LTC 522-2023 City of Miami Beach Activations During Art Week 2023MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # 522-2023 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission FROM: Alina T. Hudak, City Manag� DATE: November 21, 2023 SUBJECT: City of Miami Beach Activations During Art Week 2023 The purpose of this Letter to the Commission ("L TC") is to provide a list of activations produced by the City for Art Week 2023 in Miami Beach, taking place the week of December 4, 2023 through December 10, 2023. Event: Run run run like the wind Date: December 4, 2023 Time: 1 :00 PM Location: Harry Liebman Square at the corner of Pine Tree Drive and 41 Street Description: The temporary installation along the 41 Street corridor, "Run run run like the wind" by Miami-based artist Edison Penafiel, will be presented on Monday, Dec. 4 The work is a selection of brightly colored banners that use lyrics from Latin American protest songs from the 1960s and ?Os, including Victor Jara's "El Aparecido" and "Run run se fue pa'I norte" by Violeta Parra. The installation tells a story of migration, and the push and pull of leaving behind what's known for a new, uncertain future. Event: Adora Vanessa Athena Fantasia Date: December 5, 2023 Time: 1 :00 PM Location: Corner of Washington Avenue and Espanola Way. Description: Elevate Espanola will present "Adora Vanessa Athena Fantasia," a newly-commissioned art installation by Brazilian artist Eli Sudbrack of collective assume vivid astro focus (avaf) on Tuesday, December 5 at the intersection of Washington Avenue and Espanola Way. The work features five suspended large-scale portraits printed on both sides in avaf's distinctively vibrant style paying tribute to Miami Beach area drag artist icons. The piece is the third installment of Elevate Espanola, a temporary public art program launched by the city in 2022, which aims to enhance the corridor and encourage pedestrian connectivity to Ocean Drive. Event: No Vacancy, Miami Beach Date: 11/16/2023 -12/14/2023 Location: 12 Miami Beach Hotels Description: Fourth edition of the city-produced and curated No Vacancy, Miami Beach, which matches 12 artists with 12 iconic Miami Beach hotels. Funded in partnership with the Miami Beach Visitors and Convention Authority, this year's art competition features $35,000 in prize money, including a $10,000 public prize by the Greater Miami Convention & Visitors Bureau and a $25,000 juried prize to be decided by nationally­ recognized art experts. E a c h a rt is t w ill a ls o re c e iv e a $1 0 ,0 0 0 stip e n d . T h e in s ta lla tio n s w ill b e a v a ila b le fo r v ie w in g b e tw e e n N o v . 16 a n d D e c . 14 . T h e p o p u la r A rt B a s e l L e g a c y P u rc h a s e P ro g ra m w ill re tu rn fo r its fift h y e a r w ith p re v io u s ly a c q u ire d w o rks b y a rt is ts S a n fo rd B ig g e rs , A m o a k o B o a fo , E b o n y G . P a tt e rs o n , F a ra h A l Q a s im i a n d Ju a n a V a ld e s o n b e h a lf o f th e re s id e n ts o f M ia m i B e a c h . F o r m o re in fo rm a tio n , p le a s e co n ta c t Li s s e tt e G a rc ia A rro g a n te , D ire c to r o f T o u ris m a n d C u ltu re a t lis s e tt e a rro g a n te @ m ia m ib e a c h fl.g o v . - Pel EEER » • » • 5E 3EE ElIEER ELEVATE ESPANOLA assume vivid astro focus, A d ora Vanessa A thena Fantasia TUESDAY, DECEMBER 5, 2023 AT 1PM Esparolo Way and Washington venue CITY OF MIAMI BEACH - ------------ -- - - -~ - MIAMIBEACH