2023 HAC Hispanic Award Nomination1 MIAMI BEACH HISPANIC HERITAGE MONTH AWARDS 2023 Nomination Form During Hispanic Heritage Month, the Miami Beach Hispanic Affairs Committee will proudly recognize with an award Hispanic individuals and a business, or business owner, from qualified nominations for the categories listed below. Nominees must have contributed positively to Miami Beach with outstanding record of service and/or achievement. Deadline for submitting nominations is Friday, August 18, 2023 at 5 p.m. CATEGORIES (check one that applies/ seleccione la categoría correspondiente): Criteria and Rules: Nominations must describe why the nominee merits an award. Failure to submit details will result in disqualification. / Describa los méritos de la persona o negocio nominado, de lo contrario será descalificado. Individual: The individual must be of Hispanic origin; must currently live or work in Miami Beach; and must have contributed positively to Miami Beach in the categories listed above. No elected official, staff who works in an elected official's office or political candidates can be considered. La persona nominada debe ser de origen hispano; residir o trabajar en Miami Beach y haber contribuido positivamente a la comunidad de Miami Beach. Oficiales electos, personal de funcionarios electos o candidatos políticos no son elegibles. Business: The business must be located in Miami Beach; must have contributed positively to Miami Beach’s economy, be well regarded and in good standing. Must be at least 51% Hispanic owned. Empresario(a) o negocio nominado debe: radicar en Miami Beach y con un 51% de propiedad hispana; tener vigencia y buena reputación empresarial/profesional. Nominee's name: Address: Phone #: E-mail: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Your full name: Your address: Your phone number: Your E-mail: Favor de enviar por correo antes del 18 de agosto / Please mail nomination before August 18 to: Leonor Hernandez, Hispanic Affairs Committee Liaison, City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach Fl 33139 By E-mail: leonorhernandez@miamibeachfl.gov INDIVIDUAL Educator Public Safety Personnel Social Service Provider Artist Youth under 18 involved in community service Adult contributing to success of youth Any Hispanic community member BUSINESS Business, Business Owner, or key employee of a qualified business (Must be 51%+ Hispanic owned) 2 Questionnaire/ Cuestionario - Please write brief, concise answers / Favor describa con brevedad. 1. How long has the person lived in Miami Beach, or where is he/she working? For a business: How long and where has the business been established in Miami Beach? ¿Hace cuánto tiempo reside o dónde en Miami Beach trabaja la persona nominada? Negocios: ¿Cúanto tiempo tiene de establecido el negocio en Miami Beach? 2. What is the nominee’s occupation? For a business: What is the service provided by the business? ¿Cúal es Ia ocupación de la persona nominada? Negocios: ¿Cúal es el servicio del negocio ó la empresa nominada? 3. Briefly state what the individual or business has accomplished to merit this award and their contribution to Miami Beach. ¿Cúales son los logros o triunfos que ameritan reconocer a la persona o la empresa nominada, y cómo ha contribuido a Miami Beach? Why is this nominee a role model for the Miami Beach Hispanic community? ¿Por qué debe considerarse esta persona o negocio como un ejemplo a seguir y admirar en la comunidad hispana de Miami Beach?