LTC 560-2023 Mayor and Commissioners' Annual Financial Disclosure-- State CE Form 6M IA M I BEACH OFFICES OF THE CITY ATTORNEY AND CITY CLERK LTC No. 560-2023 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Steven Meiner Members of the City Commission FROM: Rafael A. Paz, City Attorney Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk v 7ad DATE: Decem ber 21, 2023 SUBJECT: Mayor and Commissioners' Annual Financial Disclosure-- State CE Form 6 The purpose of this L TC is to inform the Mayor and Commissioners that the annual financial disclosure form requirement for elected members of governing bodies of municipalities changed from Form 1 to Form 6, beginning in 2024. Specifically, pursuant to State and County laws', commencing January 1, 2024, elected officials of the City serving as of December 31, 2023, will be required to file the State's financial disclosure Form 6 ("Full and Public Disclosure of Financial lnterests")2. Im portantly, the main substantive change with the new Form 6 requirement is that Elected Officials must now report all: (1) assets exceeding $1,000, and the estimated value of each asset; (2) liabilities exceeding $1,000, the name of each creditor, and the amount of each liability; and (3) sources of income exceeding $1,000, the name of each source of income, and the amount of income3. As a member of the City Commission, it is important to note that your upcoming Form 6 must be filed by no later than July 1, 2024, and must be filed electronically with the Florida Ethics Commission via the State's Electronic Financial Disclosure Management System (there is no option to file on paper). Once the website is operational, you may access the State's EFDMS website at https://disclosure.floridaethics.gov/Account/Login4. Once you have registered on the State's website, you'll be able to obtain Form 6 and read descriptions of what info rmation must be reported as well as other related information. For your info rmation, attached are copies of a past sample Form 6 (2022), as well as the State Ethics Commission's "E-filing Tips & Important Reminders for 2024". 1 Florida Statute section 112.3144, and Miami-Dade County Code at section 2-11.1(i). 2 Candidates for municipal elected office are also now required to file Form 6, beginning January 1, 2024 (see attached Memo from Florida Ethics Commission dated December 18, 2023). 3 For purposes of reporting your primary sources of income, you have the option of either completing the corresponding Form 6 section or submitting a copy of your 2023 federal income tax return, including all schedules, W2s, and attachments. 4 The State Ethics Commission also requires that you send a copy of your Form 6 to the Miami-Dade Elections Department at: financial.disclosures@ miamidade.gov. We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work, and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic ommunity. 2 0 2 2 For m 6 - Fu ll a n d P u b lic D iscl o su re o f Fin a n ci a l In te re sts G e n e r a l In fo r m a t io n Name: Address: County: DISCLOSURE FILER SAMPLE ADDRESS SAMPLE COUNTY AGENCY INFORMATION Organization SAMPLE Suborganization SAMPLE Ti SAMP E Net Worth My Net Worth as of December 31, 2022 was$ [AMOUNT]. Assets Household goods and personal effects includes any of the following, if not held art objects; household equipme t and furni owned or leased. a lump sum if their aggregate value exceeds $1,000. This category ent purposes: jewelry; collections of stamps, guns, and numismatic items; s; lothing; other household items; and vehicles for personal use, whether s and personal effect is N/A. Value of Asset SAMPLE Printed from the Florida EFDMS System Page 1 of 3 2 0 2 2 F o r m 6 - F u ll a n d P u b li c D is cl o s u r e o f F i n a n ci a l In t e r e s t s Li a b ili t i e s LIABILITIES IN EXCESS OF $1,000: Name of Creditor Address of Creditor JOINT AND SEVERAL LIABILITIES NOT REPORTED ABOVE: Name of Creditor Address of Creditor Income Identify each separate source and amount of income which exce income. []elect