March 5, 2024 Agenda Package - Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board Meeting 1 Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board Meeting Tuesday, March 5, 2024 City Hall - City Manager’s Conference Room 1700 Convention Center Drive – 4th Floor 5:30 p.m. AGENDA 1. Approval of February 1, 2024 Meeting Minutes 2. Tentative: Sunshine Laws Presentation (City Attorney’s Office) 3. Selection of Chair and Vice-Chair Miami Beach City Code Section 2-21(6), states: “An individual member can serve as a chairperson of a specific agency, board or committee for no more than four consecutive years.” 4. FY 25 Capital Budget Requests (Parks) 5. Update on Location for Fire Station – Flamingo Park (CIP) 6. Discussion on Lights at Polo Park Basketball Courts 7. GO Bond Project Updates 8. Public Discussion Reminder: o Next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, April 9, 2024 at 5:30pm. Location is currently TBD. Location to be determined during meeting. Monthly Reports: o Upcoming City Commission Meetings & Committee/Board Meeting Parks and Recreation Items o Parks and Recreation Capital Project Updates o GOB Projects Update Sheet PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 1, 2024, MEETING CITY MANAGER’S CONFERENCE ROOM 4TH FLOOR, CITY HALL 1 Members in Attendance: David Berger, Janie Hayes, Joseph Hernandez, Shannon Koonin, David Nguah, Joelle Gringarten, Sean Smith, Joshua Lifshultz, Donald Goldberg, and Gayle Durham Members not Present: Jonathan Fryd City Staff: Cynthia Casanova (Assistant Director, Parks & Recreation) and Alan Alberta (Athletics Manager) Meeting called to order at 5:35 p.m. • Approval of the December 12, 2023 Minutes o The December 12, 2023 minutes were approved. Motion made by: Shannon Koonin Motion seconded by: David Berger Motion passes: unanimously • Selection of Chair and Vice Chair o Item was deferred to the March 5, 2024 meeting • Introduction & Discussion of Canas Tennis – Flamingo Park Tennis Center o Sean Smith introduced Canas Tennis, management company of the Flamingo Park Tennis Center. o Canas Tennis began operating the Flamingo Park Tennis Center on December 13, 2023 o Canas Tennis gave a background/history on their company and thanked the City for leaving a great foundation for them to build on. o Board members briefly discussed the app/software they use for bookings, which is the same as Miami Beach Tennis Center. Gayle Durham asked a question about booking a group of 4 (regarding use of app) and Canas Tennis responded. o Gayle Durham asked if they had any plans to update the Proshop. Canas Tennis said they are interested are taking the time to see what the people want. They want to have some retail items available and some sort of a coffee/snack shop, depending on the interest of people. Canas Tennis described what they did to appreciate their members during their one month anniversary. o Sean Smith inquired about the after-school programming regarding setup and pricing. Canas Tennis stated that they have changed where people register and some clinic times. They also discussed their campaigns to promote their children’s programming. PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT PARKS AND RECREATIONAL FACILITIES ADVISORY BOARD MINUTES OF THE FEBRUARY 1, 2024, MEETING CITY MANAGER’S CONFERENCE ROOM 4TH FLOOR, CITY HALL 2 o Canas Tennis explained their coaching program and meetings that occur weekly. All previous coaches are still employed with the exception of one that decided to leave. This coaches are dedicated to Flamingo Park Tennis. o Sean Smith asked about tournaments between the facilities they manage. Canas Tennis explained what they currently have and hope to implement. o Canas Tennis explained free programming they have and intend to have, such as a stretching class in the morning. o Canas Tennis also explained that they will be running monthly clinics with different skills. o Cindy Casanova said she will be bringing a future item regarding private lessons at neighborhood tennis courts. o The group discussed outside instructors performing lessons on the courts for a fee. o Cindy explained that they are building 3 new pickleball courts and Flamingo. Currently there is a handball court that is temporarily lined for pickleball in the meantime. There is no pickleball and padel in the Flamingo Park Tennis Facility. o Sean Smith and the Board Members thanked Canas Tennis for coming and presenting. • GO Bond Project Updates o Item not heard. • Public Input / Open Discussion o No discussion took place Meeting Adjourned at 7:00 p.m. UPCOMING 2024 MEETING DATES Tuesday, March 5, 2024 Tuesday, April 9, 2024 Tuesday, May 7, 2024 Tuesday, June 4, 2024 Tuesday, September 10, 2024 Tuesday, October 8, 2024 Tuesday, November 19, 2024 Tuesday, December 10, 2024 1 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board FROM: Vianca Peron-Sellan, Administrative Services Manager DATE: Tuesday, March 5, 2024 SUBJECT: March 2024 – Upcoming Parks and Recreation Related Items at City Commission Meetings & Committee/Board Meetings Important Change! Temporary Location of Meetings: Due to the renovation of the Commission Chambers at City Hall, all meetings unless indicated below will be held at the Miami Beach Convention Center {MBCC), located at 1901 Convention Center Drive, Meeting Rooms 222-225, on the second floor. Wednesday, March 13, 2024 Commission Meeting Start Time: 8:00 a.m. Location: MBCC Commission Chambers Zoom Information: Not currently available • Agenda has not been published. Tuesday, March 19, 2024 Land Use and Sustainability Committee Hybrid Meeting Start Time: 4:00 p.m. Location: MBCC Commission Chambers Zoom Information: https://miamibeachfl-gov.zoom.us/j/85059923037 • Agenda has not been published. Wednesday, March 20 2024 Public Safety and Neighborhood Quality of Life Committee Meeting Start Time: 10:00 a.m. Location: MBCC Commission Chambers Zoom Information: https://miamibeachfl-gov.zoom.us/j/87833352956 • Agenda has not been published Friday, March 22, 2024 Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee Meeting Start Time: 10:30 a.m. Location: MBCC Commission Chambers Zoom Information: Not currently available • Agenda has not been published Wednesday, April 3, 2024 Commission Meeting Start Time: 8:00 a.m. Location: MBCC Commission Chambers Zoom Information: Not currently available • Agenda has not been published. Note: All items are subject to change. For the most accurate items for each meeting, please review the agendas on the City’s website. 