120-1998 LTC CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LETTER TO COMMISSION TELEPHONE: (305) 673-7010 FAX: (305) 673-7782 L.T.C NO. 120-1998 August 24, 1998 TO: Honorable Mayor and City Commissioners FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager , SUBJECT: ASSISTANT CITY MANAGER I am pleased to announce that Christina M. Cuervo has accepted my offer in the capacity of Assistant City Manager and will be reporting to work on September 8, 1998. Christina is currently serving as an Assistant City Manager with the City of Miami in charge of Finance and Administration. Previous to that, she served as Executive Vice President ofthe Beacon Council. Attached please find a copy of her Resume. I will ask my secretary, Ruth, to coordinate with your staff a convenient date and time so that I may introduce her to you. Christina is as enthusiastic as I am about being part of the City of Miami Beach. Please join me in welcoming her to the City. SR:rr Attachment \cmgr\$all\ltr2comm. 96\park iog. dir CHRISTINA M. CCERVO 1600 SOUTH MIAMI^' VENU'E MIAMl, FLOlUD.A. 33119 (lJ) (305) 854-7'706 (W) (305) 416-1011 WORK EXl'ElUENCE CITY OF MIAMI, OFFICB OF THE CJn: MANAGER. M14Ml, FLORIDA 'JANUARY 1998-fRESE . Assislllnt City Manager Un~r a reorganized and restrUctured government, act as one, of two, assistant city nllUlsgers With Finance and Administration responsibility for o'Yel'Sigllt and coordination among the finllTlcial divisions and. ~ministrativc departments. of the City. 5peclt'lca1ly, ov,"r8';O:: tho:: departmrot~ 01' Finallce, Comtn\lnity Development, Il\fo1'll1ation Tli>ehnology. Plallnins & De\'elopment Hcmnl!: Boards. Human Resources, Risk Management, Asset Management, Labor Relll1ions, Purchasing and wOlk with the Federal lUld State Liaison. Continue to be invoh'ed in the m~lIlagement and eoordinationofCity functions with emphasiS on promoting !\ nigher level of llccountllbllil)' and more dfc;ctivc dc:livery Qf servioos, priQrity functions include illteracting with 1hc St9.te r-inancial Oversight Board, monitoring implementation of 643 m&Jl.!Igement and productivity initiatives, instit\ltil\g a city-wide strategic pla1ming effort, establishing benchmarks and perfOnlllmCe measures, undertaking a dep4lrtmental needs assessment, improvIng lntunal comrols, a5S11rlng gr~nt compliilI1r;;,", ;l.nd r\:;l:on(;ili~ion and identifying CQ!lI: saving opportUnities and I'\:Venue enhancement altematives. THE BEACON COUNCIL OF MIAMI- DADE COUNTY. MIAMI, FLORIDA ECeMBEB,1996-JANlJARY 1998 Executive Vice President Primary emphasis on promoting economic growth llnd new bUllinCSS devclopm~nt within MilllIli-Dado CQunty I1Ild rc:!ponsibilities includod man~gement and o'Versight of the President's Office and the followin.e divisions: Membership Services, M(lrketing & Communications, Research and Strategic Planning, and the Loan and Venture Capital Programs, For this p\lblic-private partnership, also served as the 1L1tcrgoveromental and Community AffairS liaison, coordinating the Implcm~WtiQn ofvMioU5 <:;cOflOmie developm.ent initiatives $.tlQ. ~~i9tinglhll priv31e El6ctor parlI'1et's' need!:. Served as President ofDa,de Venture Capital Fund, LLC. CITY OF MIAMl OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER. MIAMI, FLORIDA ECEMBER 1992-DJiCEMBER 199 AS:istallt City Manager I-llghly rt15ponsible admlni:ltralive position all Ilhief ~3istllllt to the City M811ager involved in the mQD:lgement ChlefofSta:ff a11d eoordil\atiol1 ofall City fUllctions with emphasis on bro~l.dening conununiLy access to municipal services. Technically invol\'~d in. ~e negotiation of complex city contracts. Supervised the Departmr;nts of IJevc!opment Public Fa.clltt,es & Asset Management, which were respollslblr; for maximization of rC"~IlUC :iou(ce~ through cff"\itivo plllunint:: /1I1d (levelopment of 1\11 city owned re~1 property valued ill excess of $600 million BeE.inning ill 1995. had ovel'Sight for the Community Planning DcpartlIlcnt specifically making reco~mendatlollS on comprehensive land use development pllms and presiding at all Flanning ~d Zoning meetlngs of the CIty Commission. A(I(Iltlonally, acted a~ tho intergovernmental ilffl1.i~ coordinntor n~pre3entin; tho ?ilY' 6 il1t~rcst at th.. :ocal, Sta~c and Federallcvel. This position rec)uired initiatine str(\.tegi~ goals. empowertng assocIates, tracktn~ multtplr; complex projects and ensuring accountability of City departments and related functions. Commet'cial Lendinll; Officcr (8/86 - 12/89) UjV~rED ~TIQNAL BANK. MIAMI, F!