Clifford Schulman/Tala Const. -" ~ , ' . . II1i_B_ , 1lIIlJ, lD - City of Miami Beach Office of the City Clerk 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM Lobbyist means all persons employed or retained, whether paid or not, by a principal who seeks to encourage the passage, defeat or modification of any ordinance, resolution, action or decision of any commissioner; any action, decision, recommendation of the City Manager or any city board or committee; or any action, decision or recommendation of any city personnel defined In any manner in this section, during the time period of the entire decision-making process on such action, decision or recommendation that foreseeably will be heard or reviewed by the city commission, or a city board or committee, The term specifically Includes the principal as well as any employee engaged in lobbying activities. Tbe tenn -Lobbyists- has specific exduslons. Please refer to Ordinance 2004-3435. Schulman NAME OF LOBBYIST: 1221 Brickell BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS (305) 579-0500 TELEPHONE NUMBER: Clifford (First) A. (M.!) FL 33131 (State) (Zip Code) schulmanc@gtlaw.com EMAIL: (Last) Avenue Miami (Number and Street) (City) (305) 579-0717 FAX NUMBER: I. LOBBYIST RETAINED BY: Tala Construction Company NAME OF PRINCIPAl/CLIENT: /6 fA..1 ~ (1.n12..f' . / 1115 N.W. 12 Street BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS (Number and Street) FL (State) 33126 (Zip Code) Miami (City) (305) 477-3136 TELEPHONE NUMBER: FAX NUMBER: (Optional) EMAIL: (Optional) Fill out this section If prindpalls a Corporation, Partnership or Trust [SectIon 2-482 (c)) NAME OF CHIEF OFFICER, PARTNER, OR BENEFICIARY: IDENTIFY ALL PERSONS HOLDING, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, A S% OR MORE OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN SUCH CORPORATION, PARTNERSHIP OR TRUST: II. SPECIFIC LOBBY ISSUE: Historical Preservation Application for Ocean V Issue to be lobbied (Describe In detail): III. CITY AGENCIES/INDIVIDUALS TO BE LOBBIED: A} Full Name of Indlvldual/TItle B} Any Financial, Familial or Profealonal Relationship ~ ... - r; See attached ,~ -l o .s;- :::JI: r..... -< ::!J ;"1'1 (') 'n < m o -: G r 1"'", ::(, A U> J> :J: U) .s;- ; .. .-/ IV. DISCLOSURE OF TERMS AND AMOUNTS OF LOBBYIST COMPENSATION (DISCLOSE WHETHER HOURL Y, FLAT RATE OR OTHER): L A) LOBBYIST DISCLOSURE: (Required) $ 475. 00 X~ V\..6"lA.^ B) PRINCIPAL'S DISCLOSURE (OF LOBBYIST COMPENSATION): Required). $ 475.00 ~~~ No: X Are YOU reDresentina a not-for-Drofit corooratlon or entitY without soeclal comDensation or reimbursement. Pursuant to Ordinance No. 2004-3435. Yes 1) Pursuant to Ordil1lllnce No. 2003-3393 Amendina Miami Beach City Code Chaoter 2. Article VII. Division S Thereof Entitled "Camoaian Finance Reform" Via The Addition Of Code Section 2-488 Entitled "Prohibited Camoaian Contributions Bv lobbYists On Procurement Issues": Yes No: X Are YOU 10bbYina on a Dresent or oendina bid for Goods. eauiDment or servials. or on a Dresent or DendinG award for aoocIs. eauiDment or service? 