1 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board FROM: Luis Molina, Assistant to the CIP Director, CIP Elizabeth Estevez, Capital Projects Manager, Parks and Recreation DATE: March 5, 2024 SUBJECT: March 5, 2024 - Parks and Recreation Department Capital Project Update Parks and Recreation Department Capital Project Update Park Project Update Estimated Completion Fairway Park Artificial Turf Multi-Purpose Field, Drainage and Playground Replacement Phase I Construction is complete. Phase II Construction: Funding gap exists for this phase. Currently in department capital budget request. Phase I: Start: June 2020 Completion: March 2021 Phase II: Partial funding approved this fiscal year.In planning phase, re-kickoff meeting with design team has occurred and we are currently waiting on their proposal.. Normandy Isle Park Park Turf Replacement Funding gap exisits for this project, currently in department capital budget request. (MDC DERM permits obtained, Building Department permitting pending). Construction: TBD Maurice Gibb Memorial Park Park Renovation and Soil Remediation Soil remediation, removal of unforeseen concrete structures & debris, & seawall construction is ongoing. Revised permit documents to avoid altering existing mangroves has been submitted to DERM for review. Additional scope of work & permit modifications required to address the unforeseen structures & changes to the seawall will delay construction approx. 2 months. City staff is working with the contractor to minimize the delay. Relocation of the existing trees is ongoing. Start (design): September 2017 Complete (design): March 2020 Start Construction: April 2023 Complete Construction: December 2024 Bay Shore Park (PAR 3) Community Park Design and Construction Develop a brand new 19+ acre park space with environmental remediation and resiliency components; construct an outdoor amphitheater, walking trail with lake overlooks, tennis courts and restroom facility, a Start Construction: October 2023 Complete Construction: September 2025 2 pavilion shade structure, dog park, vita course, playground, and butterfly garden. Flamingo Park Phase 2: Softball Field Renovations The consultant, Wolfberg Alvarez, is addressing comments to the 60% design documents for the Softball Field. The 90% drawings are expected Feb/March 2024. The construction is expected to begin fall 2024. Start (design): June 2017 Complete (design): 2024 Flamingo Park Phase 2: Baseball Field Renovations The consultant for the baseball stadium design contract was issued NTP in December 2023. The baseball stadium design work has started and is expected to be completed within six months. Start (design): Fall 2023 Complete (design): Spring - Summer 2024 Flamingo Park Phase 3: Butterfly Garden & Historic Lodge Renovation BUTTERFLY GARDEN: The butterfly garden construction documents are being coordinated with the relocation of the childcare center. Commencement of construction is scheduled following the childcare relocation project. HISTORIC LODGE: The award of the construction contract was approved on 12.13.2023 and has been executed. The construction is anticipated to commence in March 2024. BUTTERFLY GARDEN: Start (design): February 2018 Complete (design): July 2019 HISTORICAL LODGE: Complete (design): January 2023 North Shore Park New Restroom Construction documents approved and permit issuance pending completion of contract required documents. JOC contract has been processed and shall be issued to the Contractor upon receipt of Bond for construction. NTP I is tentatively scheduled for March 2024. Start (design): September 2017 Complete (design): December 2021 Construction: 2024 1 PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT MEMORANDUM TO: Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board FROM: Jose del Risco, Parks & Recreation Assistant Director Elizabeth Estevez, Capital Projects Manager DATE: March 5, 2024 SUBJECT: March 2024 - Parks and Recreation Department Project Update Parks and Recreation Department GOB Project Update Park G.O. Bond Project Update Estimated Completion Collins Park Walkway & plaza paver replacement Project Completed Completed: June 2020 Crespi Park Fencing, pavilion and pathway improvements Project Completed Completed: November 2019 Fairway Park Fencing and pavilion improvements Pavilion Improvements Completed. Fencing project Completed. Pavilion -Completed May 2020 Fencing – March 2021 LED Lighting in Parks Upgrade existing lighting to LED technology at the following parks: Stillwater, Crespi, Tatum & Normandy Isle Park Project Completed Completed: January 2020 North Shore Park & Youth Center Pathway addition This will be performed concurrently with the CIP project at this park Dependent on CIP project Polo Park Softball/Baseball field renovations Project Completed Completed: August 2019 Scott Rakow Youth Center Pool & Pool/locker room improvements Project Complete. Currently in Closeout Phase Completed: July 2020 Stillwater Park Fencing and pavilion improvements Project Completed Completed: November 2019 Marjory Stoneman Douglas Park Playground Project Completed Completed: September 2022 Marjory Stoneman Douglas Park Turtle Friendly Lighting Pending FWC Approval – 30% plans will be provided for their review once designer completes them. Designer has been brought on board and is currently working on providing 30% plans. Fall 2024 *all items in gray have been completed.