to file a copy of my 2022 federal income tax return and all sf hedules, and attachments. ey [] z e] (@rcy (@ ] -y (¢ PRIMARY SOURCES OF INCOME: Amount ers, clients, etc. of businesses owned by reporting person): Business Entity Address Principal Business Activity of Source SAMPLE Printed from the Florida EFDMS System Page 2 of 3 2 0 2 2 Fo rm 6 - Fu ll an d P u b lic D iscl o su re o f Fin a n ci a l In te re sts In t e r e s ts in Sp e ci fi e d B u sin e sse s Business Entity # 1 Training Based on the office or position you hold, the certification of training required un you for this form year. Signature of Reporting Official or Ca Under the penalties of perjury, I declare that I ha a Digitally signed: Filed with COE: egoing Form 6 and that the facts stated in it are true. SAMPLE Printed from the Florida EFDMS System Page 3 of 3 A sh ley L u k.i s Chair M ichell e A nchors Vice Chair W ill iam P. C erv one T in a D escovich Fred d ie Figgers L u is M . F ust~ L aird A . L il e Ed H . M oore W en gay M . N ew ton, Sr. State of Florida C O M M ISSIO N O N ET HI C S P.O . D raw er 15709 T allahassee, Flo rida 32317-5709 K errie J. Still m an Executive Director Steven J. Z uilkow ski Deputy Executive Director/ General Counsel (850) 488-7864 Phone (850) 488-3077 (FAX ) ww w .ethic s.state.tl .us 325 John K nox R oad Buil din g E, Suit e 200 T allahassee, Florida 32303 "A Public Office is a Public Trust" E-filing Tips & Important Reminders for 2024 Confidentiality Exemptions ✓CONFIDENTIAL FILERS are designated as such on their filing dashboard. These are filers who are eligible under s. 119.071 to have certain information redacted from their form because they have held certain positions or meet specific criteria. By law, a notarized confidentiality request MUST be received by the Commission before agency staff can apply certain redactions. Requests cannot be submitted as a part of the electronic form. Filers should submit these requests prior to filing their disclosure. The public records exemption request forms are available on the Commission's website and can be submitted prior to January 1, 2024, for officials with an early qualifying period: https://www.ethics.state.fl.us/FinancialDisclosure/DownloadAForm.aspx. o Confidential filers are designated with "Confidential Filer" in red, next to their name on the Filer Dashboard. o Local filers who previously filed with their Supervisor of Elections were designated as confidential filers, must file a notarized, written request with the Commission to be designated a "Confidential Filer." The exemption request on file with the Supervisor of Elections does not apply to documents filed with the Commission. The above-referenced form should be used to request confidentiality. Filers who have a confidentiality request on file with the Commission are noted as confidential filers in the system. After a confidential filer's form is filed, it is redacted by the Commission's staff, prior to publication on the website. H o w t o R e g is t e r a n d L o g in ✓Officeholders who e-filed in 2023 will use their same username and password to login. ✓Officeholders and employees who are new to the system in 2024 and need access to the system prior to April 2024 will need to request an invitation to register by clicking on the "I am a Filer" link on the login page (https://disclosure.floridaethics.gov/) and following the prompts. v Registration invitations will be emailed to all filers without an active username and password, in the spring. ✓A brief "how-to" login video is accessible via the green button on the "I Am A Filer" button, on thee-filing page. Current officeholders and employees must access the system from the "I am a Filer" button to file electronically, even when preparing a disclosure to qualify for office. Login « «d what type of user you are: e I am a F il er lt yes. click here to file a Form 6. Form 1or F o rm 2 . I am a Can didate Arc vu a no n-incumbent candidate who is attem p ti n g to q u al ity to r orfce. but do no t currently hold a pub hc