presented. Chair and Vice Chair highlighted that opinions were not being influence, and that the presentation on the ballot questions was informational only. D. Staff Liaison’s Report 4 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee Provide an update on City Commission meeting held in July. Biggest topic was decision on whether to have an election to fill city vacancy left by the passing of Commissioner Mark Samuelian. The second topic discussed was the Cultural G.O. Bond. Third topic discussed was the redevelopment of the Deauville site. Lastly, the development of parking lots near and around Lincoln Rd. Next meeting is in September. Update on pedestrian crosswalk on 87th and Harding Ave. Still coordinating meeting with FDOT and the Commissioner. Member Paez asked if the committee could something more. Chair Quade requested a letter be drafted. City Liaison gave an update on the upcoming food distribution activities put together by his Commissioner, David Richardson. The city will continue to hold two walks-up distributions per month: • September 15 food Distribution at 833 6th Street. • September 22 food Distribution at 7501 Collins Ave. • All Souls Episcopal Church every Sunday. Nominations for Hispanic Heritage Month Award. Member Paez discussed initiative. Chair asked about what information is needed per category. Vice Chair Oscar highlighted that the committee is for information purposes and that the committee does not sway public opinion. VII. Closing Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, September 26, 2022. Motion to adjourn was made. Motion made by Oscar Llorente Motion seconded by Gabriel Paez Motion passes unanimously, 7-0 Meeting Adjourned at 10:23am