BIE - Amending the Parking Fee (04/26/2024)M IA M I BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Conven tion Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov TO: FROM: Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission Rickelle Williams, Interim City Manager cf}u.J MEETING DATE: May 15, 2024 SUBJECT: BUSINESS IMPACT ESTIMATE FOR: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING THE PARKING FEE SECTION OF APPENDIX A TO THE CITY CODE, ENTITLED "FEE SCHEDULE," TO STANDARDIZE AND SIMPLIFY CERTAIN PARKING RATES AND CLARIFY AN INCONSISTENCY IN THE FEE FOR REMOVAL OF A PARKING SPACE; AND PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. Is a Business Impact Estimate Required? 0 Yes □No (If no, p lease check one of the boxes below) If one or more boxes are checked below, this means the City of Miami Beach has determined that a Business Impact Estimate for the above-referenced Ordinance is not required by State law. □The proposed Ordinance is required for compliance with Federal or State law or regulation; □The proposed Ordinance relates to the issuance or refinancing of debt; □The proposed Ordinance relates to the adoption of budgets or budget amendments, including revenue sources necessary to fund the budget; □The proposed Ordinance is required to implement a contract or an agreement, including, but not limited to, any Federal, State, local, or private grant or other financial assistance accepted by the City; □The proposed Ordinance is an emergency ordinance; □The Ordinance relates to procurement; or □The proposed Ordinance is enacted to implement the following: a. Part II of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, relating to growth policy, county and municipal planning, and land development regulation, including zoning, development orders, development agreements and development permits; b. Sections 190.005 and 190.046, Florida Statutes, regarding community development districts; c. Section 553.73, Florida Statutes, relating to the Florida Building Code; or d. Section 633.202, Florida Statutes, relating to the Florida Fire Prevention Code. If none of the above exceptions apply, this Business Impact Estimate is hereby provided B u s in e s s Im p a c t E s tim a te P a g e 2 d. Section 633.202, Florida Statutes, relating to the Florida Fire Prevention Code. If none of the above exceptions apply, this Business Impact Estimate is hereby provided in accordance with Section 166.041 (4), Florida Statutes. 1. A summary of the proposed Ordinance and its purpose is more fully set forth in the Commission Memorandum accompanying the Ordinance, as well as in the recitals to the Ordinance itself, which are attached hereto. 2. The fees set forth in this Ordinance will primarily impact transient parking users. The permanent removal space remains unchanged. Other than any impact to business operators using transient parking spaces, the City of Miami Beach estimates that the proposed Ordinance will have no direct economic impact on private, for profit businesses in the City of Miami Beach. The proposed Ordinance will have no direct compliance costs that businesses may reasonably incur; will not impose any new charge or fee for which businesses will be financially responsible, and will not impact the City of Miami Beach's regulatory costs and will not generate any revenue from new charges or fees. 3. Good faith estimate of the number of businesses likely to be impacted by the proposed Ordinance: The City of Miami Beach estimates that no businesses are likely to be directly impacted by the proposed Ordinance. The only impact will be to business operators or personnel who use transient parking spaces. 