Wayne A. Jones Appointed Miami Beach Police Chief
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City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov
OFFICE OF MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS, Tel: 305.673.7575 Press Release
Melissa Berthier, Email: melissaberthier@miamibeachfl.gov
Matt Kenny, Email: mattkenny@miamibeachfl.gov
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE July 26, 2023 Wayne A. Jones Appointed Miami Beach Police Chief
— Started MPBD career as a patrol officer in 1996 —
Miami Beach, FL – Miami Beach Deputy Police Chief Wayne A. Jones has been appointed chief of the more than 400-sworn department effective Sept. 1. Jones succeeds Richard M. Clements, who is retiring after more than three decades of service.
“Chief Jones has demonstrated his commitment to excellent public service throughout his 27-year career with the Miami Beach Police Department,” City Manager Alina T. Hudak said in
announcing the selection. “He began as a patrol officer and gained the respect and admiration of his superiors and peers as he moved up through the ranks. I am confident he will build on MBPD’s legacy and take the department to the next level.”
Jones, who joined the agency in 1996, becomes the city’s first Black police chief after holding every rank in multiple areas of the department to include special operations, community affairs, internal affairs and criminal investigations. He was appointed deputy chief in 2019. Among his many accomplishments, Jones created the department’s human trafficking unit, which went on to lead Miami-Dade County in investigations and arrests for sex trafficking offenses. As a sergeant in community affairs, he developed the structure of what would become the nationally recognized Homeless Resource Officer Program. As a major, he crafted a strategy to boost the recruitment of women police officers, which resulted in an increase of female officers from 12% to 18% of all new hires.
“I am humbled by this great honor and look forward to leading this remarkable team of men and women who wear the badge with pride,” said Chief Jones. “I pledge that the safety of Miami Beach residents, our officers, and our many visitors from around the world will always be my top priority.”
Jones obtained his undergraduate degree in political science and public administration from Florida Memorial University and his master’s in public administration from Florida International University. He completed the FBI’s Law Enforcement Executive Development Seminar and the Police Executive Research Forum’s Senior Management Institute for Police program.
An aviation enthusiast and licensed pilot, he also holds an associate degree from Miami Dade College in professional piloting and technology. ###
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