February 1, 2024 Agenda Package - Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board Meeting 1 Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board Meeting Thursday, February 1, 2024 City Hall - City Manager’s Conference Room 1700 Convention Center Drive – 4th Floor 5:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Approval of December 12, 2023 Meeting Minutes 2. Selection of Chair and Vice-Chair Miami Beach City Code Section 2-21(6), states: “An individual member can serve as a chairperson of a specific agency, board or committee for no more than four consecutive years.” 3. Introduction & Discussion of Canas Tennis – Flamingo Park Tennis Center 4. GO Bond Project Updates 5. Public Discussion Reminder: o Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, March 5, 2024 at 5:30pm in City Hall City Manager’s Conference Room Monthly Reports: o Upcoming City Commission Meetings & Committee/Board Meeting Parks and Recreation Items o Parks and Recreation Capital Project Updates o GOB Projects Update Sheet PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 12, 2023, MEETING MIAMI BEACH GOLF CLUB, 2301 ALTON ROAD 1 Members in Attendance: David Berger, Jonathan Fryd, Janie Hayes, Joseph Hernandez, Carolina Jones, Shannon Koonin, David Nguah, Joelle Gringarten, Sean Smith, Joshua Lifshultz, and Donald Goldberg Members not Present: N/A City Staff: Jose del Risco (Assistant Director, Parks & Recreation) and Nina Britos (Administrative Officer, Parks & Recreation) Meeting called to order at 5:35 p.m. • Approval of the October 25, 2023 Minutes o The October 25, 2023 minutes were approved. Motion made by: David Nguah Motion seconded by: Janie Hayes Motion passes: unanimously • Special “Thank You” to Carolina Jones o Sean Smith recognized Carolina Jones and she went into her history with the board. All Board members thanked her for her service and time as a board member. • Selection of GO Bond Ex-Officio Member o Sean Smith introduced the item and explained to the board that since Carolina Jones no longer is serving as a board member in 2024, another board member needs to be appointed. Carolina Jones explained what the role entailed. o The Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board motioned to appoint Donald Goldberg as the Ex-Officio Member of the G.O. Bond Committee. Motion made by: Jonathan Fryd Motion seconded by: David Nguah Motion passes: Unanimously Members Present for Motion: David Berger, Jonathan Fryd, Janie Hayes, Joseph Hernandez, Carolina Jones, David Nguah, Sean Smith, Joshua Lifshultz, Donald Goldberg, Shannon Koonin, Joelle Gringarten • Discussion of 2024 Meeting Dates as Directed by the City Clerk’s Office o Jonathan Fryd discussed wanting the Miami Beach Golf Club being the default location, but it was explained that it is based on availability. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 12, 2023, MEETING MIAMI BEACH GOLF CLUB, 2301 ALTON ROAD 2 o Sean Smith mentioned that the goal is to have meetings in different park locations throughout the City. o The Board agreed on the following meeting dates for 2024: o Thursday, February 1, 2024 o Tuesday, March 5, 2024 o Tuesday, April 9, 2024 o Tuesday, May 7, 2024 o Tuesday, June 4, 2024 o Tuesday, September 10, 2024 o Tuesday, October 8, 2024 o Tuesday, November 19, 2024 o Tuesday, December 10, 2024 • The Sabrina Cohen Foundation Presentation: City Activities and Upcoming Projects o Sean Smith introduced Sabrina Cohen from The Sabrina Cohen Foundation. o Sabrina Cohen introduced herself, her background and her history with the City of Miami Beach. o The Foundation’s Adaptive Beach Days are the 1st and 3rd Sunday of every month from 11:00am-3:00pm (setup starts at 8:00am) and she went on the further explain her current management agreement for the future Adaptive Center at Beachview Park. She gave an update on the funding and challenges. She described the impact that Adaptive Beach Day’s has made on the community and visitors that participate. o Jose Del Risco gave an update on the updates that will be done to Beachview Park, which will be a fully accessible playground. o Sabrina Cohen mentioned the brick campaign and naming opportunities she has put together to raise funds for the park and center. Information is available at her foundation’s website. o David Berger asked if the City still had an adopt a bench program and Jose Del Risco confirmed that we