Agenda 12-12-23 Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board 1 Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board Meeting Tuesday, December 12, 2023 Miami Beach Golf Club 2301 Alton Road, Miami Beach, FL 33140 5:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Approval of October 25, 2023 Meeting Minutes 2. Special “Thank you” to Carolina Jones 3. Selection of G.O. Bond Ex-Officio Member 4. Discussion of 2024 Meeting Dates as directed by the City Clerk’s Office 5. The Sabrina Cohen Foundation Presentation: City Activities and Upcoming Projects (Sabrina Cohen, The Sabrina Cohen Foundation and Jose del Risco, Parks and Recreation) 6. South Pointe Park Drum Circle History (Jose del Risco, Parks and Recreation) 7. Public Discussion Monthly Reports: o Upcoming City Commission Meetings & Committee/Board Meeting Parks and Recreation Items o Parks and Recreation Capital Project Updates o GOB Projects Update Sheet PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 25, 2023, MEETING VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS/TELEPHONIC 1 Members in Attendance: Sean Smith, David Berger, Jonathan Fryd, Janie Hayes, Joseph Hernandez, Carolina Jones, David Nguah, Joshua Lifshultz, Joelle Gringarten, Shannon Koonin and Donald Goldberg Members not Present: N/A City Staff: Vianca Peron-Sellan (Admin Services Manager, Parks & Recreation), (Elizabeth Estevez (Parks & Recreation Project Coordinator), Pilar Caurin (Parks Projects Supervisor, Parks & Recreation), Jose del Risco (Assistant Director, Parks & Recreation) and David Gomez (Division Director CIP) Meeting called to order at 5:30 p.m. • Approval of the October 2, 2023 Minutes o The October 2, 2023 minutes were approved. Motion made by: Jonathan Fryd Motion seconded by: Shannon Koonin Motion passes: unanimously • Parks and Recreation Staff Introduction o Administrative Services Manager, Vianca Peron-Sellan, introduced herself and spoke about her duties. • Members with Term ending on 12/31/2023 and Members with Appointer Leaving Office o Discussion ensued on board member terms. Carolina Jones is the only member who is term limited, and cannot be reappointed. o Some board members have terms ending on December 31, 2023. If they want to renew their terms, they were advised to seek reappointment by reaching out to the commissioner that appointed them. Members whose terms are ending are David Berger, Jonathan Fryd, and Sean Smith. o Board members who were appointed by commissioners who are leaving their seats were advised to reach out to newly elected commissioners and express interest in to keeping their seat, even though their terms are not ending. This applies to the following board members: David Nguah, Joelle Gringarten, and Joseph Hernandez. Should newly elected commissioners appoint someone new, instead of reappointing a current member, the current member would need to cede their seat. o Carolina Jones advised that she was the G.O. Bond representative from the parks board, and someone will need to replace her. Discussion ensued on this topic. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 25, 2023, MEETING VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS/TELEPHONIC 2 • City Attorney’s Office Notification: Advisory Boards Quorum Must be In-Person/Physically Present o The Board discussed the length of meetings and considering whether the meetings should start at 6 p.m. o The Miami Beach Golf Club was discussed as being a central location for meetings moving forward, but the location was not determined at the time. o Vianca Peron-Sellan advised that if a board member failed to attend 33% of meetings in a calendar year, the board member would be removed. o Sean Smith requested inviting a representative from the City Attorney’s Office to clarify rules for attendance. • Selection of Remaining Meeting Dates o Members discussed a meeting date for November and December. It was determined that it would not be necessary to have a November meeting. o December meeting was scheduled for December 12th at 5:30 p.m. The location was not confirmed at the time of this meeting. • GO Bond Project Updates (Parks Capital Team) o Elizabeth Estevez, Parks Capital Projects Coordinator with the Parks and Recreation Department, provided updates on current projects. o The Scott Rakow Youth Center ice rink floors project is on hold. o The Miami Beach Soundscape storage project is currently in permitting, and staff hopes to start construction soon. o The Marjory Stoneman Douglas lighting project is on hold, pending the outcome of another project. o The 82nd Street Skatepark project is on hold because the department is waiting for it to be funded. o The North Shore Playground project is moving forward; it is currently in procurement, and a vendor has been selected. • Parks Related projects in the Arts and Culture GO Bond - including Artistic Playgrounds (Parks Capital Team) o Elizabeth Estevez continued providing updates on park projects. o As for all artistic playgrounds planned out under the G.O. Bond Arts and Culture, the department has 6 slated projects: North Shore Park Playground, South Pointe Park Playground, La Gorce Park Playground, Fisher Park Playground, Palm Island Park Playground, and Tatum Park Playground. