Miami Beach Implements A Noise Meter and Camera Pilot Program
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City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139,
OFFICE OF MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS, Tel: 305.673.7575 Press Release
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Feb. 8, 2023 Miami Beach Implements A Noise Meter and Camera Pilot Program
— To help curtail excessive vehicle noise pollution in Miami Beach —
Miami Beach, FL—The City of Miami Beach has implemented a noise meter and camera
technology pilot program to combat excessive noise disturbances from vehicles with loud modified mufflers and exhausts. Miami Beach is the first city in Florida, and one of only a handful of cities in the United States, to implement noise cameras to curtail illegal and
obnoxious vehicle noise. Since mid-December three noise cameras have been strategically placed in key locations of South Beach, Mid Beach and North Beach. The noise camera technology allows the City to collect data in high impact areas, capture evidence and ultimately issue warnings to motorists whose vehicles exceed decibel levels in violation of the law. The noise meter cameras are mobile and can be relocated to other locations as needed. “The noise disturbances across Miami Beach, including vehicles with loud modified mufflers and exhausts, is often more fitting for a NASCAR or Formula One raceway than a residential neighborhood,” said Vice Mayor Steven Meiner. “I am thankful to our Commission for unanimously passing my initiative to implement the noise meter cameras and I am working closely with our Miami Beach Police Department to implement the noise camera technology and expand enforcement of illegal noise.”
By mid-March Miami Beach anticipates receiving three upgraded next generation noise meter cameras that will offer enhanced features and automation.
The sound meter cameras are installed at elevated levels adjacent to the roadway and are activated when they detect noise emitted from vehicles at an illegal decibel level. A video and photograph are then simultaneously captured of the vehicle’s license plate number.
The Miami Beach Commission also passed a resolution urging the Florida legislature to modify State law to allow cities to issue traffic citations for illegal vehicle noise based on evidence from noise camera technology. Vice Mayor Steven Meiner will be available to discuss the noise meter camera pilot program by emailing ###
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