14. Additional comments: None Ordin an ces-R5 D MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: FROM: DATE: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission Rickelle Williams, Interim City Manager May 15, 2024 10:25 a.m. Second Reading Public Hearing SUBJECT: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING THE PARKING FEE SECTION OF APPENDIX A TO THE CITY CODE, ENTITLED "FEE SCHEDULE," TO STANDARDIZE AND SIMPLIFY CERTAIN PARKING RATES AND CLARIFY AN INCONSISTENCY IN THE FEE FOR REMOVAL OF A PARKING SPACE; AND PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. RECOMMENDATION The Administration recommends that the Mayor and City Commission approve the subject Ordinance at second reading. BACK GR OUND/HISTORY On September 25, 2019, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 2019-4299 which, in pertinent part, provides that all fees and charges established by the City Commission shall be set forth in Appendix "A" to the City Code, entitled "Fee Schedule" and provides for an annual adjustment for certain specified fees and charges to reflect increases in the Consumer Price Index ("CPI"). The purpose of this Ordinance is to standardize the rate structure for garages and reduce the number of rate structures in the Code from four (4) to two (2): one (1) rate structure for all garages in South Beach, and a reduced rate structure for the 42nd Street garage. The Ordinance also provides for certain fees to be indexed to CPI --- rounded to the nearest dollar, every five (5) years (beginning in Fiscal Year 2025). This Ordinance also clarifies rate increments and maximum daily rates following CPI adjustments. This Ordinance also serves to eliminate the CPI requirement from the permanent space removal fee. According to Miami Beach City Code, Section 106-55, Parking rates, fees, and penalties, (h)(2): "When permitted, the fee for the private permanent removal of a parking space or loading zone shall be the same rate as the fee in lieu of required parking..." Consequently, the five (5}-year CPI requirement must be eliminated from Appendix A to ensure the fee is in accordance with the fee in lieu of required parking under section 118-7 (L ). ANALY SIS The tables below illustrate the proposed rate structure for the South Beach garages and the 42nd Street garage with the FY 2025 CPI applied. South Beach CURRENT FY25 PO PO SED FY25 Transent rates 0to1hour s 3.00 Transent rate per hour and any portion thereof up to four hours $ 3.00 1to 2 hOurs $ 6.00 Transient rate per hour from fourth hour up to ninth hour $ 2.00 2 to 3 hours s 8.00 3to4hours $ 11.00 4 to 5 hours s 12.00 5 to 6 hOurs s 13.00 6 to 7 hours s 14.00 7to8hours s 16.00 8t0 15 hours $ 19.00 15 to 24 hours $ 26.00 Lot ticket charge (Maximum daily rate) s 26.00 Maximum daily rate/ Event hat rate/ Lost tcket 9th hr rate Monthly parking. per month per pemi t (not including applicable $ 136 00 Monthly parking. per month per permit (not including $ 13600 sales tax) applicable sales tax) Event tat rate per vehicle s 19.00 Employ ee Value Coupon-1coin Rad (EC-LR daily (17th Street s 1100 Employee Value Couponuncoln Road (EVC-AR) daily 4th Hr Rate Garage only) (17th Str eet Garage only) -max 4th hOur rate per 24 hours 42 d St tG n ree arage CURREN T FY25 PO POSED FY25 Transient rate per hour and any portion thereof up to EIGHT hours $ 2.00 Transient rate per hour and any portion thereo f up to SX hours s 2.00 Maximum daily rate for any tme exceed ing EIGHT hours up to 24 s 11.00 Maximum daily rate for any time exceedi ng SIX hours up to 24 6th Hr Rate hours hours Lost Ticket Charge Maximum Daily Rate Lost ticket charge (M aximum daily rate) s 11.00 Monthly parking. per month per pemit (not including applicable s 97.00 Monthly parking per month, per permi t (not including s 97.00 sales tax) applicable sales tax) Added to this requested change to Appendix A is modifying the verbiage regarding the permanent parking space removal fee, to be in accordance with the Planning section of the Code. Section 106-55(h)(2) of the City Code states that the fee for the permanent removal of a parking space or loading zone (by private parties) shall be the same rate as the fee in lieu of required parking. The Parking section of Appendix A includes the permanent removal fee (currently $40,000 per space) with an adjustment at five (5) years. Howe ver, the corresponding fee in lieu of required parking in Appendix A for the Planning section of the Code (Section 5.4.1 RC) does not have an automatic adjustment as an evaluation of costs is required to determine the need to adjust the