2004-25515 Reso RESOLUTION NO. 2004-25515 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING PURSUANT TO SECTION 2-367(d) OF THE MIAMI BEACH CITY CODE, THE SOLE SOURCE PURCHASE OF 304T TOPDRESSING SAND, AS USED IN THE INITIAL CONSTRUCTION OF THE GREENS AND TEES AT THE MIAMI BEACH GOLF CLUB, FROM GOLF AGRONOMICS, IN THE ESTIMATED ANNUAL AMOUNT OF $43,000. WHEREAS, the Parks Division requires the purchase of topdressing sand for the Miami Beach Golf Club to maintain the greens and tees; the greens were built to United States Golf Association specifications using Golf Agronomics' 90% #304t sand and 10% Canadian Moss, and 304t sand was used for the tees; and WHEREAS, in order to maintain the integrity of the tees and greens, the use of the same specifications as the sand used for construction is recommended, and Golf Agronomics is the sole distributor; and WHEREAS, sole distributor determination was obtained by an independent consultant and industry expert, Terry Buchen, CGCS, MG, Certified Golf Course Superintendent and Master Green's keeper for Golf Agronomy International; and WHEREAS, Golf Agronomy International is the consultant to Arthur Hills/Steve Forrest and Associates, the golf course architect firm hired to redesign the old Bayshore Golf Course, now known as Miami Beach Golf Club; and WHEREAS, the following comments are extracted from the correspondence from Terry Buchen of Golf Agronomy International to Parks and Recreation Division Director Kevin Smith, dated June 11,2002: The topdressing used for the grow-in for the greens and tees must be the same exact specification that was used during the initial construction of the greens and tees, respectively. This will insure that the agronomic characteristics from the original construction specifications from the golf course architects will not be altered and the tested and approved physical soil characteristics (Golf Agronomics 90% # 304T Sand for the greens and Golf Agronomics # 304T Straight Sand for the tees) will stay the same for agronomic continuity. Using a cheaper and/or different sand for topdressing ofthe greens and tees could, and most likely would, cause serious agronomic problems, such as false water tables; rounded sand particles; totally different infiltration rates, moisture retention, etc., and is not recommended whatsoever; and WHEREAS, the Parks Division has complied with the requirements for sole source purchases by obtaining an independent consultant and industry expert, pursuant to Section 2-367(d) of the City Code, and the Administration recommends that the City Commission approve the sole source purchase of 304T topdressing sand, as used in the initial construction of the greens and tees at the Miami Beach Golf Club, from Golf Agronomics, in the estimated annual amount of $43,000. GL : MFR NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission approve the sole source purchase of 304T topdressing sand, as used in the initial construction of the greens and tees at the Miami Beach Golf Club, from Golf Agronomics, in the estimated annual amount of$43,000. PASSED and ADOPTED this 17th dayo tar~ 2 04 ATTEST: 4~tlM~ APPROVEOM1O FORM & LANGUAGe & FOR EXECUnoN l1iJ LtfI\lIol ~ (i-I" C/y .~cO* CllY OF MIAMI BEACH COM\llISSION ITEM SUMMARY lD "'5i!iii5'" Condensed Title: A Resolution Approving the Sole Source Purchase of 304T Topdressing Sand as Used in the Initial Construction of the Greens and Tees at the Miami Beach Golf Club from Golf Agronomics, in the Estimated Annual Amount of $43,000. Issue: Shall the Commission Adopt the Resolution? Item SummarvlRecommendation: Sole distributor determination was obtained from Terry Buchen, CGCS, MG, Certified Golf Course Superintendent and Master Green's keeper for Golf Agronomy International, consultant to Arthur HillslSteve Forrest and Associates, also, the golf course architect firm hired to redesign the old Bayshore Golf Course, now known as Miami Beach Golf Club (M.B.G.C.). Additionally, there is correspondence from an industry expert (Hummel & Co., Inc.) supporting consultant's opinion. The topdressing used for the grow-in for the greens and tees at M.B.G.C. must be the same exact specifications that was used during the initial construction of the greens and tees. This willeJlsure that the agronomic