LTC 444-2023 List of Projects Covered by the Cone of Silence OrdinanceD o c u S ig n E n v e lo p e ID : 9 4 1 6 CD 3 2 -1 6 1 E -4 9 5 7 -9 3 4 7 -4 8 8 9 7 3 1 2 0 5 3 2 City of Miami Beach, 1700 Con ven tion Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 3313 9, www.miamibeachfl.gov LTC # T o : F ro m : D ate: 444-2023 LETT ER TO CO M M ISSIO N H o no rable M ayo r D a n G e lber and M em bers of the C ity C om m ission Aina T. H udak , cI y Mana44\\X O ctob er 2,2 023 \M'' Su bje ct: Li st of Pro je cts C overe d by the C one of S ilence O rdinance T he purpo se of this L T C is to pro vide info rm ation to elected off icials and C ity staff relative to current so licitatio ns that are covered by the C one of S ilence O rdinance. The fo llow ing is a list of current so licita tions to w hich the C o ne of Silence O rdinance is applicable. The C one of Silence is in eff ect fro m the date the solicitation is advertised and issued, as indicated below , through the da te of the aw ard by the C ity C o m m ission. Solicitation Date Number Advertised Document Title Department and Issued R edevelopm ent of the C ity-O w ned Facilities and R F P 20 23 -115 -K B 12 /16/202 2 Pro pert y Located at 1940 Park A venue Fleet (T he Barcl ay) R edevelopm ent of the C ity-O w ned Facilities and R F P 20 23 -349 -K B 4/27/20 2 3 Propert y Located A t 12 62 C ollins Fleet A venue C onstruction M anager at R isk (C M R ) Facilities and RF Q 20 2 3-4 61-N D 6/3 0/20 2 3 fo r the M iam i Beach Police Fleet D epart m ent (M B P D ) H eadquart ers R enovation Project 1T B 20 2 3 -003-D F 7/18 /20 23 C ityw ide C leaning, M aintenance, and Facilities and R epair of R ecirculating Fountains Fleet 1T B 20 2 3 -003-D F 7/18 /23 C ityw ide C leaning, M aintenance, and Faci lities and R epair of R ecirculating Fountains Fleet R F P 202 3-4 31-N D 7/27/2023 D ebris R em oval and D isaster Public W or ks R ecovery S erv ices R F Q 20 2 3-521-N D 7/28/20 23 Federal G overn m ental C onsulting O ffice of the C ity M anager 1T B 20 2 3 -5 17 -JP 8/4/202 3 D oor R elated R epair, R eplacem ent, Facilities and and Preventive M aintenance Fleet C oncrete C urbing/S idew alk C onstruction, M illing and R esurf acing 1T B 202 3-4 22-D F 8/16 /202 3 of A sphalt C oncrete, Striping of C ity P ublic W orks Streets and Parking Lots, and Lane D elineators 1T B 20 2 3 -508 -JP 8/23 /202 3 R eal Estate A ppraisal Serv ices Facilities and Fleet D o c u S ig n E n v e lo p e ID : 9 4 1 6 C D 3 2 -1 6 1 E -4 9 5 7 -9 3 4 7 -4 B B 9 7 3 1 2 0 5 3 2 age [2 Solicitation Date Number Advertised Document Title Department and Issued 1TB 2023-527-JP 8/23/2023 Seawall Construction - Various Public W orks Locations Collins Park Performing Arts Ven ue - Capital 1TB 2023-321-D F 8/24/2023 Im provement Rotunda Pro jects Capital 1T B 2023-299-ND 8/25/2023 Flam ingo Park Historic Lodge Im pro vement Pro jects RFQ 2023-543-W G 9/13/2023 Custodial Banking Serv ices Finance RFQ 2023-628-LB 9/13/2023 W ide Area Network and Intern et IT Connectivity Serv ices It is im portant to note that com petitive solicitations may be issued after the date of this L TC and prior to the release of a subsequent L TC. Therefo re, it is recomm ended that, prior to any com m unication that may be barred by the Cone of Silence Ordinance, you or your staff review the list of recently issued solicitations, which m ay be fo und at https://www .m iam ibeachfl.gov/city- hall/pro curem ent/bid-opportunities/. Should you have any questions or need additional info rm ation on any com petitive solicitation, please contact Alex Denis, Chief Pro curement O ffi cer.