position that requires fin an cia l d isc losu re? tt ye s, chick here %o? - - .. I am an Organization Coordin at o r Iam a CPA oj At tor ney who is assisting a fil er ✓Individuals who wish to qualify r office, but are not current officeholders or employees who file financial closure will prepare and print a Form 1 or Form 6 by clicking the "I am a Candidate" button on thee-filing page. A brief "how-to" video is available to assist candidates with accessing the system. These candidates will complete the disclosure in the system, print their form, and take it to their qualifying officer for filing. See the qualifying information on the Commission's website. / Resources for filers: o A webinar overview of EFDMS for filers on the login page. o A link to printable instructions for the electronic Form 6 and a sample form is on the forms page of the Commission's website: https://ethics.state.fl.us/FinancialDisclosure/DownloadAForm.aspx. E-filing Form 6 and Form 1 ✓The system walks filers through the various sections of the disclosure with questions and answers. There are also helpful pop-outs throughout the form. Searchable FAQ's are linked in the upper right side of the disclosure. adj Fonda Commission on Ethics ~·~ 1-IPCII ,,111,· t "I.Jail 1,,1 ll1S, 1,,~;l,r,• M:'ll\,l{lt'llk'llt S,y-.;!(-m {~ ►DM~:;·1 HOME FAO % Resources 2021 Form 8 Full and Pu blic Disclosure of Finaneial Interests x l ,.. Sh.,. with CPA or Attorney Name: runs sot0s: C03 =l Income. Primary Sources of Income: "eu tech e seo ttatro,1 «owe4mere"nant d at note during202 1e «Moga,at tat ore peg.gt tum her tho' tr IM ace9got po.us et!beds.d twee ttursto.er t,4uootrot pose feon tetyou9no.± isuzt a rte,to to«de«oh ton«tau acon to ts'you tog ins.»hat#atotee ,mrpetan'or sere gr0»9 ncorn roe a business. gins roger part do+rgs interest ert d,deg per 9ocm, 1PA dstrbutones d tnb tree stets First, y gerrerus gross inom ard These are ANY income sources pro 9row come. urces of Income. ,000 of income during the resorting.eriod. Do you have any PrimarY Sources of Incom e that need to be reported? Print Form Belote Filing toe.erg9to,toe et a.'eo4 so 'trhet a »,rota pepuses,petter,ea tgtgut tar«at' p,ts inter»to ta.hgoos.tho ,aeons,gt nr.rod rerpu,satin tr roes.a he,gerIo.tau sq teem to te.ah ntra net, ten.gr pew,oeg it tot.t ±tr tu tu.ge e°pou ters.tug g o uoo wd ab»gr ·tnor sot end gt)so oth est tea w tut tit»pr wear9redeegtg /sosat.¢tu tot±noettrgetutu wai/alt ht +pore tao outpost,teer than t no t !p re No i a --- ✓Full set of printable instructions are available throughout the disclosure. ✓Filers can manually enter each asset into the system. There is also an option to use an import feature that allows filers to import a list of information from an excel spreadsheet. This allows filers to download their brokerage statement or other Excel spreadsheetf information and copy/paste columns into a template that can be uploaded to the syst . The how-to video and template are linked in the assets section of the disclosure. 0ESCRPTON. OE ASSET E rma --- --------,.-- - - - ACTIONS tease enter a description $ ptease enter a number u ! hove addition documen ts to attach tor reporung Rest Propert t ✓A PDF document upload feature is now available for filers to upload relevant documents to include as a part of their Form 6 filing. Filers who choose this option in any section(s) of the form will be routed to a PDF upload page containing instructions about PDF uploads. ✓By law, all forms filed in EFDMS will be published to the Commission's website. ✓The system performed well in 2023. Public officers and employees who filed electronically in 2023 experien ced a smooth filing process with very few issues. We look forward to working with you as we transition toe-filing and reco gnize there will be a learning curve as everyone adjusts to this new way of reporting financial interests. Florida Commission on Ethics is ready to help you thro ugh the process. Call us at 850-488-7864. Ashley Lukis Chair Michelle Anchors Vice Chair William P. Cervone Tina Descovich