fee. To be consistent with the Planning section of Appendix A, the Parking section should be amended by removing the five (5)-year adjustment. The Administration is proposing a new parking rate structure that wo uld reduce the current number of parking rate structures and provide for a feasible application of the CPI increase. The proposed ordinan ce would streamline the City's parking rates and fees in "Appendix A- Fee Schedule" of the Miami Beach City Code. The Administration is requesting that these changes go into effect on October 1, 2024, the start of FY 2025. LOBBYIST DISCLOSURE In accordance with Resolution No. 2023-32857, adopted by the City Commission on December 13, 2023, the following information has been requested from the primary item sponsor as it relates to the subject ordinance amendment: 1. Was the Agenda Item initially requested by a lobbyist which, as defined in Code Sec. 2-481, includes a principal engaged in lobbying? No 2. If so, specify name of lobbyist(s) and principal(s): Not applicable UPDATE On April 3, 2024, the City Commission approved the ordinance at First Reading, with no changes, and scheduled a Second Reading/Public Hearing for May 15, 2024. SUPPORTING SURVEY DATA N/A FINANCIAL INFORMATION Rate Structure: The amendment to this ordinance will not result in a substantial impact on projected revenue within the Parking Fund. Permanent Parking Space Removal Fee: As established in the Planning section of Appendix A in the Code (Section 5.4.1 RC), rather than an automatic CPI adjustment, an evaluation of current costs is required to determine the need to adjust the fee. Eliminating the five (5)-year CPI adjustment in the Parking section of the Code promotes equivalency and consistency with the fee in lieu of parking rate ($40,000 per space). Although the fiscal impact of the proposed change to the permanent parking space removal fee is approximately $10,320 per space removed, this fee is so rarely applied pursuant to the Parking section of the Code that the overall annual fiscal impact is negligible. CONCLUSION The Administration recommends that the Mayor and City Commission approve the subject Ordinance at second reading. Applicable Area Citywi de ls this a "Residents Right to Know" item, pursuant to City Code Section 2-14? Yes Strategic Connection Non-Applicable Legislative Tracking Parking Does this item utilize G,O, Bond Funds? No C o mmi s si on er T an y a K . B h a tt ATTACHMENTS: Description Ordinance ORDINANCE NO. _ AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING THE CODE OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, BY AMENDING THE PARKING FEE SECTION OF APPENDIX A TO THE CITY CODE, ENTITLED "FEE SCHEDULE," TO STANDARDIZE AND SIMPLIFY CERTAIN PARKING RATES AND CLARIFY AN INCONSISTENCY IN THE FEE FOR REMOVAL OF A PARKING SPACE; AND PROVIDING FOR CODIFICATION, REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, on September 25, 2019, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 2019-4299 which, in pertinent part, provides that all fees and charges established by the City Commission shall be set forth in Appendix "A" to the City Code, entitled "Fee Schedule," and provides for an annual adjustment for certain specified fees and charges to reflect increases in the Consumer Price Index ("CPI"); and WHEREAS, the purpose of this Ordinance is to standardize the rate structure for garages and reduce the number of rate structures in the Code from four ( 4) to two (2): one rate structure for all garages in South Beach, and a reduced rate structure for the 42nd Street garage; and WHEREAS, this Ordinance also clarifies rate increments and maximum daily rates following CPI adjustments; and WHEREAS, Section 106-55(h)(2) of the City Code states that the fee for the permanent removal of a parking space or loading zone (by private parties) shall be the same rate as the fee in lieu of required parking, which is established in the Land Development Regulations; and WHEREAS, the Parking section of Appendix A provides for a CPI adjustment, every five (5) years, to the permanent removal fee (currently $40,000 per space); and WHEREAS, the corresponding fee in lieu of required parking in the Land Development Regulations (at Section 5.4.1 of the Resiliency Code) is not subject to a CPI adjustment; and WHEREAS, the Parking section of Appendix A should be amended to be consistent with the Land Development Regulations by removing the five (5) year CPI adjustment; and WHEREAS, the Administration is proposing to standardize current parking rate structures and provide for a feasible application of the CPI increase; and WHEREAS, this Ordinance streamlines the City's parking rates and fees in "Appendix A- Fee Schedule" of the Miami Beach City Code. