Miami Beach to Raise Threshold on Approval for Regulating the Size of Buildings
City of Miami Beach,
Jan. 31, 2024
Miami Beach to Raise Threshold on Approval for
Regulating the Size of Buildings
— Requiring a super 6/7 majority vote from the Commission, as opposed to the
current 5/7 threshold —
Miami Beach, FL – The Miami Beach City Commission voted unanimously today to raise the
approval margin from five to six of the body’s seven eligible voting members to approve any
request to exceed the city’s maximum allowable floor area ratio (FAR), which is the
measurement of the total buildable floor area based on the size of a particular property.
“This is an absolute game changer for our city,” said Miami Beach Mayor Steven Meiner, who
sponsored the item. “It's time to halt overdevelopment and embrace smart, sustainable growth.
We are shaping a future that preserves our city's essence while fostering responsible
The commission also voted to add an enhanced application process for requesting an
exception to FAR requirements. The process includes a requirement for applicants to conduct
an impact assessment of any proposed change.
“Our residents have sent us a clear mandate to reduce congestion in the city and limit the
overall number of development projects that exceed our maximum buildable floor area ratio
and deteriorate the quality of life,” said Commissioner Alex Fernandez, who suggested the
enhanced application process.
The Land Development Regulations of the City Code, commonly known as the ‘LDR’s, defines
floor area, including the method of measuring floor area, as well as all applicable exceptions to
what constitutes floor area. Floor area ratio, or “FAR,” refers to the amount of floor area
permitted on a property and is based upon the zoning district that a property falls within.
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