Collins Park Garage Wins Design Award
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Nov. 21, 2022 Collins Park Garage Wins Design Award
— The crossword puzzle façade was chosen for its design and architecture —
Miami Beach, FL – The distinctive Collins Park Garage with its whimsical crossword puzzle facade, has been selected to receive a 2022 award of excellence by the Florida Parking & Transportation Association Board of Directors.
“This 516-space garage is unique in that it artfully combines elements of both style and function, while serving a basic need of the community,” explained Miami Beach City Manager Alina T. Hudak.
Located at 340 23 Street, the seven-floor garage, was selected to receive the award for its design and architecture. The structure includes a mix of commercial retail space on the ground
level, bicycle parking and electric vehicle charging stations. The building’s façade is made up of metal perforated cladding featuring words arranged in the form of a crossword puzzle. It opened in 2021 just outside The Bass museum. The construction was performed by KVC Constructors under a contract with the city. “The Collins Park Garage shows what is possible when a local government listens to its residents and incorporates their feedback into the design of public buildings,” added Director David Martinez of the Office of Capital Improvement Projects, which oversaw the project. “The design features elements chosen by the community that speak to the history of Miami Beach and the Collins Park neighborhood.”
In addition to its unique design, the Collins Park Garage was the city’s second project to achieve the U.S. Green Building Council’s Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design
(LEED) Gold building certification. It also received a Parksmart Silver certification. The award will be presented during a lunch ceremony on Thursday, December 8 at the Florida
Parking & Transportation Association Annual Conference in Palm Beach Gardens. ###
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