LTC 413-2023 City Funded Afterschool Enrichment 2023-2024 Miami Beach Fienberg Fisher K-8 and Biscayne Beach ElementaryDOcuSgn Envelope ID 304C1753-D4 C1-49B2-E 1-646 50876982 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER N O . LTC # 413-2023 LETTER TO COMMISSION To: Mayor Dan Gelbe r and Members of the City Commission From: Alina T. Hudak, City Manage~ Date: September 15, 2023 Subject: City Funded Afterschool Enrichm en t 2023-2024 Miami Beach Fienberg Fisher K-8 and Biscayne Beach Elementary The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to update you on the status of the City's free Afterschool Enrichment Program for 2023-2024 at Miami Beach Fienberg Fisher K-8 and Biscayne Beach Elementary This Fall afterschool enrichment classes will be held October 3, 2023 - December 14, 2023 and in Spring from February 6, 2024 -- April 18, 2024. For ease of access, registration is fully automated and class offerings are held on-site (Flyers attached). Youth may enroll online beginning September 15. 2023 via http:t/register.miamibeacfparks.con/ for our school site afterschool enrichment programs. Afterschool classes include • Art for Life • Playing with Physics • Music through STEAM • Yoga and Mindfulness • Athletics and Engineering • Coding and Technology • Strong Minds • Theater (STEAM) e International Baccalaureate • Physical Education We will continue to support our vision of being a prosperous city with a special flavor of arts, culture, education, and business with the management objectives of being known for educational excellence (K-12). If you have any questions, please feel free to contact Dr. Leslie Rosenfeld, Chief Education Officer. Attachments:. Afterschool Enrichment Flyers JG/LDR D o c u S ign E n v e lop e ID : 30 4 C 1 7 5 3 -4 C 1-4 92 -A EB 1 -6650876982 Free: Classes The City of Miami Beach is funding FREE afterschool enrichment classes for students at Miami Beach Fienberg-Fisher K-8 Center (grades 2-8). Classes start October 2023. Registration is now OPEN. To register please visit register miamibeachparks.com. Click "Create an account" and enter household information. Under "After School Programs" choose Fienberg Enrichment to sign up for classes. For questions, email Education@miamibeachfl.gov or call 305-673- 7000 ext 26975 TUESDAYS: Art for Life Tuesdays/Thursdays @ 3: 15-4 15 PM I Grades 2-5 Yoga and Mindfulness Club Tuesdays @ 3:15-4: 15 PM I Grades 6-8 International Baccalaureate (IB) Club Tuesdays @3:15-4: 15 PM I Grades 2-8 Physical Education Tuesdays @3:15-4:15 PM [ Grades 2-8 Athletics and Engineering Club Tuesdays@ 3:15-4:15 PM I Grades 2-8 WEDNESDAYS: Playing wi th Physics Wednesday's @ 2:05- 3.05PM ] Grades 3-5 Music through STEAM Wednesday's @ 2.05-3:05 PM ] Grades 6-8 THURSDAYS: Theater (STEAM) Thursdays @ 3:15-4:15 PM ] Grades 2-8 Strong Minds Thursdays @3:15-4:15 PM [ Grades 3-5 Art for Life Tuesdays/Thursdays @3:15-4:15 PM [Grades 2-5 DocuSign Envelope ID: 304C1753-4 C1-492 -EB1-6 A 50876982 Gratis La Ciudad de Miami Beach est~ financiando clases de enriquecimiento GR TUTAS despu~s de la escuela para estudiantes en el Centro Fienberg-Fisher K-8 de Miami Beach (grados 2-8). Las clases comienzan en octubrede 2023. Las inscripciones se aboren en agosto. Para registrarse, visite register.miamibeachparks.com. ~Nuevo Usuario? Haga clic en "Grear una cuenta" e ingrese la informaci~n de!l hogar. En "Programas extracurriculares", elija