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. Appendix A, entitled Fee Schedule," is hereby amended as provided in "Exhibit A" to this Ordinance. SECTION 2. REPEALER. All ordinances or parts of ordinances and all section and parts of sections in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 3. CODIFICATION. It is the intention of the City Commission, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made part of the Code of the City of Miami Beach as amended; that the sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention; and that the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section" or other appropriate word. SECTION 4. SEVERA BILITY. If any section, subsection, clause or provision of this Ordinance is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect on October 1, 2024. PASSED and ADOPTED this day of , 2024. ATTEST: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk Steven Meiner, Mayor APPROVED AS TO FORM AND LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION 3-21-2 City Attorney ()K Date [Sponsored by Commissioner Tanya K. Bhatt] EXHIBIT "A" APPENDIX A- FEE SCHEDULE FEE SCHEDULE Pursuant to section 1-15 of this Code, this appendix includes all fees and charges established by the city commission that are referred to in the indicated sections of the Code of Ordinances. Certain specified fees and charges, as identified herein, shall be subject to annual adjustment by the city manager, pursuant to the provisions of section 1-15 and this Appendix "A". A schedule of all current city fees and charges as set forth in Appendix "A" shall be maintained on the city's website. Section of this Description Amount Annual Code (Sales tax Adjustment or other (Reference taxes may s shown apply) are defined at the end of this Appendix A) * * * Chapter 106._ Traffic_and_ Vehicles Article II. Metered Parking 106-55( a)1) Parking meter rates for Entertainment District Parking Zone: Per hour for on-street- 24 hours a day, seven 4.00 [F] days a week Per hour for off-street - 24 hours a day, seven 2.00 [F] days a week 106-55(a)(2) Parking meter rates for South Beach Parking Zone: Per hour for on-street - 9 a.m. to 3 a.m. 4.00 [F] Per hour for off-street -9 a.m. to 3 a.m. 2.00 [F] 106-55(a)(3) Parking meter rates for East Middle Beach Zone: Per hour for on-street - 9 a.m. to 3 a.m. 3.00 [F] Per hour for off-stre et- 9 a.m . to 3 a.m . 2.00 [F] 106-55(a)(4) Parking m eter rates fo r W est Middle Beach Zone: Per hour for on-stre et - 8 a.m . to 6 p.m . 1.00 [F] Per hour for off-stre et - 8 a.m . to 6 p.m . 1.00 [F] 106-55(a)5) Parking meter rates fo r North Beach Zone: Per hour for on-stre et- 8 a.m . to 6 p.m . 1.00 [F] Per hour for off-stre et - 8 a.m . to 6 p.m . 1.00 [F] 106-55(b )( 1) 7th Street Garage Rates and Charges: Transient rate per hour and any portion thereof 2.00 [F] up to four (4) hours Transient rate per hour from fourth (4th) hour up 1.00 [F] to 15 hours the ninth_(9th) hour Maximum daily rate for any time exceeding 15 20.00 [F] hours up to 24 hours Lost ticket charge (Maximum daily rate) 20.00 [F] Maximum daily rate for any time exceeding nine 9th Hour (9} hours/Event Flat Rate/Lost Ticket Rate Rate Monthly parking, per month, per permit (not 128.00 [A] including applicable sales tax) Weekend/event flat rate per vehicle (Friday, 15.00 [F] Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.) 