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 25, 2023, MEETING VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS/TELEPHONIC 3 o In addition to moving forward with the North Shore Park Playground project, the department is going to work on tackling the South Pointe Park Playground and La Gorce Playground projects first. o Discussion ensued on projects in the Arts and Culture G.O. Bond. o Jose del Risco, Assistant Director for the Parks Division, spoke about the desire to initially shift the location of the North Shore Park playground, but indicated the area which was considered was not feasible because that area would be used for development of the 72nd street project. He continued to say the department would try to maximize playground space, wherever possible. For example, the department will try to merge the playground space at South Point Park with the splash pad space. o Members asked whether lighting would be added to playground area in Flamingo Park and whether a tree would be replanted at Stillwater Park. o Discussion ensued on the North Shore Park G.O. Bond project. Sean Smith asked Carolina Jones, as the board’s G.O. Bond Advisory Board liaison, whether the group could make a motion to move the project up in the priority list. o Carolina Jones noted that when the park first came up, it was slated to go from 2 fields to 4 fields. Further analysis determined that wasn’t an option because that would mean there would be no space for trees or the parking lot. She expressed concern that the project was approved on a referendum vote that was originally written up for 4 fields, and she wants to make sure the funding instead goes to improving the two fields that are already there. She said the board should have a conversation about this, and there should be a separate conversation with the G.O. Bond program director, Maria, to clarify the scope. o David Gomez said the project’s deliverables were defined by the referendum and typically cannot be changed. Carolina Jones said this project had a footnote and that may be the “out” they need. Discussion ensued on the scope of this project. o Jose del Risco said that this isn’t the only project with these concerns, and city administration has been having conversations about this. Staff was directed to follow through with the spirit and intent of the bond, but the City Attorney’s Office has indicated there is some flexibility, particularly as long as projects are not “mixing buckets”. For example, Public Safety bonds is one bucket, Infrastructure bonds is another bucket, and Parks and Beaches bonds is another bucket. Jose del Risco indicated that we can open the conversation and have some dialogue particularly as it pertains to the scope of the fields. o Sean Smith requested to explore this topic and revisit this at an upcoming meeting. o The Board congratulated David Nguah on a successful Miami Beach Pull-up Jam event. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 25, 2023, MEETING VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS/TELEPHONIC 4 • Update and discussion on the new park breaking ground at Ocean Terrace (CIP) o David Gomez, Division Director for the Office of Capital Improvement Projects, reminded the board that the ribbon cutting for the opening of North Beach Oceanside Park would take place the following day at 10 a.m. o Sean Smith followed up and reminded the board that the groundbreaking event for the new park at Ocean Terrace would take place after that North Beach Oceanside Park ribbon cutting, at 11:15 a.m. o David Gomez presented renderings for the Ocean Terrace Park and Streetscape project, which would entail the pedestrianization of Ocean Terrace between 73rd and 75th streets. It would not be the full pedestrianization because the city still needs to provide driveway access on 73rd street. For the time being, there will be no fencing between 74th and 75th street until after elections, at which time construction will commence at full speed. o There is a water feature planned