Miami Beach Pups Invited to ‘Yappy Hour’ We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live, work and play in our vibrant, tropical, historic community.
City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139,
OFFICE OF MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS, Tel: 305.673.7575 Press Release
Melissa Berthier, Email: Matt Kenny, Email: FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Sept. 16, 2022 Miami Beach Pups Invited to ‘Yappy Hour’
— Pet owners will pledge to pick up after their dogs —
Miami Beach, FL – Miami Beach is calling all dogs on Tuesday, Sept. 20 for a city-sponsored
‘Yappy Hour’ to bring attention to the need to keep Biscayne Bay free from pet waste. “We’ll be asking pet owners at the event to take a pledge to clean up after their furry friends
and properly dispose of the waste,” Miami Beach City Manager Alina T. Hudak said. “Pet waste is one of the top polluters of our waterways, especially for fecal coliform bacteria.”
Pet owners who pledge to pick up after their dogs will receive a complimentary cocktail and be a part of the city’s We Love Biscayne Bay initiative. The event will feature live music, a dog adoption station, a dog bakery, pet clothing swap, pet shop vendors and an upcycling workshop. Participating organizations include Animal Lovers Rescue, Community Spirits Vodka, Debris Free Oceans, Doggie Bakery Miami, Florida Sea
Grant, The Full Edit, Pangea Kali Virga, ReCreate, The Rounds and Stillblue. To learn more about protecting Biscayne Bay visit Event details can be found at WHAT: Yappy Hour WHEN: Tuesday, Sept. 20 from 5-8 p.m.
WHERE: Maurice Gibb Park, 18 Street and Purdy Avenue ###
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