Freddie Figgers Luis M. Fust~ Laird A. Lile Ed H. Moore Wengay M. Newton, Sr. State of Florida COMMISSION ON ETHICS P.O. Drawer 15709 Tallahassee, Florida 32317-5709 Kerrie J. Stillman Executive Director Steven J. Zuilkowski Deputy Executive Director/ General Counsel (850) 488-7864 Phone (850) 488-3077 (FAX) www.ethics.state.fl.us 325 John Knox Road Building E, Suite 200 Tallahassee, Florida 32303 "A Public Office is a Public Trust" MEMORANDUM TO: County Supervisors of Elections and Donna S. Brown, Bureau of Election Records FROM: Kerrie Stillman, Executive Director RE: 2024 Electronic Filing and launch of e-filing for Form 1 DATE: December 18, 2023 After a successful 2023 launch of e-filing for the Form 6 filers, the Commission on Ethics is preparing for launch of the 2024 rollout of e-filing for local filers and the Form 1. Beginning January 1, 2024, paper versions of the Form 1, Form lX, and Form 1F will no longer be promulgated by the Commission and local filers will no longer file with their Supervisor of Elections. All Form 1 and Form 6 disclosures will be filed with the Commission via the Electronic Financial Disclosure Management System (EFD MS). The Electronic Financial Disclosure Management System (EFDMS) will provide candidates and filers with a series of questions and prompts to help them navigate the disclosure process. Effective January 1, 2024, anyone wishing to file a 2023 Form 6 or a 2023 Form 1 for qualifying purposes MUST be registered in the system to access the disclosure form. A valid email is required to register. Within the system, filers and candidates will find helpful pop ups, FAQs, and tutorials. Those individuals wishing to have their CPA or Attorney assist them with co mpleting the disclosure will be able to share their disclosure with their CPA/Attorney electronically, through the system. Instructions for incumbent/filer and non -incumbent/non-filer candidate access to the system are included with this memo. Local filers who traditionally filed with their local Supervisors of Elections and had a public records exemption on file for redaction of certain information under Florida's Public Records Law, must file a public records exemption request with the Commission. It is highly recommended that filers make their exemption request with the Commission PRIOR to filing their disclosure form, so that thee-form can be routed for redaction prior to publishing on the Commission's website. That way, their filer record will be noted acco rdingly and redactions applied prior to the form being published on the Commission's website. (https://www.ethics.state.fl.us/Docu ments/Forms/Pub1icRecordsExemption.pdf?cp=20231121) Visit www.ethics.state.fl.us fore-filing and qualifying tips or contact us at 850-488-7864. A C C ESS TO E L EC T R O N IC FILI N G O F FU LL A N D PU B LI C D ISC LO SU R E O F FIN A N CIA L IN T ER EST S (FO R M 6) O R ST A T EM E N T O F FIN A N C IA L IN T ER ESTS (FO R M 1) The Form 1 and Form 6 disclosure requires detailed financial information. CANDIDATES ARE URGED TO ALLOW AMPLE TIME TO REGISTER, CREATE A PROFILE, USERNAME/PASSWORD, AND COMPLETE THE DISCLOSURE. Waiting until the last day of qualifying may not provide sufficient time to access the system, accurately complete the disclosure, print and file it with the Qualifying Officer. • Filers who filed electronically in EFDMS in 2023 will use the same username and password for 2024 as they used in 2023. • Filers who are eligible for a public records exemption and wish to have certain information redacted from their form, in accordance with the public records laws should download and complete the confidentiality form (https://www.ethics.state.fl.us/Documents/Forms/PublicRecordsExemption.pdf?cp=202 31121) and mail the completed form to the Commission prior to submitting their disclosure. That way, their filer record will be noted accordingly and redactions applied prior to the form being published on the Commission's website. • Links to documents containing helpful tips fore-filing and qualifying