Groundbreaking Set for Ocean Terrace Park
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OFFICE OF MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS, Tel: 305.673.7575 Press Release
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Oct. 24, 2023 Miami Beach to Break Ground on Ocean Terrace Park and Streetscape Improvement
— The groundbreaking ceremony will take place on Thursday, Oct. 26 — Miami Beach, FL – The City of Miami Beach will hold a groundbreaking ceremony on Thursday, Oct. 26 at 11:15 a.m. at 73 Street and Ocean Terrace to mark the start of
construction on the planned Ocean Terrace Park and Streetscape Improvements, which will feature a new pedestrian promenade and beach drop-off area in the city’s North Beach neighborhood. “Over a decade in the making, but as they say — good things take time,” shared Miami Beach Commissioner Ricky Arriola. “This new park will provide shade, recreation and a family
gathering place for generations of Miami Beach residents.” The yearlong project, led by Ocean Terrace Holdings, is one of a number of future public and private enhancements intended to usher in an economic resurgence to North Beach over the next 30 years. Ocean Terrace is located along the beachfront and has been the scene of television and movie productions for its similarity to Ocean Drive in South Beach. The project also includes the construction of pedestrian pathways, improved storm drainage, new landscaping and irrigation equipment, turtle-friendly lighting, a bike lane, water features, an open-air pavilion, security camera infrastructure, a portion of the Beachwalk and beach access.
“This groundbreaking is the culmination of many years of collaboration with the community, city, key commissioners, local stakeholders and residents — all working toward a common goal of creating a pedestrian-friendly and activated space along this two-block stretch of Ocean Terrace,” added Sandor Scher, Principal at Ocean Terrace Holdings. “We are ready to get started and look forward to welcoming everyone to Ocean Terrace Park in the near future.”
A section of the nearby Beachwalk that passes through the site will be temporarily rerouted and will experience detours during construction between 73 and 75 streets, but will remain open for use until the new Beachwalk is completed.
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