106-55(b)2) 12th Street Garage Rates and Charges: Transient rate per hour and any portion thereof 2.00 [F] up to four (4) hours Transient rate per hour from fourth hour up to 15 1.00 [F] hours the 9th hour 2 Maximum daily rate for any time exceeding 15 20.00 [F] hours up to 24 hour s 9th Hour M axi m um daily rate for any time exceeding_nine Rate (9) hours/Event Flat Rate/Lost Ticket Rate Lost ticket charge (Maximum daily rate) 20.00 [F] M onthly parking, per month, per permit (not 128.00 [A] including applicable sales tax) W eek e nd/e vent flat rate per vehicle (Friday, 15.00 [F] Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 p.m. to 5:00 a.m.) 106-55(b)3) 13th Street Garage Rates and Charges: Transient rate per hour and any portion thereof 2.00 [F] up to four (4) hours Transient rate per hour from fourth (4th) hour up 1.00 [F] to 15 hours the ninth (9th) hour Maximum daily rate for any time exce eding 15 20.00 [F] hours up to 24 hours 9th Hour Maximum daily rate for any time exceeding nine Rate (9) hours/Event Flat Rate/Lost Ticket Rate Lost ticket charge (Maximum daily rate) 20.00 [F] Monthly parking, per month, per permit (not 128.00 [A] including applicable sales tax) Weekend/even t flat rate per vehicle (Friday, 15.00 [F] Saturday and Sunday fro m 800 p.m. to 5.00 a.m.) 106-55(b) 4) 16th Street Garage Rates and Charges: Transient rates. 0 to 1hour 2.00 [F] Transient rate per _hour and any portion thereof up to four (4) hours 1to 2hours 4.00 [F] Transient rate per hour from fourth_(4th) hour up 1.00 to the ninth (9th) hour 3 2to 3 hour s 6.00 [F] 3 t0 6 hours 10.00 [F] 6 to 24 hours 20.00 [F] Lost ticket charge (Maximum daily rate) 20.00 [F] Maximum daily rate for any time exceeding nine 9th Hour (9} hours/Event Flat Rate/Lost Ticket Rate Rate Monthly parking, per month, per permit (not 128.00 [A] including applicable sales tax) Weekend/event flat rate per vehicle (Friday, 15.00 [F] Saturday and Sunday from 8:00 p.m. to 5.00 a.m.) 106-55(b)5) 17th Street Garage Rates and Charges: Transient rates: 0 to 1ho ur 2.00 [F] Transient rate per hour and any portion thereof up to four (4) hours 1to2 hours 4.00 [F] Transient rate per hour from fourth_(4th) hour up 1.00 to the ninth_(9th) hour 2to 3 ho ur s 6.00 [F] 3to 4hours 8.00 [F] 4 to5 hours 9.00 [F] 5t0 6 hours 10.00 [F] 6 to 7hours 11.00 [F] 7to 8 hour s 12.00 [F] 8to15 hours 15.00 [F] 4 15 t0 24 hours 20.00 [F] Lost ticket charge (Maximum daily rate) 20.00 [F] Maximum daily rate for any time exceeding nine 9th Hour (9} hours/Event Flat Rate/Lost Ticket Rate Rate Monthly parking, per month, per permit (not 128.00 [A] including applicable sales tax) Event flat rate per vehicle 45.00 [F] Employee Value Coupon-Lincoln Road (EVC- 8.00 [F] LR) daily (17 Street Garage only) 4th hour rate per 24 hour period 1 06-55(b)6) City Hall Garage Rates and Charges: Transient rates: 0 to 1hour 2.00 [F] Transient rate per hour and any portion thereof up to four (4) hours 1to2 hours 4.00 [F] Transient rate per hour from fourth_(4th) hour up 1.00 to the ninth (9th) hour 2to 3 hours 6.00 [F] 3 to4hours 8.00 [F] 4to 5 hours 9.00 [F] 5 t0 6 hours 10.00 [F] 6 to 7 hours 11.00 [F] 7to 8 hours 12.00 [F] 8 to15 hours 15.00 [F] 5 15 t0 24 hours 20.00 [F] Lost ticket charge (Maximum daily rate) 20.00 [F] Maximum daily rate for any time exceeding_nine 9th Hour (9} hours/Event Flat Rate/Lost Ticket Rate Rate Monthly parking, per month, per permit (not 128.00 [A] including applicable sales tax) Event flat rate per vehicle 15.00 [F] 106-55(b)7) Pennsylvania Avenue Garage Rates and Charges: Transient rates: 0 to 1hour 2.00 [F] Transient rate per hour and any portion thereof up to four (4) hours 1to2hours 4.00 [F] Transient rate per hour from fourth (4th) hour up 1.00 to the ninth_(9th) hour 2to 3 hours 6.00 [F] 3to4hours 8.00 [F] 4 to 5 hours 9.00 [F] 5t0 6 hours 10.00 [F] 6 to 7 hours 11.00 [F] 7t0 8 hours 12.00 [F] 8to15 hours 15.00 [F] 15 to 24 hours 20.00 [F] Lost ticket charge (Maximum daily rate) 20.00 [F] Maximum daily rate for any time exceeding nine 9th Hour (9} hours/Event Flat Rate/Lost Ticket Rate Rate 6 M o n th ly p a rk in g , p e r m o n th , p e r p e rm it (n o t 128.00 [A] including applicable sales tax) Event flat rate per vehicle 15.00 [F] 106-55(b)(8) Sunset Harbor