do. o The following motion was made: The Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board motions to urge the City to explore budgeting additional access mats and related storage for events on the beach, such as Formula 1, Art Basel, Air & Sea Show, etc., to provide greater accessibility for attendees. Further, providing requirements for event producers to pay for the provision of said services. Motion made by: Carolina Jones Motion seconded by: Jonathan Fryd Motion passes: Unanimously PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE DECEMBER 12, 2023, MEETING MIAMI BEACH GOLF CLUB, 2301 ALTON ROAD 3 Members Present for Motion: Jonathan Fryd, Janie Hayes, Joseph Hernandez, Carolina Jones, David Nguah, Sean Smith, Joshua Lifshultz, Donald Goldberg, Shannon Koonin, Joelle Gringarten Members not Present: David Berger • South Pointe Park Drum Circle History o Sean Smith introduced the item and Jose Del Risco began to give a summary on the history of the South Pointe Park Drum Circle. o Several board members openly discussed to further understand the challenges. o Jose Del Risco explained what the current state is and how it is being enforced and communicated. o Shannon Koonin read the petition from Raquel Pacheco and the board members discussed. • Public Input / Open Discussion o No discussion took place Meeting Adjourned at 7:00 p.m. UPCOMING 2024 MEETING DATES Thursday, February 1, 2024 Tuesday, March 5, 2024 Tuesday, April 9, 2024 Tuesday, May 7, 2024 Tuesday, June 4, 2024 Tuesday, September 10, 2024 Tuesday, October 8, 2024 Tuesday, November 19, 2024 Tuesday, December 10, 2024 1 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board FROM: Vianca Peron-Sellan, Administrative Services Manager DATE: Thursday, February 1, 2024 SUBJECT: February 2024 – Upcoming Parks and Recreation Related Items at City Commission Meetings & Committee/Board Meetings Important Change! Temporary Location of Meetings: Due to the renovation of the Commission Chambers at City Hall, all meetings unless indicated below will be held at the Miami Beach Convention Center {MBCC), located at 1901 Convention Center Drive, Meeting Rooms 222-225, on the second floor. Monday, February 5, 2024 Land Use and Sustainability Committee Hybrid Meeting Start Time: 4:00 p.m. Location: MBCC Commission Chambers Zoom Information: https://miamibeachfl-gov.zoom.us/j/85059923037 •Agenda has not been published. Monday, February 12, 2024 Public Safety and Neighborhood Quality of Life Committee Meeting Start Time: 10:00 a.m. Location: MBCC Commission Chambers Zoom Information: https://miamibeachfl-gov.zoom.us/j/87833352956 •Agenda has not been published Wednesday, February 21, 2024 Commission Meeting Start Time: 8:00 a.m. Location: MBCC Commission Chambers Zoom Information: Not currently available •Agenda has not been published. Friday, February 23, 2024 Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee Meeting Start Time: 10:30 a.m. Location: MBCC Commission Chambers Zoom Information: Not currently available •Agenda has not been published Monday, February 26, 2024 Land Use and Sustainability Committee Hybrid Meeting Start Time: 4:00 p.m. Location: MBCC Commission Chambers Zoom Information: https://miamibeachfl-gov.zoom.us/j/85059923037 •Agenda has not been published. Wednesday, February 28, 2024 Commission Presentation Meeting Start Time: 5:00 p.m. 2 Location: MBCC Commission Chambers Zoom Information: Not currently available • Agenda has not been published. Note: All items are subject to change. For the most accurate items for each meeting, please review the agendas on the City’s website. 1 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board FROM: Luis Molina, Assistant to the CIP Director, CIP Elizabeth Estevez, Capital Projects Manager, Parks and Recreation DATE: February 1, 2024 SUBJECT: February 1, 2024 - Parks and Recreation Department Capital Project Update Parks and Recreation Department Capital Project Update Park Project Update Estimated Completion Fairway Park Artificial Turf Multi-Purpose Field, Drainage and Playground Replacement Phase I Construction is complete. Phase II Construction: Funding gap exisits for this phase. Currently in department capital budget request. Phase I: Start: June 2020 Completion: March 2021 Phase II: Partial funding approved this fiscal year.In planning phase, pendin re-kickoff meeting with design team. Normandy Isle Park Park Turf