2) Pursuant to Ordll1lllnce No. 2003-]395 Amendina Miami Beach City Code Chaoter 2. Article VII Division S thereof Entitled "Campaian Finance Reform". Via The Addition Of Code Section 2-490 Entitled "Prohibited Camoaian Contributions Bv Lobbvists On Real Estate Develooment Issues": Yes No: X Are YOU lobbvina on a oendinG aDDlication for a DeveIoDment AGreement with the CitY or aDDlication for chanae of zonina maD desiGnation or chanGe to the CitY's Future Land use MaD? V. SIGNATURE UNDER OATH: ON OCTOBER 15J OF EACH YEAR, EAat LOBBYIST SHALL SUBMIT TO THE CIIY CLERK A SIGNED STATEMENT UNDER OATH, USTING LOBBYING EXPENDITURES, AS WELL AS COMPENSATION RECEIVED, IN THE CIIY OF MIAMI BEAat FOR THE PRECEDING CALENDAR YEAR. A STATEMENT SHALL BE FILED EVEN IF THERE HAVE BEEN NO EXPENDITURES OR MP NSAll0N DURING THE REPORllNG PERIOD. ue and correct and that I have read or am the Miami Beach City Code and all reporting Signature of Lobbyist: Signature of Principal/Client: VI. LOBBYIST IDENTIFICATION: PRlNCPAL IDENTIFICATION: Produced ID Produced ID Form of Identification Personally known (Principal) YD. SIGNATURE AND STAMP OF NOTARY: State of Florida, County of Miami-Dade Sworn and subscribed before me This _day of . 20_ Signature of Public Notary - State of Florida Notarization of Principal's sigl1lllture Q.~ ~J l\. l Date Paid ~ - ll-otf- YIST\LOBBYIST FORM 04 ureenDel'g - l"Il.a.ml. ' ' . ,;';::>/c"I~Ol.l':l:/ .1.1: ':1:0 -'. .;:(; ";.;~:'~i1'J~<';:",~;- \-!'; - ": I:'AUt. ..::>/~,,;. tugn'&t',a.x,""", ".," '.' '~'- '-"', ":';>_: F~>~'-i'''-\'r!''~;'/':f~''L~-~'~'~~:',:~,~:~~~~~"t:.;: lV. llJSCLOSl_ OP1I!RHSMDAIIOIlfnS or 10IlIIYJSr COIII'IIISAmlII ~WIttnfIIlHOURLY, RATMTfOltOTJffRJr. ' II) I.OllBYlSTDlSCD5IIIlE'tR'-. L..J) $475.QO ~ Vi ol.lr B) PlUNCtPAL'S OISQ.OSURe (OI'lOIlIinsTCOMPENSAT1ON)~ ~. $415.00 ~ ~ Nol X.... "..1_ _..... . natofar-....,. mrmaJ'lIIIan Dr IIIIIItv --.- ~'... Dr .........._--.t. PlIr5UlIl1t tg ~ No. 2804-3435. v. 1) Pwsuanl III 0................. --'l3!J3 Amendina Mlamlll<llch Cilv CcxII!I <l1BpII!r 2. ArtIcle W. Division 5 1herecf ~~ ~mMlIgn FIn1no1:! Rtmrm" Vb ~ Addllian Of rIVIal <:at+W\ 2-4RA FntMad~ ClImoa1Qn CmIrhJlIons Bv lDbbvlsls On Pmoft!ment &!;~ VB Nol X ...."..L "......lIIan......arDMIIJ1llllldfar........ -..... ~...- __..... _IIIININ ~ fer...... eauIIHM!IIt ,....w.? 2) JlIJoI..nt III ~..... --.- Arnendlno _11IeId> CIv t"NLoo ~r>'>'" 2. AIlIde W DlvlsIon 5 thereof EnIftIed "Camoaign Finance Reform". VillI Thl! Addlllon Of Code --.. 2-490 BItIIIed "Pr!lNbIl!!d Camoalan r"nntrthllllnn. I!v I nhhv1ft On Rtoal F_ ~..nl Is5ues"' v_ _ X Are"..lobIMllllan.~nfll.DlllIaItIon_.DIINID--*AII~wIIh"'CIlver --farm.-at....i.... mu d_-or~b1tbeCbl'8'FUtu,.UntI u.~, Y. SlIlfIA1URE UNDER M1H: ON OCTOIIER lilt OF BOt YEAR, !J\OI w.YJa' &HM.L SUUUT TO llIE an' C1EJII[ A IDGNED 5rATEMIINT UNDER 0A11f,. USI1NG LOUYINGi AS WILL M cor.u.1Sr.11OIt RECDVED, IN 1lE CITY OF MJAM[ BEAQt FOR THE YEAR. A srA11!M!NT SKAU. IE FD.m EVEN JF THERE HAVE BEEN NO :noN DUIUJIG ntE RaouK.... PERmD. '4. Prllduced IO Form of Iderdlcdtkln I'enlllnalIy Itnawn (l ,11 _ VII. lIGNA".. MID srAMPOF NOrMYI Sl3le of Florida, Counly of Mfaml-Oade Sworn to and subsl:rlled before me ThIs rRf r;t . 20_ SIgnature r;t Public Notary - Slate of FIark1a Ncam.lDn ofLoIIbyIBt's lIIgMtIn Pl'lllllucl IO Form of IcleIlllllCltlOn P..",c.1IIr 1lIIIlwn(p.. .0 __..! J,~1><I" .