for what is currently the intersection of 74th street and Ocean Terrace. The landscape architect for this project is Raymond Jungles, and they follow native landscaping design principles. The construction duration is expected to last 12 months, and beach walk access is expected to remain open throughout construction. o Discussion ensued on the logistics for the Ocean Terrace Park and Streetscape project, including the loss of parking caused by it. o David Gomez confirmed that the developer is paying for the Ocean Terrace Park and Streetscape project at no cost to the city, but it is remaining a public easement and public access will remain. o Discussion ensued on the beach walk path, from 1st street to 88th street. o David Gomez said the developer could not pull a permit for their project until the Ocean Terrace Project started, to guarantee the Ocean Terrace Park and Streetscape project would get done. o Sean Smith switched topics and asked about construction debris at the playground located at Canopy Park, since the developer for that project is in the midst of construction now. Jose del Risco indicated there were no issues. • Quick Discussion on Parks Board Motion on June 27, 2023 regarding Golf Course Repurposing o Sean Smith reminded the board that this item was about the motion the board passed requesting that the city commission not repurpose the golf course for any additional uses. o Vianca Peron-Sellan informed the board that this commission item was sponsored by Commissioner Ricky Arriola, and that if a new commissioner does not sponsor this item, the item will not move forward. She further noted that the commission item has PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 25, 2023, MEETING VIA MICROSOFT TEAMS/TELEPHONIC 5 not been reached at any commission meeting, so the item has continued to rollover at every meeting and has not been heard yet. o Discussion ensued on how to ensure this item remains on the agenda and gets picked up by another elected official. o Vianca said the board could revisit the conversation once the December agenda is printed. She will let the board know whether the motion was picked up by a commissioner at the December 12th meeting. • Public Input / Open Discussion o Sean Smith reminded the board that the Mark G. Samuelian Scholastic Chess Tournament would be taking place on November 5th at Scott Rakow Youth Center and shared that Shannon Koonin’s son would be partaking in the tournament. Attachments Submitted with Agenda: o Upcoming City Commission Meetings & Committee/Board Meeting Parks and Recreation Items o Parks and Recreation Updates and Upcoming Events o Parks and Recreation Capital Project Updates Meeting Adjourned at 7:04 p.m. UPCOMING 2023 MEETING DATES December 12, 2023 1 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board FROM: Vianca Peron-Sellan, Administrative Services Manager DATE: Tuesday, December 5, 2023 SUBJECT: December 2023 – Upcoming Parks and Recreation Related Items at City Commission Meetings & Committee/Board Meetings Important Change! Temporary Location of Meetings: Due to the renovation of the Commission Chambers at City Hall, all meetings unless indicated below will be held at the Miami Beach Convention Center {MBCC), located at 1901 Convention Center Drive, Meeting Rooms 222-225, on the second floor. Wednesday, December 13, 2023 City Commission Meeting Start Time: 8:30am Zoom Information: https://miamibeachfl-gov.zoom.us/j/81392857671; or Dial: 1.305.224.1968 or 888.475.4499 (Toll Free) Webinar ID: 81392857671# • Agenda has not been published. Note: All items are subject to change. For the most accurate items for each meeting, please review the agendas on the City’s website. 1 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board FROM: Luis Molina, Assistant to the CIP Director, CIP Elizabeth Estevez, Capital Projects Manager, Parks and Recreation DATE: December 5, 2023 SUBJECT: December 2023 - Parks and Recreation Department Capital Project Update Parks and Recreation Department Capital Project Update Park Project Update Estimated Completion Maurice Gibb Memorial Park Park Renovation and Soil Remediation Soil remediation, removal of unforeseen concrete structures & debris, & seawall construction is ongoing. Revised permit documents to avoid altering existing mangroves has been submitted to DERM for review. Additional scope of work & permit modifications required to address the unforeseen structures & changes to the seawall will delay construction approx. 