can be found on the homepage of the Commission's website. Filers accessing the system for the first time, including Candidates, access EFDMS in one of two ways: Incumbent candidates and candidates who currently hold another position subject to an annual filing requirement: • IMPORTANT FIRST STEP! Add EthicsFDMSinfo@mail.disclosure.floridaethics.gov to their e-mail "safelist." • Invitations to register for filers qualifying in January will be e-mailed to the filer's e-mail address on January 1, 2024. If an e-mail is not received, check the SPAM or Junk e-mail folder. O R • Filers and Incumbent Candidates requiring access may request an access code beginning January 1, by visiting www.ethics.state.fl.us, and click on the E-filing link. o Click "I am a filer," to request registration. The candidate should utilize their government e-mail address, whenever possible, to register. o Click "request registration e-mail." o Candidate will receive an e-mail from EthisFDMSinfo@mail.disclosure. floridaethics.gov. o If an e-mail is not received, check the SPAM or Junk e-mail folder. • Register account information. • Log in and complete the verification process. • Filers eligible for a public records exemption should make sure they are designated as a "Confidential Filer" on their dashboard. If not, they should download the public records COE Rev. 12/2024 e x e m p t io n r e q u e s t fo r m fr o m t h e C o m m is s io n 's w e b s it e : h tt p s ://w w w .e t h ic s .s t a t e .fl .u s /F in a n ci a lD is cl o s u r e /D o w n lo a d A F o r m .a s p x a n d m a il it to t h e C o m m is s io n b e fo r e fi li n g t h e ir d is cl o s u r e s o t h a t t h e fo r m w ill b e ro u t e d fo r r e d a c t io n p r io r t o p u b lis h in g . • C o m p le t e t h e d is cl o s u r e in t h e e -fi li n g s y s t e m . • F ile /s u b m it t h e d is cl o s u r e e le c t ro n ic a ll y . • P r in t a c o p y o f t h e "V e r ifi c a t io n a n d R e c e ip t o f F ili n g " O R p r in t a c o p y o f t h e c o m p le t e d d is cl o s u r e . • F ile t h e v e r ifi c a t io n O R t h e p r in t e d c o p y o f t h e d is cl o s u r e w it h t h e Q u a lif y in g O ffi c e r . • F ile r s w h o d o n o t n e e d t o q u a lify fo r o ff ic e in J a n u a r y w ill re c e iv e a n in v it a t io n to r e g is t e r in A p r il. If a fi le r r e q u ir e s e a r lie r a c c e s s fo r q u a li fy in g p u r p o s e s o r if t h e y w a n t to g e t a h e a d s t a r t o n c o m p le t in g t h e fo r m , c a n re q u e s t a c c e s s fr o m t h e "I a m a fi le r " b u t t o n o n t h e EF D M S h o m e p a g e : h tt p s :// d is cl o s u r e . fl o r id a e t h ic s .g o v /A c co u n t /L o g in ? R e t u rn U r l=%2 f . Candidates who do not currently hold a Form 6 or Form 1 office or a position with a disclosure requirement: • IMPORTANT FIRST STEP! Add EthicsFDMSinfo@mail.disclosure.floridaethics.gov to their e-mail "safelist." Visit www.ethics.state.fl.us, and click on the E-filing link. • Click "I am a candidate." • Click "request registration e-mail." • Candidate will receive an e-mail from EthicsFDMSinfo@mail.disclosure.floridaethics.gov. • If they don't receive the e-mail, they should check their SPAM or Junk folder. • Register account information. • Log in and complete the verification process. • Complete the disclosure in thee-filing system. • Print the completed disclosure. • File the printed copy of the disclosure with the Qualifying Officer. Those offices should maintain filed forms in accordance with applicable public records laws and retention policies. Thank you for your patience as we transition all disclosure filers toe-filing. We anticipate there will a learning curve and plenty of questions about using the new system. Commission staff is ready to assist Candidates with access to the new system and the completion of the disclosure for qualification purposes. Please contact us at 850-488-7864 or disclosure@leg.state.fl.us, if we can provide further assistance. CO E Rev. 12/2024