~~~~I __ ,'ll-o'i LobllYtIt Reg_ Form reaIvel:I Bnd verified by: '~ ~ ReoAsed ll2/10/04 f: a. M -M\!. FORM 04 Mayor David Dermer Commissioner Matti Herrera Bower Commissioner Simon Cruz Commissioner Luis R. Garcia, Jr. Commissioner Saul Gross Commissioner Jose Smith Commissioner Richard Steinberg Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager Christina Cuervo, Assistant City Manager Robert Middaugh, Assistant City Manager Mary Greenwood, Executive Assistant to the City Manager Ramiro Inguanzo, Chief of Staff Tim Hemstreet, Special Assistant to the City Manager Murray Dubbin, City Attorney Donald Papy, Chief Deputy City Attorney Code Compliance Division AI Childress, Division Director Eric Wardle, Jr., Assistant Division Director 305-673-7000 exl. 6787 Kristal Caron, Office Manger Fire Department Floyd Jordan, Fire Chief Planning and Zoning Department Jorge Gomez, Director William H. Cary, Director Design, Preservation and Neighborhood Planning Division Armando Valdes, Planning and Zoning Manager Thomas R. Mooney, AICP, Design and Preservation Manager Steven Green, Office Manager Chuck Taft, Boards Administrator April Hirsch, Secretary to the Board of Adjustment Juan Diaz, Planning Technician Antonieta Stohl, Receptionist Permit Review Process Ricardo Guzman, Planner, Planning & Zoning Kevin Perkins, Planner, Planning & Zoning Marija Surev, Planner, Planning & Zoning Christopher Dunn, Planner, Planning & Zoning Mark Sean Finnen, Planner, Planning & Zoning Planning Board Mercy Lamazares, Sr. Planner Stephen Foren, Sr. Planner, Planning & Zoning Board of Atijustment Armando Valdes, Planning and Zoning Manager April Hirsch, Secretary to the Board of Adjustment Historic Preservation Thomas R. Mooney, AICP, Design and Preservation Manager Shannon Anderton, Sr. Planner, Design & Preservation De!Jign Review Board Thomas R. Mooney, AICP, Design and Preservation Manager Laura Quenelle, Sr. Planner, Design & Preservation Neighborhood Planning Joyce Meyers, North Beach Planning Coordinator Reuben CaldwelJ, Planner, Design & Preservation Charles Buckles, Sr. Plans Designer Katia Hirsh, Planner Public Works Fred Beckmann, Director Michael Alvarez, Assistant Director Engineering and Construction Division Environmental Resource Division Bruce Henderson, Environmental Specialist Streets and Streetlights Division Transportation and Concurrency Management Joseph Johnson, Director Amelia Johnson, Transportation Coordinator- Henry Johnson, Senior Planner, Debra Hart, Office Associate Warerand~erDw~ron Nathan Pope, Water and Sewer Utilities Superintendent John Kronick, Streets, Streetlighting and Stormwater Superintendnet A.D.A. Compliance / Heidi Johnson-Wright, ADA Coordinator Building Department Phil Azan, Building Director Hamid Dolikhani, Assistant Director Richard McConachie, Chief Building Inspector Jeri Dee Goodkin, Senior Building Inspector Permit Counter Evelyn H. Sanchez, Office Associate IV Electrical Gary Ortega, Chief Electrical Inspector Plumbing Paul Elledge, Chief Plumbing Inspector Structural Mohammed Partovi, Chief Structural Plans Processor Mechanical Paul Raymond, Chief Mechanical Inspector MicrofilmlStorage Omar Castellanos, Building Records Manager Elevators John Antona, Chief Elevator Inspector Accessibility Gl~dys Salas, Chief Accessibility Inspector