9.Senior_Affairs_Committee_Meeting_Minutes_09_26_2022APPROVED1 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee Senior Affairs Committee Meeting Chair: Debi Quade, At-Large Vice-Chair: Oscar Llorente, Director Network Development Mount Sinai City Liaison: Luis Callejas, Aide to Commissioner David Richardson ----------------- TO: Members of the Miami Beach Senior Affairs Committee DATE: September 26, 2022 SUBJECT: MINUTES OF THE SENIOR AFFAIRS COMMITTEE MEETING HELD ON SEPTEMBER 26, 2022 – VIRTUAL MEETING Attendees: Natacha Fernandez, Magui Benitez, Enilda Thomas, Ana Rabelo, Gaby Baglietto, Larisa Cajiao, Debbie Quade, Carolina Cuadros, Oscar Llorente. Absentees: Gladys Navarro, Gabriel Paez Special Guests: Tameka Stewart, Director of the Office of Management and Budget Bianca Montenegro, Office of Housing and Community Services I. Introductions and Roll Call Chair welcomed and shared the Committee’s mission statement. Attendance was taken. II. Approval of July 2022 minutes Motion to adopt the minutes from the previous meeting held on July 25, 2022. Motion made by Oscar Llorente Motion seconded by Enilda Thomas Motion passes unanimously, 7-0 III. Overview of Fiscal Year 2022-2023 Proposed City Budget by Tameka Stewart An overview of the budget was given. Key takeaways included: - All documents related to the budget can be found online. - Budget process takes nine months, which includes a series of meetings with city departments and city commissioners. - General fund budget is $382.6 million which is an 8.1% increase. Due to inflation, collective bargaining with labor unions and enhancements. - Budgets intends to provide more service without increasing mileage rate. - Explanation of various city funds across the city was given to the committee. - A deep dive of the public safety aspects of the budget was held, including adding police 2 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee officers, marine patrol staff, new fire rescue unit (14 positions), full time park rangers, and more code officers. - Budget also includes enhancing homeless services and cleanliness city-wide. - Discussion on capital improvements, collective bargaining, and other enhancements (such as police overtime and spring break programming) was held. - Trolley service is being expanded, to lower wait time to 20 minutes. Goal is 15 minute wait time. - Status of the reserve budget was given. Excess reserves from general fund and resort tax fund is being set aside for capital improvement projects city-wide. Commissioner’s will decide in the future on how to spend. - Next steps were given. Budget to be approved on September 28 and it is set to begin October 1. Debi Quade asked a question regarding first time homebuyer program funds. Bianca Montenegro to answer. IV. Introduction of Bianca Montenegro, Program Coordinator, Office of Housing and Community Services Bianca explained that she will be participating in these meetings going forward. An overview of Bianca’s role was given. Key takeaways included: - Low income housing programs, currently has a waitlist. - First time homebuyer programs. - Home rehabilitation programs (especially helpful for disabled persons). - Homeless outreach team, both for walk-ins and outreach city-wide. - Youth services (after school programs) and parenting programs for new families (family pathways – provides counseling, tutoring etc.) - Resident and elderly resource center specializes on many needs. Examples include tenant/landlord issues, rent assistance (recently received grants). If city granted funds run out, staff will assist with applications to other programs. - Elderly grocery programs to supplement elderly households. - Pilot programs, such as the Care Calls program to call elderly residents twice a month at minimum. Debi Quade asked a question regarding senior transportation. Specifically, about the Senior Transportation Service (STS). A discussion was held. Address: 1700 Convention Center Dr., Miami Beach, FL. 33139, City Hall, 1st Floor, Double Doors adjacent to external elevators. Entrance is on Convention Center Drive and the number is: 305-673-7491 V. Senior Center Representative Report and Discussion A. Blackstone Apartments – Vacant B. Council Towers South – Natacha Fernandez: Residents enjoyed the salsa festival, senior soccer, Zumba and drawing classes. Expressed concern with elevators not-working. Luis to speak to Building Department. Same problem in Council North. C. Council Towers North – Gladys Navarro: Absent 3 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee D. Federation Towers – Magui Benitez: Issues with non-invited guests staying inside and near the building. The person was confronted because of marijuana use and the use of a stolen Citi bike. Magui expressed concern and need for more police presence. Though the subject is not aggressive, residents felt it was dangerous. She spoke about a specific situation when residents we taking a class and the subject participated. Otherwise activities continue as normal. E. Four Freedoms House - Enilda Thomas: Expressed a concern with Tai Chi classes. Used to be from 4pm to 5pm and the time was recently changed to an earlier time. Residents want it moved back to 4pm. Luis to speak to Gloria and Enilda. F. Rebecca Towers – Ana Rabelo: All is well, nothing to report. G. Stella Maris House – Gaby Baglietto: Updated the committee on the building improvements and expressed gratitude with salsa festival and soccer program. Residents also attended Unidad Hispanic Heritage celebration and Marlin’s Game. H. UNIDAD of Miami Beach – Larissa Cajiao: Highlighted the center’s Hispanic Heritage Month Celebration event and its success. New arts and crafts class on Wednesday afternoon, and other classes offered. All is well. I. At-Large – Debbi Quade, Chair: No update. J. At-Large – Carolina Cuadros: All is well. Senior Soccer last day changed to October 11. K. Hispanic Affairs Committee Chair – Gabriel Paez: Absent L. Jewish Community Services of South Florida – Vacant M. Mount Sinai Medical Center – Oscar Llorente, Vice-Chair: All is well. Noted the late start of hurricane season. VI. Discuss July Calendar of Events Calendar pending and will be sent to committee via email. VII. New Business A. Proposed 2022 Meeting Dates i. Monday, October 24 ii. Monday, November 28 iii. Monday, December 26 (Discussion to be held if meeting will be canceled) B. September Meeting Topics City elections and ballot initiative was requested. C. Staff Liaison’s Report Provided an update on building signage at Federation Towers. 4 Minutes – Senior Affairs Committee Provided update on tour bus parking outside Council Tower South. Provided update on Stella Maris House pedestrian crosswalk. Draft letter to FDOT was presented for Chair to sign. Provided the latest discussion with FDOT. Received images to address tree trimming. Provided update on food distributions. One distribution a month. Thursday, October 27 at 9am at 4100 Chase Avenue. Provided update on important topics discussed at the City Commission meeting held in September. Next Commission meeting will be on October 26. Highlighted two vacancies on the committee. VIII. Closing Next meeting is scheduled for Monday, October 24, 2022. Motion to adjourn was made. Motion made by Oscar Llorente Motion seconded by Carolina Cuadros Motion passes unanimously, 7-0 Meeting Adjourned at 10:37am