Replacement Funding gap exisits for this project, currently in department capital budget request. (MDC DERM permits obtained, Building Department permitting pending). Construction: TBD Maurice Gibb Memorial Park Park Renovation and Soil Remediation Soil remediation work is underway throughout the park. The contractor has started the removal of the unforeseen concrete structures and debris. Permits have been submitted to DERM for the removal of the discovered fuel tanks. The additional scope of work and permits will impact the construction schedule. The relocation of trees and work on the seawall will commence in September 2023. Start (design): September 2017 Complete (design): March 2020 Start Construction: April 2023 Complete Construction: December 2024 Bay Shore Park (PAR 3) Community Park Design and Construction Construction activities continue. The site for the tree nursery area to hold and protect the relocated trees within the park has been completed. The underground utility installation and lake excavation activities continue. Start Construction: October 2023 Complete Construction: September 2025 2 Flamingo Park Phase 2: Softball Field Renovations The consultant, Wolfgang Alvarez & Partners, is currently addressing comments to the 60% Design Documents for the Softball Field. The construction is expected to begin fall 2024. Start (design): June 2017 Complete (design): 2024 Flamingo Park Phase 2: Baseball Field Renovations The baseball stadium improvements design contract was awarded to Saltz Michelson at the December 2023 City Commission. The baseball field design work has started and is expected to be completed within six months. Start (design): Fall 2023 Complete (design): Spring - Summer 2024 Flamingo Park Phase 3: Butterfly Garden & Historic Lodge Renovation BUTTERFLY GARDEN: The butterfly garden construction documents are being coordinated with the relocation of the childcare center. Commencement of construction is scheduled following the Childcare Relocation project. HISTORIC LODGE: The award of the construction contract was approved on 12.13.2023. The Procurement Department is in the process of issuing the construction contract. Construction is anticipated to commence in March 2024. BUTTERFLY GARDEN: Start (design): February 2018 Complete (design): July 2019 HISTORICAL LODGE: Complete (design): January 2023 North Shore Park New Restroom Revised drawings currently under CMB Building Department review and final approval is expected by the January/February 2024. Procurement currently processing a JOC contract to select a contractor. NTP I is tentatively scheduled for mid-February 2024. Start (design): September 2017 Complete (design): December 2021 Construction: 2024 1 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board FROM: Jose del Risco, Parks & Recreation Assistant Director Elizabeth Estevez, Capital Projects Manager DATE: February 1, 2024 SUBJECT: February 2024 - Parks and Recreation Department Project Update Parks and Recreation Department GOB Project Update Park G.O. Bond Project Update Estimated Completion Collins Park Walkway & plaza paver replacement Project Completed Completed: June 2020 Crespi Park Fencing, pavilion and pathway improvements Project Completed Completed: November 2019 Fairway Park Fencing and pavilion improvements Pavilion Improvements Completed. Fencing project Completed. Pavilion -Completed May 2020 Fencing – March 2021 LED Lighting in Parks Upgrade existing lighting to LED technology at the following parks: Stillwater, Crespi, Tatum & Normandy Isle Park Project Completed Completed: January 2020 North Shore Park & Youth Center Pathway addition This will be performed concurrently with the CIP project at this park Dependent on CIP project Polo Park Softball/Baseball field renovations Project Completed Completed: August 2019 Scott Rakow Youth Center Pool & Pool/locker room improvements Project Complete. Currently in Closeout Phase Completed: July 2020 Stillwater Park Fencing and pavilion improvements Project Completed Completed: November 2019 Marjory Stoneman Douglas Park Playground Project Completed Completed: September 2022 Marjory Stoneman Douglas Park Turtle Friendly Lighting Pending FWC Approval – 30% plans will be provided for their review once designer completes them. Designer has been brought on board and is currently working on providing 30% plans. Fall 2024 *all items in gray have been completed.