LTC 547-2023 November Monthly Staffing Update for the Building Department., MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC# 547-2023 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission Alina T. Hudak, City Manager� �./'., DATE: SUBJECT: November Monthly Staffing Update for the Building Department The purpose of this L TC is to provide the Commission with a monthly update, as requested in Resolution No. 2023-32656, on staffing updates from the Building Department, with a report to specifically identify (1) each vacant position in the Building Department by title, section, and trade; (2)the length of time each vacant position has remained vacant, by section and trade; (3) the total number of vacant positions and overall vacant positions in the department; and (4) specific steps taken each month to fill positions, such as the total number of interviews conducted and other relevant efforts to fill the position. See Attachment A for data requested. Below please find a summary update of our recent recruitment activities for the month of November 2023: •Successfully filled the vacant position of Building Inspector. •Advertised 10 positions on the City's website via GovernmentJobs.com, Career Builder, Indeed, and Gold Coast Schools of Construction. •Continued advertising with International Code Council, Building Officials Association of Florida, South Florida Building Officials Association, Board of Rules and Appeals through mass emails, and Linkedln postings to City jobs page. •18 Applications were received for the technical trade positions. Of those 18, only four ( 4) had the credentials necessary to qualify for the positions applied for. •Two (2) interviews were held in November for temporary employees referred by the staffing agency 4BB to assist with shortages in clerical and office support needed to cover staff on leave and to maintain service level. o Two (2) new temporary employees (permit clerks) were hired to supplement staffing and maintain services. •Including the new hires mentioned above, maintained 10 permit clerk positions with staffing agency temps to maintain service level requirements and assist with workload of staff out on leave. •Maintained seven (7) C.A.P. government employees to maintain service level requirements. •Maintained one Mechanical Reviewer-Independent Contracts (ICAs) with other Building employees from other Municipalities to continue providing timely services. In addition, Human Resources and/or the Building Department have recently: •Closed out all continuous job announcements and referred qualified applicants to the Building Department for the month of November 2023 on December 1, 2023. •Reopened all advertisements for the positions that we currently have vacant; the posting closed on December 1, 2023, unfilled positions will reopen to commence with a fresh pool of applicants. •Continue to encourage employee referrals to encourage current employees to recommend possible candidates, resulting in two referrals. December 14, 2023 • C o n tin u e to m e n tio n a v a ila b le o p p o rt u n itie s a n d in fo r m p o te n tia l c a n d id a te s d u rin g o u r m o n th ly m e e tin g s a n d tra in in g s w ith th e p u b lic . P le a s e le t u s k n o w if y o u h a v e a d d iti o n a l q u e s tio n s . c : E x e c u tiv e S ta ff M a n a g e m e n t T e a m Date Cre ated 12/01/23 Building Vacancy Statistics December 2023 "Attach m en t A" D e pa rt m en t P osi tio n P er Vancancies V a ca n ice s Vacancies True Vacancies D epa rt m en t FT&PT as %of no t fi lled as % D e p a rtm e nt by T e m ps D ep t BU ILD IN G SERV - BUILDI N G 88 19 22% 6 7% August Septemeber 9% 11% October 7% ID P o si ti o n ld TIi ie S a la ry G rp G ra de C ode M in S a la ry M a x S a lary T er m lnatl on D ate D ay s O pen Sec ti on Sta tu s 1 11068 BLD G OPER M GR CU N G U23 92012.18 153517.78 10/24/2022 403 Building Advertising 2 612 CHIEF M ECHA N ICAL IN S CUN C U22 83358.08 139078.94 07/08/2022 511 Mechanical Advertising; CAP Tem p w orking 3 624 