LTC 323-2023 Appointment of Miami Beach Police ChiefM IA M I BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # LETTER TO COM MISSION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission Alina T. Hudak, City Manag~ July 17, 2023 Appointment of Miami Beach Police Chief The selection of a Police Chief is one of the single most important decisions that any City Manager can make as public safety is fundamental to the management and operations of a city. The Miami Beach Police Department is fortunate to have several senior, seasoned and qualified command staff members with an interest and passion for serving. Over the past several months, I led an intentional process of interviewing and engaging with all who have expressed an interest in the position. That process involved multiple discussions with each candidate including a panel conversation with our senior leadership team and Miami-Dade County Police Director & Chief of Safety and Emergency Response Freddy Ramirez. I want to thank our command staff members for their honesty and thorough preparation. The process validated my strong feelings about our City's exceptional talent pool. With that, I am pleased to announce the appointment of Deputy Chief of Police Wayne A. Jones as the next Police Chief of the City of Miami Beach. Chief Jones has spent his entire 27-year career with the City of Miami Beach coming up through the ranks as a patrol officer, detective, sergeant, lieutenant, captain and major before being appointed Deputy Chief in 2019. His tremendous experience has served our City well. While serving as a sergeant in community affairs, he developed the structure for what has become the nationally recognized Homeless Resource Officer Program, offering a multifaceted approach to outreach, engagement and enforcement. As a major over support services, he developed a strategy to boost the recruitment of women police officers increasing hires from 12% to 18%. He also created the department's human trafficking unit while a major in the criminal investigations' division. The unit subsequently went on to lead Miami-Dade County in trafficking investigations and arrests for sex trafficking offenses. Chief Jones obtained his bachelor's degree in political science and public administration from Florida Memorial University and his master's in public administration from Florida International University. He holds an associate's degree from Miami Dade College in professional piloting and technology, and is a Miami Fellows (Class II) Alumni. Furthermore, Chief Jones successfully completed the Federal Bureau of Investigation's Law Enforcement Executive Development Seminar program and the Police Executive Research Forum's Senior Management Institute for Police. Chief Jones and I have discussed urgent priorities for the department including managing the complex challenges of high impact weekends such as those in March, the issue of our homeless 323-2023 p o p u la tio n , th e im p o rt a n c e o f n e ig h b o rh o o d p o lic in g , im p ro v e d tra ffi c c o n tro l a n d o ff ic e r v is ib ility . I h a v e a ls o c h a r g e d h im w ith c re a tin g a n a p p ro p ria te s u c c e s s io n p a th to e n s u re a b rig h t fu tu re fo r th e d e p a rt m e n t. A t th is tim e , a h ig h p e r c e n ta g e o f o u r c o m m a n d s ta ff is s c h e d u le d to re tire w ith in th e n e x t th r e e y e a r s . T h is m u s t b e a d d re s s e d im m e d ia te ly . H e h a s a ls o s h a r e d w ith m e h is p r io r itie s to a u g m e n t th e d e p a rt m e n t's c o m m u n ic a tio n s s tra te g y , in c re a s e th e re p re s e n ta tio n o f w o m e n a t s e n io r le v e ls o f th e a g e n c y , d e v e lo p a n d im p le m e n t s ta n d a r d o p e r a t in g p ro c e d u re s a n d tra in in g , re d u c e cl a im s a g a in s t th e C ity , le v e ra g e te c h n o lo g y to im p ro v e e ffi c ie n c y w h ile fi n d in g s w a y s to e n h a n c e th e re c ru itm e n t a n d re te n tio n p ro c e s s o f o ff ic e r s . W ith h is k n o w le d g e , s k il ls , e x p e r ie n c e a n d q u a li fi c a tio n s , I a m c o n fi d e n t th a t C h ie f J o n e s is th e rig h t p e rs o n a t th e rig h t tim e fo r o u r P o lic e D e p a rt m e n t. T h ro u g h o u t th e in te rv ie w p ro c e s s , m e m b e rs o f th e c o m m a n d s ta ff c o n s is te n tly e x p re s s e d th e ir s u p p o rt a n d re s p e c t fo r h im in h is ro le a s D e p u ty C h ie f a n d p o te n tia l fu tu re ro le . I b e lie v e s tro n g ly in th e v a lu e o f lo n g e v ity , tra d itio n a n d c o m m itm e n t. T h e a g e n c y is in th e m id d le o f a re a c c re d ita tio n p ro c e s s th a t a s s e s s e s o rg a n iz a t io n a l s tren g th an d I want to use this opportunity to appoint a strong, proven, and capable leader with a vision for continuing to elevate the profile and morale of our outstanding Police Department. With the consent of the Mayor & City Commission on July 26, 2023, this appointment will become effective September 1, 2023 to allow for the appropriate transition and continuity within our Police Department. Chief Clements will conclude his tenure on October 31, 2023. I have asked him to serve the remainder of his time as a special advisor