Enriquecimiento Fienberg para inscribirse en las clases. MARTES: Arte para la Vida Martes & Jueves @3:15-4:15 PM I Grados 2-5 Club de Yoga y Mindfulness Martes @ 3:15-4 15 PM I Grados 6-8 Club de Bachillerato Internacional (IE) Martes @3:15-4:15 PM [ Grados 2-8 Educaci6n Fisica Martes @3:15-4:15 PM I Grados 2-8 Club de Atletismo e Ingenier~a Martes @ 3:15-4 15 PM I Grados 2-8 MI~RCOLES: Jugando con la Fisica Mi~rcoles @ 2.05- 305PM [ Grados 3-5 Ml~sica a Trav~s de STEAM Mi~rcoles @ 2.05-3.05 PM ] Grados 6-8 JUEVES: Teatro (STEAM) Jueves @3:15-4:15 PM ] Grados 2-8 entes Fuertes Jueves @3:15- 4:15 PM ]Grados 3-5 Arte para la vida Martes & Jueves @3:15-4.15 PM 1Grados 2-5 tEI iiff%iwi#iii#ff#iii#flff#ff#ff6f~"7W DocuSign Envelope I: 304C1753-0401-492-EB 1-546450876982 Free: ¢ 8 f I Classes The Ci ty of Mia mi Beach is fundi ng FREE afterschool enrichment classes for students at Biscayne Beach Elem en tary (grades 2-5). Cl asses start October 2023. Registration is now OPEN. To register please cal l your sch ool site admi nis tr ation . For questions, ema il E ducation @ miam ibe ach fl.gov or cal 305-673-7000 ext 26975. STEAM Exploring Technol ogy: Tuesdays @3:15-4:15 PM {Grades 2-3 Thursdays @3:15-4:15 PM [ Grades 4-5 This program introduces students to the basics of technology, including hardware components, software, digital communication, coding, and internet safety. At lays the foundation for their digital literacy and fosters responsible technology usage. Students will engage in hands-on activities and discussions exploring various technological concepts. Playing with Physics; Tuesdays @3:15-4:15 PM {Grades 4-5 Accelerate an interest in physical sciences w ith thr illing lessons exploring gravity, magnetism, forces and energy. Students will start off with mechanic fundamentals in simple machines and then increase momentum by investigating the laws of motion and electricity before venturing into the application of physics to cosmology and astronomy. DocuSign Envelope I: 304C1753-0461-49B2-AEB1-6845087692 0 •. 0 I• I O • • J La ciudad de Miami Beach est~ financiando clases de enriquecimiento GRATUITAS despu~s de la escuela para estudiantes de la escuela primaria Biscayne Beach (grados 2 a 5). Las clases comienzan en octubre de 2023 La inscripci~n ya est~ ABIERTA Para registrarse, llame a la administraci~n de su sitio escolar. Si tiene preguntas, env~e un correo electr~nico a Education@miamibeachfl gov o llame al 305-673-7000 ext. 26975. STEAM Explorando la Tecnologia: Martes a las 3:15-4:15 p. m. ] Grados 2-3 Jueves a las 3:15-4:15 p. m. { Grados 4-5 Este programa presenta a los estudiantes los conceptos b~sicos de la tecnolog~a, incluidos componentes de hardware, software, comunicaci~n digital, codificaci~n y seguridad en Internet. Sienta las bases para su alfabetizaci~n digital y fomenta el uso responsable de la tecnolog~a. Los estudiantes participar~n en actividades pr~cticas y debates que explorar~n varios conceptos tecnol~gicos. Jugando con_la Fisica: Martes a las 3:15-4:15 p. m. ] Grados 4-5 Acelere el inter~s por las ciencias f~sicas con emocionantes lecciones que exploran la gravedad, el magnetismo, las fuerzas y la energ~a. Los estudiantes comenzar~n con ios fundamentos mec~nicos de m~quinas simples y luego aumentar~n el impulso investigando las leyes del movimiento y la electricidad antes de aventurarse en la aplicaci~n de la fisica a la cosmologia y la astronom~a.