CHIEF STRUCTURA L EN G CU N G U24 106705.82 193054.68 11/3 0/2020 1096 Structural Adverti si ng; CAP Tem p w ork ing 4 627 CH IEF STRUCTURA L EN G CU N G U24 106705.82 193054.68 09/15/2023 77 Structural Advertising; CAP Tem p w orking 5 609 ELECTRICA L IN SP 011- C C W A H34B 66385.8 104881.4 08/31/2023 92 Electrical Advertising 6 8881 OFFICE ASSO CIATE IV CU N G U12 46087.08 76893.7 02/26/2023 278 Building Reclass to Permit Review Coordinator position 7 10744 PER M IT CLER K 1 C C W A H20B 43048.4 6 62347.22 08/27/2023 96 Building Filled by a Contract/Tem p Em ployee 8 10761 PER M IT CLER K I C C W A H20B 43048.46 62347.22 10/05/2023 57 Building Filled by a Contract/Tem p Em ployee 9 8928 PERMI T CL ERK 10 11-1 C C W A H20B 43048.4 6 62347.2 2 08/14/2022 474 Building Filled by a Contract/Temp Employee 10 8929 PER M IT CLER K I 011-1 C C W A H20B 43048.4 6 62347.22 09/11/2023 81 Building Filled by a Contract/Tem p Em ployee 11 9312 PERM IT CLER K I 011-1 C C W A H20B 43048.4 6 62347.22 06/29/2022 520 Building Filled by a Contract/Temp Employee 12 523 PERM IT CLER K I 011-1 C C W A H20B 43048.4 6 62347.22 07/21/2023 133 Building Filled by a Contract/Tem p Em ployee 13 11216 PLUM BIN G IN SPECTO R C C W A H34B 66385.8 104881.4 06/27/2023 157 Plum bing Advertising; CAP Tem p w orking 14 11217 PLUM BIN G IN SPECTO R C C W A H34B 66385.8 104881.4 06/27/2023 157 Plum bing Advertising 15 296 2 SR BU ILD IN G IN SP 011 CG SA 514 71153.68 114917.92 04/08/2022 602 Building Advertising; CAP Tem p w orking 16 630 SR BU ILD IN G IN SP 011 CG SA 514 71153.68 114917.92 08/31/2022 457 Building Advertising; CAP Tem p w orking 17 631 SR BUILD IN G IN SP 011 CG SA 514 71153.68 114917.92 10/14/2022 413 Building Advertising; CAP Tem p w ork ing 18 634 SR BUILD IN G IN SP 011 CG SA 514 71153.68 114917 .92 11/30/2020 1096 Building Advertising 19 3150 SR M ECHA N ICAL IN SP 0 CG SA 514 71153.68 114917 .92 05/10/2023 205 Mecahnical Advertising November December 8% 7% Close all prior advertisements and refered the candidates to the Department. Then we reopened all new advertisements to close on December 31st, 2023. Exam Pl an Exam # Plum bing Inspector 1967 Open Date: 11/1/2023 Close Date: 11 /30/2023 Applications received: 2 Qualified candidates referred: Date interviews begin: Building to advise Chief Stru ctura l Engineer 1965 Open Date: 11/1/2023 Close Date: 11/30/2023 Applications received: Qualified candidates referred: 0 Date interviews begin: Building to advise Sr Building Inspector 1971 Open Date: 11/1/2023 Close Date: 11/30/2023 Applications received: Qualified candidates referred: D ate in te rv ie w s be g in : B u ild in g to ad v ise 12/1/2 023 10:12:03 A M Sr M e chan ical In sp ecto r 1972 Op en D ate : 11/1/2023 Clo se Date : 11/30/2023 Ap p lic atio n s received : 0 Q ua lified can d id ates referred : 0 . Date in tervi ew s begin : Bui ld ing to advise Build in g O ps M a nager 1963 O pen D ate: 11/1/2023 Clo se D ate : 11/30/2023 A p pl ic ati o ns received : 8 Q ualifie d cand idates referred : 0 D ate interv ie w s beg in : Bui ld ing to advi se Chief M e chan ic al In sp ecto r 1964 O pe n Date : 11/1/2023 Clo se D ate: 11/30/2023 Ap p licati o ns received : 0 Q ualifie d cand id ates referred : 0 D ate interv ie w s beg in : Bu ildi ng to advi se Build in g In sp ect o r 1970 No Fu rt he r Vacan cies Cert Stru ctura l Plan s Exam in e r Reside n tial 1969 O p en D ate: 11/1/2023 Cl o se D ate: 11/30/2023 Ap pl icatio ns received : Q ualified can d id ates referred : 0 D ate in terv ie w s begin : Bui ldi ng to advi se Cert ifi ed Struct u ra l Plan s Exami n e r 1968 O pen D ate : 11/1/2023 Clo se D ate: 11/30/2023 Ap p licati o ns rec eived : Q u alifi e d can d id ates referred : 0 D ate in terv ie w s begin : Bui ld ing to advise Electrical In sp e cto r 2019 O pe n Date : 11/1/2023 Clo se Date : 11/30/2023 Ap p lic ati o ns received : 3 Q ualifi ed can d idates referred : 2 Date in tervi ew s begin : Bu ild ing to advi se TO TA L A pp lied 18 Q ualified 4 12/1/2023 10:12:03 A M