Miami Beach to Hold Swearing-In Ceremony
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City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139,
OFFICE OF MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS, Tel: 305.673.7575 Press Release
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Nov. 24, 2023 Miami Beach to Hold Swearing-In Ceremony for New Mayor and Commissioners — At the Miami Beach Convention Center, Room 222-225 —
Miami Beach, FL – Join the City of Miami Beach on Tuesday, Nov. 28 starting at 11 a.m. as officials welcome a new mayor and three new commissioners. A swearing-in ceremony will be held in the temporary commission chambers at the Miami Beach Convention Center in meeting rooms 222-225. “I am eager to hit the ground running,” shared Mayor-elect Steven Meiner. “The residents have
high expectations for public safety and quality of life, and I won’t let them down.” Officials will also bid farewell to outgoing Mayor Dan Gelber and commissioners Ricky Arriola
and David Richardson at the Nov. 28 meeting starting at 9 a.m. "It's been my great privilege to serve the only hometown I've ever known,” said Mayor Dan
Gelber. “I'm proud of our accomplishments over the last 6 years, and have great confidence that Mayor Meiner and his Commission will continue to make Miami Beach a more livable and special place for residents and visitors alike." In addition to the new mayor, Miami Beach commissioners-elect include Tanya K. Bhatt in Group IV, David Suarez of Group V and Joseph Magazine from Group VI. Each of the candidates were elected by a citywide ballot. The Miami Beach Convention Center is located at 1901 Convention Center Drive. ###
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