2 months. City staff is working with the contractor to minimize the delay. Relocation of the existing trees is underway & expected to be completed early December 2023 Start (design): September 2017 Complete (design): March 2020 Start Construction: April 2023 Complete Construction: December 2024 Bay Shore Park (PAR 3) Community Park Design and Construction The Notice to Proceed for Construction Activities has been issued. The installation of the construction fence is complete. The contractor is preparing the site for a tree nursery area to hold and protect the relocated trees within the park and has started the underground utility installation and lake excavation. Start Construction: October 2023 Complete Construction: September 2025 Pride Park Development of a new 5.8-acre park, replacing the existing surface parking lot located across the street from the newly renovated Convention Center. Construction of the park is currently at 98% complete. Substantial completion is pending completion of punchout work as the Contractor has been uncooperative finishing this work. The City completed groundwater sampling activities as required by DERM. The monitoring was complete and the report was submitted to DERM on 04/13/2023. Start: April 2019 Complete: 2023 2 Flamingo Park Phase 2: Softball Field Renovations Revisions to the softball field design are underway. The construction is expected to begin fall 2024. Start (design): June 2017 Complete (design): 2024 Flamingo Park Phase 2: Baseball Field Renovations The design of the baseball stadium improvements will be performed by a separate consultant. The Design is expected to start fall 2023 and is expected to be completed within six months. Start (design): Fall 2023 Complete (design): Spring - Summer 2024 Flamingo Park Phase 3: Butterfly Garden & Historic Lodge Renovation BUTTERFLY GARDEN: The Butterfly Garden will commence after the Daycare Relocation project is completed. HISTORIC LODGE: The selection of a general contractor for the Historic Lodge is on-going and award is expected December 2023. BUTTERFLY GARDEN: Start (design): February 2018 Complete (design): July 2019 HISTORICAL LODGE: Complete (design): January 2023 North Shore Park New Restroom Updated construction documents submitted to CMB-Building Department for permit review. Procurement process to commence once Bid set is complete, expected in February 2023. Start (design): September 2017 Complete (design): December 2021 Construction: 2024 Fairway Park Artificial Turf Multi-Purpose Field, Drainage and Playground Replacement Phase I Construction is complete. Phase II Construction: Funding gap exists for this phase. Currently in department capital budget request. Phase I: Start: June 2020 Completion: March 2021 Phase II: Partial funding approved this fiscal year. In planning phase, pending re-kickoff meeting with design team. Normandy Isle Park Park Turf Replacement Funding gap exists for this project, currently in department capital budget request. (MDC DERM permits obtained, Building Department permitting pending). Construction: TBD 1 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board FROM: Jose del Risco, Parks & Recreation Assistant Director Elizabeth Estevez, Capital Projects Manager DATE: December 5, 2023 SUBJECT: December 2023 - Parks and Recreation Department Project Update Parks and Recreation Department GOB Project Update Park G.O. Bond Project Update Estimated Completion Collins Park Walkway & plaza paver replacement Project Completed Completed: June 2020 Crespi Park Fencing, pavilion and pathway improvements Project Completed Completed: November 2019 Fairway Park Fencing and pavilion improvements Pavilion Improvements Completed. Fencing project Completed. Pavilion -Completed May 2020 Fencing – March 2021 LED Lighting in Parks Upgrade existing lighting to LED technology at the following parks: Stillwater, Crespi, Tatum & Normandy Isle Park Project Completed Completed: January 2020 North Shore Park & Youth Center Pathway addition This will be performed concurrently with the CIP project at this park Dependent on CIP project Polo Park Softball/Baseball field renovations Project Completed Completed: August 2019 Scott Rakow Youth Center Pool & Pool/locker room improvements Project Complete. Currently in Closeout Phase Completed: July 2020 Stillwater Park Fencing and pavilion improvements Project Completed Completed: November 2019 Marjory Stoneman Douglas Park Playground Project Completed Completed: September 2022 Marjory Stoneman Douglas Park Turtle Friendly Lighting Pending FWC Approval – 30% plans will be provided for their review once designer completes them. Designer has been brought on board and is currently working on providing 30% plans. Fall 2024 *all items in gray have been completed.