characteristics from the original construction specifications from the golf course architects will not be altered and the tested and approved physical soil characteristics (Golf Agronomics 90% # 304T Sand for the greens and Golf Agronomics # 304T Straight Sand for the tees) will stay the same for agronomic continuity. ADOPT THE RESOLUTION. Advisory Board Recommendation: I N/A Financial Information: Source of Amount Account Approved Funds: 1 $ 43,000 011.0970.000343 ~J 2 3 4 Total $ 43,000 Ci Clerk's Office Gus Lopez, Ex!. 6641 Si n-Offs: Department Director KS City Manager JMG T:\AGENDA\2004\Mar1704\Consent\GoII Agronomics MBGC- SUMMARY.doc AGENDA ITEM DATE C7E 3-17-0'1 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 www.miamibeachfl.gov ' COMMISSION MEMORANDUM To: Mayor David Dermer and Date: March 17,2004 Members of the City Commission Jorge M. Gonzalez ~ City Manager O. v A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE SOLE SOURCE PURCHASE OF 304T TOPDRESSING SAND AS USED IN THE INITIAL CONSTRUCTION OF THE GREENS AND TEES AT THE MIAMI BEACH GOLF CLUB FROM GOLF AGRONOMICS IN THE ESTIMATED ANNUAL AMOUNT OF $43,000. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION From: Subject: Adopt the Resolution. BID AMOUNT AND FUNDING $43,000 Funding is available from the Parks and Recreation Golf Club Division Account Number 011.0970.000343 ANALYSIS Sole distributor determination was obtained from Terry Buchen, CGCS, MG, Certified Golf Course Superintendent and Master Green's keeper for Golf Agronomy International, consultant to Arthur Hills/Steve Forrest and Associates, also, the golf course architect firm hired to redesign the old Bayshore Golf Course, now known as Miami Beach Golf Club (M.B.G.C.). Additionally, see attached letter from and industry expert (Hummel & Co., Inc.) supporting consultant's opinion. The following comments are extracted from the correspondence from Terry Buchen of Golf Agronomy International (copy attached): "The topdressing used for the grow-in for the greens and tees must be the same exact specification that was used during the initial construction of the greens and tees, respectively. This will insure that the agronomic characteristics from the original construction specifications from the golf course architects will not be altered and the tested and approved physical soil characteristics (Golf Agronomics 90% # 304T Sand for the greens and Golf Agronomics # 304T Straight Sand for the tees) will stay the same for agronomic continuity. Using a cheaper and/or different sand for topdressing of the greens and tees could, and most likely would, cause serious agronomic problems, such as false water tables; rounded sand particles; totally different infiltration rates, moisture retention, etc., and is not recommended whatsoever." Commission Memorandum Sole Source - Golf Agronomics Page 2 CONCLUSION The Administration recommends that the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, adopt the attached resolution, herein approving the sole source purchase of 304T topdressing sand as used in the initial construction of the greens and tees at the Miami Beach Golf Club from Golf Agronomics in the estimated annual amount of $43,000. T:\AGENDA\2004\Mar1704\Consent\Golf Agronomics MBGC - MEMO.doc J' . - :0. . . TEAAY BUCHEN. c,,"s. Mr. GOLF AGRONOMY INTERNATIONAL 4772 WILLIAMSBURG GLADE . WIWAMSBURG. VIRGINIA 23185-2113 USA 757.253.0900 OFFICE; 757,220.3001 FAl( 757.661.m7 MOBILE www.golfagronotny.com tbuchll~erols.com I GOLF AGRONOMY INTERN A TIONAL o To: Mr. Kevin Smith. Director Business: CITY OF MIAMI BEACHlBAYSHORE GOLF COURSE E-Mailed Today Poges: 1 !)ate: Tuesday, JLrle 11, 2002 Re: Topdressing, Fertilizer & Chemicals cc: Messrs. Arthll" Hills, Steve FO/Test, Ken WilliClll\S &. Jim Torba o Urgent X for Review D Please Comll1el\t LI Plees, Reply o Please Recycle: . Comments: Dear Kevin, -The topdressing used for the 9row-in for the greens and tees must be the same exact specificatiollS that was used during the initial construction of the greens and tees, respectively. This will insure that the agronomic characteristics from the original construction specifications from the golf course architects will not be altered and the tested and approved physical soil characteristics (Golf