to me and to Chief Jones to ensure a smooth and seamless transition. At the appropriate time, we will properly honor his over 30 years of dedication and great sacrifice for our City. Please join me in congratulating Chief Wayne A. Jones. ATH WAYNE A. JONES Miami, FL 33138 • 305-409-9474 • waynejones@ miamibeachfl.gov www .linkedin.com/in/wayne-a-jones-8120508 CHIEF OF POL ICE PROFILE Forward-thinking law enforcement professional with 27 years of experience leading programs, operations, and teams within a municipal police department serving one of the nation's top vacation destinations Dedicated servant leader blending data-driven analysis with progressive thinking and sound decision making to shape law enforcement, crime prevention, and crime suppression programs; history of success translating Department goals into concrete strategies, policies, and operational improvements. Creative problem solver with exceptional negotiation, organization, communication, and relationship building talents; highly adept at balancing diplomacy, detail focus, and big picture views while marshalling resources and gaining support for critical initiatives. Committed to empowering team members with latest training and guidance, building trust with citizens at all socio-economic and professional levels, and meeting community needs with effective solutions and world-class service. HIGHLIGHTS OF EXPERTISE ■Law Enforcement Operations Management ■ ■Short & Long Range Strategic Planning ■ ■Program Development & Administration • • Policy/ SOP Creation & Implementation • • Municipal Budget Planning & Administration • ■Contract Negotiations / Vendor Management • • Federal, State & Local Laws, Codes & • Regulations / Recent Court Decisions Recruitment & Staffing Initiatives Process Improvement/ Change Management Data Analysis/ Trend Analysis lnteragency Partnerships & Collaboration Public Relations & Community Outreach Committee & Work Group Leadership Mentoring, Training, Leadership Development & Performance Management CAREER SUMMARY MIAMI BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT, Miami Beach , FL Propel achievement of Chief of Police's goals through forward-thinking leadership, change management, and senior managerial direction. DEPUTY CHIEF OF POLICE (2018 to Present) Drive planning, organization, governance, evaluation, and continual improvement of police department services, operations, and personnel. Supervise and support diverse group of nearly 440 police officers and 120 civilian staff, and ensure unparalleled customer service for 90K city residents and 10M+ visitors annually. • Steered design and implementation of comprehensive security plan for 6-day Super Bowl LIV NFL Experience; protected staff, VIPs, and 75,500+ atten dees at Miami Beach Convention Center. Oversaw design, development and deployment of Class E uniform. • Manage and operating budget of $136 million. MIAMI BEACH POLICE DEPAR TM ENT, Miami Beach, FL Handpicked by top leadership to oversee all criminal investigations throughout MBPD; identified and steered improvement efforts to address top priorities across the Division. MAJOR OF POLICE - CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION DIVISION (2018 to 2019) Formed new Crime Analyst Unit that enhanced investigatory support Division-wide, and created new sexual battery unit; expanded number of in-house victim advocates and cemented victim-centric approach to all investigations. Provided State Attorney's Human Trafficking Taskforce with sharp, experienced investigators. • Establish ed MBPD's first human trafficking unit to combat sex and labor trafficking; unit subsequently led county in human trafficking investigations and arrests. • Led Rapid DNA Pilot Program, with publication of Rapid DNA Manual adopted as national model. W A YN E A . JONES Page2 • Created auto theft investigation squad; slashed number of auto burglaries and thefts throughout city. MIAMI BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT, Miami Beach, FL Orchestrated operations and personnel across seven separate units as prime focal point for logistics support throughout the Department. MAJOR OF POLICE - SUPPORT SERVICES (2016 to 2018) Evaluated processes, identified improvement opportunities, and drove initiatives that secured higher levels of performance from Technical Support Unit, Recruitment and Backgrounds Unit, Training Unit, Property and Evidence Unit, Court Liaison Office, Records Unit, and Payroll Unit. • Met timelines and objectives for technology projects that included data warehouse development, Lexus Nexus implementation, New World CAD upgrades, and License Plate Reader (LPR) and Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) deployments. • Spearheaded MBPD participation in White House's Data Initiative, negotiated new provider contract for body worn cameras and tasers, supported 2017 Body Worn Camera Study, and led expansion of MBPD surveillance cameras throughout the city. • Wrote, updated, and implemented protocols for collection and storage of fentanyl and other hazardous substances. Led negotiations to replace underperforming vendors, harden physical security of police HQ, and secure additional offsite office space for specialized police units. • Modernized recruitment policies and SOPs to reflect nationally