Miami Beach Teams Up With Uber to Drive Home Message on Spring Break Delays
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City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139,
OFFICE OF MARKETING & COMMUNICATIONS, Tel: 305.673.7575 Press Release
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FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE March 8, 2024 Miami Beach Teams Up with Uber to Drive Home Message on Spring Break Delays
— Uber is warning drivers to expect busier than usual traffic and potential road closures — Miami Beach, FL – The City of Miami Beach has teamed up with ride-sharing market leader Uber to prepare the company’s many drivers and passengers to expect major traffic delays during the entire month of March as the city imposes an unprecedented crackdown on unruly spring break crowds. Drivers and riders will receive emails, in-app messages and push notifications that will link directly to Uber safety tips and the Miami Beach website.
“Uber drivers and riders should be prepared for significant traffic congestion as they enter Miami Beach over the next two weekends,” said Commissioner Alex Fernandez, who
spearheaded the collaboration with Uber. “We’re urging drivers to remain vigilant and report any suspicious activities. They should expect curfews and be aware of our comprehensive public safety measures including road closures, parking impacts, license plate readers and DUI
checkpoints, all aimed at ensuring the safety of everyone in the city.” Fed up with disorderly crowds, lawless behavior and a string of violent acts in recent years, the entire month of March has been designated as a high-impact period in Miami Beach. The periods between March 7-10 and March 14-17 are expected to generate the largest spring break crowds, and as such more stringent measures are being implemented during these two weekends. Uber has advised drivers and riders to plan ahead to avoid the disruptions caused by the spring break measures. Visit for additional details. ###
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