Agronomics 90% # 304T Sand & 10% Canadian Sphognum Peat Moss for the greens and Golf Agronomics # 304T Straight Sand for the tees) will stay the same for agron~mic continuity. Using a cheaper and/or different sand for topdressing of the greens and tees could, and most likely would. caUSe serious agronolTlic problems. e.g. false water tables: rounded sand particles; totally different infiltration rates, moisture retention, etc., and is !!2!. recolTlmended what so ever. -The fertilizer and pesticide used during the grow-in and routine maintenance will entail a very extensive and long listing as there are Iiterolly hundreds of possible fertilizer and pesticide compounds. COllSideration should be mode with the purchasing department thQt 0 "blanket purchase order" is allowed where Jim Torba can acquire fertilizers and pesticides as he sees fit. Whenever possible. competitive bidding can take place where respective suppliers sell the eJ(oct some products, keeping in mind that some of the fertilizers and pesticides used ore only sold at "fair trade pricing" where the costs are identical no matter who they are acquired from. T""-J -- - Gel . d It:HOl . - . . Thank you and if there are any questions: comments or if we may be of further service plflQSe let us know at your earliest convenience. Respectively submitted, Terry Buchen, CGcS, MG President & Consulting Agronomist RTB/dlb ,r.;;t.....I T"- .nT ...nn7 nT ,.,.-, I FEB-10-2004 16:55 '.~I. ey: ~um~.l 00 Inc; I:IV/-'O,~UO"'tt ' P.02 ~"..:...., Phil"!!' (f~u7'1 a~7.5i)g4 . Fax: f/iCl7'o :l~1'.altlg . ~:m411. ,nlJdrHtllPIX,""',' W~" .~It~ ........,.. T\.tr<l''''lnT ~\'n' 1 June 10. 2Q02 Ji:TI Tatbll 801 !'loMUSI 1!1(1 Str<<l Mi~iShofes.FL 33138 Re' n~ Shore Golf Co..l'!i~ I , A/~>.MJ-IH41 ~cAllI 61/;- (/u B Dea.. Jim: Per ollr cUI\~'ersllliOll thi~ mC)rnin~. : am lu'illn.: to addre~s !to! i!olo\le oftopc.n:ssirl1l1'Dr ,new USGA greens. , Much research hm; been conducted 11\ Si1\d uling rclall\'e to turfgl'l15b pl:TComulJlce. n,:s rese8t(h hall consistently .hClwn that the Optim~m pUllcle S1Zl:: ~nge f(,t turfyT&1as pcrfOl1XlIlDce is $and Slu:d between 0.25 and 1.0 mm in dla..~eler: i.e.. medium Illd coarse sized Sind. Thi5 desirable pattlcle size nlnge i! reflecled in lite USCiA re(Ommcnda.llo~S for greens construction sands Thereforel it makes logical ,ense tial the slmd used fOT lopdreising hu lL panIcle Sll\! dilll1burio, IR rbi! rL"I~C:: 0$ well. I Ide.U), new USOA @l'eelJ$ should be lop~Mslld wilh Ihe umc rllater;~1 'tiled lOr CQn5truction. Mahilainl\'lg textural contiquity in a grec:ns profile is crl.ical for proper movclJIC'nt of lir and ~.ter through the p~lile. Usinj coar~Cf or finer topdressing IAcrea$e! 'he ri,k for layenn. problem'ICI' occ:ur. This ill a partic-ul.. Cl11lCcn) if lnC! topdressing is finer rexture<llhUl the eon,tructiol1 matllrial. Warer rc:te,nti,," ma~' :llCrc~ to ~he point ""here there is a pen:hcd wac~ table in'the 51Jrface ofa !:re~1i The Coif Agronomics 90-10 mix llSed fo~!he conlm.etiOTl "fthc greens al Bay Shore h. I pallicle SJ ze d15lribution thaI is des;rablr: for topdressing, It is c!ea"! on the &Q!!rSI! end. so il should work cleanly into the surracef of gr~ns. The results of our lesibg (tab ID No, 11749-1) indicate Ihat the physical Ptopc:nll:~ are acceptable ,'U; well. I I hc:pe this inf~lrm"'tion is helpful. SillCllr.:ly. ~%q~ ConlullUl,t .~. r;/ '1;;';;.1.~ .'1"; (':,,;';,;'~,'~';'\;;;.~I'i;~;t~,;;<l';" ",;', ;:,,:. :.. .. ,. . ~. .' j TOTR.. P. 132 , ce. .....'........... peM PROFESSIONAL COURSE MANAGEMENT Memorandum To: Kevin Smith From: Alberto Pozzi Date: 3/1012004 Ro: Topdressing Sand II is always recommended that the sand used to top-dress greens and lecs meet the same exact specs as Ihe sand used for construction. Using a different type of sand will alter the soil profile and win affcct the percolation rates of tees and greem. causing serious complications. As you know, the greens were built 10 U,S.G.A. specs using Golf Agronomics 90% #3041 sand and 10% Canadian Moss, for the ltes straight #304t sand was used. We recommend that we continue using Ihc same sourcc 10 maintain the integrily of tees and greens. 1 10500 Taft Street. Pembroke Pines, Florida 33026 (954) 433-8800 · Fax (954) 433-7387 . Owned and Opera led by PGA Profc$.~jonllls