{}lUDA. (MAl.l.CH 19f)2-DECEMB~ 1/)92) Asslstant VIce President D~veloped ~d manll.ge~ a !oan portfolio comprised of niche commercial real estate invr;storslusel's and a ~;:~ate b~l?g base prnnar~ly targeted at loeallaw tinns and medical practices, Dutir;s included developing . ln~ deposItory relationshIps,. evaluatlng existing and pro~p\)ctive oustomc;r:!' or~dit neede and porforrnin rea tl~la-te 'lIarket analyses relatwe to proposed constrnction and refinancin17 tran 'aAt. g .. s ...Ions. ~~::st~=J~~:'NATlONAL BtNKISOU!HEAST JlA~K. MIAMI, FT~ORlDA (AUGUST 1986-MARCH 1992) , nvolved WlI.n the negotiation ami manac t f k A$9istlU1t Vice President Previollsly ,as a !teal Estal C d' Offi g In\;ll 0 ~Q wor out reol estate transactions totaling $100 million. (12/89 _ 3/92) estate cred~s over $1 milJi~n ~~d lcc:r;~spon~l?le ~or the analysis, review llnd approval of complex real required the fonnulation of ~ompl~Y ~o'an stISruPe~sltl~n Indvo.lvked the usc of analytical and financial skills and " . .' .." "Iro~ an rls analySiS of propo ,d d Cluhts. [mlmlly proal:tiv.;ly mana."cd 11 $36 'JI' 1 . so an exlstlng real csllltc . . c ml Ion oan portfollo prill .'1 . d f reglortal developers. bOlh commercial and residell.tia ' . . lal 1 Y ~mpnse 0 largo national and potential and ~xlsting real estate fransaetiolls . clUd~' ,~~potsl.ble fO,r credit and financial evaluation of requests. Aggressivelv marketed lIon-~'edit ser' Y~A' tong ec osmg, dIsbursement and rnonitOling of loan . ..... promote relationship banking. Mllll!icd a $7 million loan portfolio comprised of 'al . with sales in the $lmillion-S20million range llnd p ,?m~~CJ k" real estate Investors, middle-market businesses Fmallce specialiSt responsIble for coordinatln d rlvade ~n mg ~stOl11crs, Also setved as the Commercial g an con 1I1;tlng lludlt:; ofMSCt-bll3cd b . , orrOWIni1; c\lStomer's" · Com?leted the Real Estate Trainin Pr . consIsted of a four month intensive gtr~am, graduatmg firs.t among a class of 12 students. Program law, appraisal review, DCF anal)'sls policiCll ~urse eonec~trabng on undenvliting techniques, real estate Completed an intensive six m th fi' al C' ~um~l11lltron and loan workout. . on Orrn rcdJt:/Nfans" T' . accountmg economics finan I ' .ement rammg ProiWm Cl k ' on-tbe-job training . ce, oan operatIons and credit lmalysis techniques fO"llowea5Sd bwor .mcluded , y a SIX mOl1,th Rh_ 17 6nl-l PO/ZO"d 6f:9I .....TrT......T.....,....-.._ ..~_ . Training RIGGS NATIONAL /lANK, WASlIINGTON. D.C (JANUARY 1986. JUNE 1'11i~ In'VC8lmCnt Analyst Respollsibl<;: [or resem:oh rmd o.nalysis of trust department's il1vcs1ment portfolio as an intern, EDUCATI01'l Georgetown Universi1y Wa3hington, D,C. B.S. in Busine~s Adminlsrr.atton, doubl.. major in Fi.l1<\(K)" .md Inwlnl'tinnal BusinQl;l~, Spring" 1986; Cumulative Gnlde I)oint Average (3.4/4,0) Anlerican International School of Zurich, Switzerland, 1982. High School gradua.te with honors In English a.nd Math..mll.tics. SPECIAL IN'tll'.RES'l'S Licensed Florida Real Estate Sa.lesperson, July 1984 - Present Board Member, City of Miami Zoning Board, Janumy 1997. January 1996 Board Member, VU> Commiw::e, $upcrbowl 1999 Host Committc~ Director, Hispanic Heritage Festival, May 1997- Present Oirector, Douglas Gardens Community Mental Health Center, September 1993 - Present Oirector, Downtown Miami Community Development Coalition. August 1995 . Prcslimt Director, Dade Venture Capital Fund. Le, No'Vomber 1997 - Pr~ent Director, BankUnited FSB. December 1995 - Ja.nu3.1Y 1997 Director, YWCA of Greater Miami, March 1996 - Present Director, o.;orgetown University Alumni Club of Miami, March 1991- Present Trustee, United Way of Dade County, 1994 - Present Governor's Judicial Nominating Commission, Nominated 1995 Up & Comers AW31'ds, South Florida Business JOllrnal, Winner 1995 Cultural Atl"airs Counoil of MctropOHtan Dade COllnty, Touri~t Tax Onwt3 proJP'Nll PCl1lel, 1996 - 1999 C.ommunity RellltiOlla Board of Metropolilart Dade County. Board Membc:rthru October 1994 Leadership Miami, 1991/1992 Dir~tor, Alianza de Jovenes Cubanos, June 1992 . Present Cuban National Heritage, Advisor, Scptc:mber 1994 - P~ellt PROFESSIONAL Al'FILIA TlONS Miami Host Committee. 1997 CUED Annual Conference, september 1997 Miami Host Conuniu.ee, 1 jth Annual ~ctwork Confcronoe of'rhc Enterprise Foundation, Decembcr 1996 Dade County Browtlt1elds Task Porce. December 1996 - January 1998 Dade County In1'ill Strategy Task Foree, March 1997- January 1998 Gl'eatcr Miami Chamber of Commerce, New W orlC;! Cl~J.ltcr Commlttc~ Greater MIami Cham\x:r ofCOlIllllcrce, Women iI\ Busin~ vo/m'd 017:91 86. 17 BntJ 01619117S0~:XE.:I J~W ~39~N~W Ai!J