recognized best practices and attract viable candidates; - Led targeted effort that increased percentage of women officer hires from 12% to 18%. - Slashed time to process candidate applications by 100% (from average of 180 to 90 days). - Oversaw implementation of four-year degree requirement for new police hires. - Directed development of MBPD's first supervisor training and development program. • Designed and implemented new streamlined pay process that brought organization into compliance with IRS mandates; eased transition from outdated legacy payment system. • Implemented weekly inspections that ensured officers participating in Off-Duty program remained compliant with established policies. MIAMI BEACH POLICE DE P AR TMENT, Miami Beach, FL Managed performance of 130 officers across multiple specialized units as District Commander at Operations Division's busiest area of responsibility. CAPTAIN OF POLICE (2014 to 2016) Analyzed crime data and executed strategies and plans to target trends. Represented Department and nurtured community relations through active participation in residential and business community meetings. Made most effective use of resources and personnel while remaining within budgetary constraints. • Devised creative strategies for deploying police resources; leveraged undercover officers to reduce beach thefts, and lowered overall crime statistics in Entertainment District and Area 1. • Collaborated with city's Code Enforcement Department to define and understand quality of life details, and marshalled Homeless Outreach Teams to increase outreach efforts in Lummus Park, leading directly to 15% reduction in public complaints. MIAMI BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT, Miami Beach, FL Provided expert training and leadership to 30 detectives and supervisors in Special Operations Unit (SOU). LIEUTENANT OF POLICE (2011 to 2014) Steered all vice operations to include investigation of up to 50 narcotics and prostitution related crimes per month. Developed and instituted in-service training program that educated all SOU investigators on methods for recognizing signs of human trafficking. • Brought HT training and lessons learned to entire department, empowering SOU to lead Miami-Dade County in human trafficking arrests and prosecutions. W A YN E A . J O NE S Page 3 • Strengthened relationships and cooperation with Department of Alcohol, Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) and the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA). MIAMI BEACH POLICE DEPARTMENT, Miami Beach, FL Opened productive lines of communication, promoted mutual trust, and improved citizen-police interactions by engaging residents, community leaders, and business owners in vital community forums. S E R G E A N T O F PO LI C E - C O M M U N IT Y A F FA IR S O F F IC E (2009 to 2011) Deftly handled all internal/ external communications and media relations while leading inaugural Community Affairs Office encompassing Public Information Office, Neighborhood Resource Officers, and Police Athletic League. Produced powerful communication campaigns and managed department's brand. Partnered with city's Homeless Outreach Team (HOT) to plan and coordinate twice-daily outreach missions; reduced homeless crimes and victimization through hundreds of shelter placements, and laid groundwork for nationally recognized Homeless Resource Officer Program. • Created police hotel security group; strengthened information sharing and collaboration amongst hotels, driving 10% reduction in hotel-based crime. • Demonstrated polished communication skills while representing Department; managed media response to several high-profile arrests, including those of police officers or high-profile celebrities. ADDITIONAL EXPERIENCE S e rg e a nt- In tern a l A ff airs U n it (2006 to 2009) • Miami Beach Police Dept., Miami Beach, FL D e te ctive - C rim in al In vestig atio n U n it (2004 to 2006) • Miami Beach Police Dept., Miami Beach, FL P o lic e O ff ic er- Pa tro l D iv is io n (1996 to 2004) • Miami Beach Police Dept., Miami Beach, FL EDUCATION & CREDENTIALS M a s te r o f A rts in P u b lic A d m in istratio n • FLORIDA INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY B a c h e lo r of S cienc e in P o litical S cience & P u b lic A d m inistratio n • FLORIDA MEMORIAL UNIVERSITY A s s o c ia te of S cien ce in P ro fessio nal P ilo tin g & T ech nolo gy • MIAMI DADE COLLEGE LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT • Police Executive Research Forum's Senior Management Institute for Police • Federal Bureau of Investigations LEADS Program • Florida Chiefs of Police Associations, Future Chiefs Seminar • Graduate, City of Miami Beach Employee Leadership Academy • Graduate, Miami Fellows Initiative PROFESSIONAL AFFILIATIONS • International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) • Criminal Intelligence Coordinating Council • Florida Police Chiefs Association • Miami-Dade Chiefs Association • Police Executive Research Forum • National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives • Association of Caribbean Commissioners of Police • Former Member, Victim Advocacy Committee, IACP CIVIC ASSOCIATIONS • Board Member, Miami Homes for All • Vice President, Cite Condominium Association (2006 to 2019)