Garage Rates and Charges: Transient rates: O to1hour 2.00 [F] Transient rate per hour and any portion thereof up to four (4) hours 4to2 hours 4.00 [F] Transient rate per hour from fourth (4th) hour up 1.00 to the ninth (9th} hour 2to3 hours 6.00 [F] 3to4 hours 8.00 [F] 4to 5 hours 9.00 [F] 5t0 6 hours 10.00 [F] 6 to 7hours 11.00 [F] 7t08 hours 12.00 [F] 8t015 hours 15.00 [F] 15 t0 24 hours 20.00 [F] Lost ticket charge (Maximum daily rate) 20.00 [F] Maximum daily rate for any time exceeding nine 9th Hour (9) hours/Event Flat Rate/Lost Ticket Rate Rate Monthly parking, per month, per permit (not 128.00 [A] including applicable sales tax) Event flat rate per vehicle 15.00 [F] 7 106-55(b)9) 42nd Street Garage Rates and Charges: Transient rate per hour and any portion thereof 1.00 [F] up to eight six_(@) hours Maximum daily rate for any time exceeding 8 six 8.00 [F] (6) hours up to 24 hours/Lost Ticket Charge 6th Hour Rate Lost ticket charge (Maximum daily rate) 8.00 F] Monthly parking, per month, per permit (not 91.00 [A] including applicable sales tax) 106-55(b)10) Convention Center Garage Rates and Charges: Transient rates: 0 to 1hour 2.00 [F] Transient rate per hour and an y portion thereof up to four hours 1to 2 hours 4.00 [F] Transi ent rate per hour from fourth (4th) hour up 1.00 to the ninth (9th) hour 2to 3 hours 6.00 [F] 3 to 4hours 8.00 [F] 4 to 5hours 9.00 [F] 5t0 6 hours 40.00 [F] 6t0 7 hours 11.00 [F] 7 to 8 hours 12.00 [F] 8 to 15 hours 15.00 [F] 15 to 24 hours 20.00 [F] Lost ticket charge (M aximum daily rat e) 20.00 [F] Maximum daily rate for any time exceeding 9 9th Hour hours/Event Flat Rate/Lost Ticket Rate Rate 8 M on th ly pa rkin g , pe r m o n th , pe r pe rm it (n o t 12 8 .00 [A ] incl u d in g app licable sa les ta x) Event flat ra te p e r veh i cl e 15.00 [FJ 10 6 -5 5 (b )11 ) P 7 1- 4 6 th Stre e t an d C ollin s A ve n u e M unicip al P a rkin g Lo t R a te s an d C h a rges: N o n -re sid e n t fl a t R ate 24 hou rs daily 20.00 [FJ R e gis te re d re side nt fla t rate 24 hou rs daily 6.00 [FJ R e gistered re side nt hou rly rate 1.00 [FJ M on th ly parkin g , per m on th , pe r perm it (n ot 12 5.00 [A] incl u ding ap p licab le sa les ta x) 10 6 -5 5(b)12 ) C ollin s Pa rk G a ra g e R a te s a n d C harges: Transient rates: Oto1hour 2.00 [F] T ra nsien t rate per hou r and any po rti on th ere o f up to fo ur hours 1to 2 hours 4.00 [FJ T ran si en t rate p e r ho ur fr om fo u rth (4th ) hour up 1.00 to the ninth (9 th ) hour 2to3 hours 6.00 [F] 3 to 4 hours 8.00 [F] 4to 5hours 9.00 [F] 5 to 6 h o urs 10.00 [F] 6 to 7 hours 11.00 [F] 7 to 8 hours 42.00 [F] 8 to 15 hour s 15.00 [F] 9 15 t0 24 hours 20.00 [F] Lost ticket charge (Maximum daily rate) 20.00 [F] Maximum daily rate for any time exceeding9 9th Hour hours/Event Flat Rate/Lost Ticket Rate Rate Monthly parking, per month, per permit (not 128.00 [A] including applicable sales tax) Event flat rate per vehicle 15.00 [F] 106-55(c)1)a. Monthly permit rate for facility-specific monthly 91.00 [A] parking in municipal lots (not including applicable sales tax) 106-55(c)1)b. Rates for facility-specific monthly parking in municipal parking garages: Monthly parking, per month, per permit (not See each including applicable sales tax) facility Deposit required for each access card (permit) 10.00 N/A Lost access card replacement fee 33.00 [A] 106-55(c )1)c Rates for on-street area 91.00 [A] 106-55(d) Special realtor permit, per permit placard per 10.00 [A] month (not including applicable sales tax) 106-55(e) Monthly fee for reserved/restricted on-street 96.00 [A] spaces, per linear 20 feet of reserved space, per month Installation of new and replacement signs 40.00 [A] 106-55(f) Fee for valet storage spaces, per day 42.00 [A] 106-55(0)1) Administrative service fees for all space rental requests: Amount assessed for any space rental of five 28.00 [A] spaces or less 10 A m ou n t assesse d fo r any sp a ce rental of six to 33.00 [A] 10 sp a ces A m o un t assessed fo r an y sp a ce rental of 11 40.00 [A] sp a ces or m o re 10 6-5 5(0 )2) F ee fo r va le t ram p space re nta l, per day 42.00 [A] 10 6 -5 5(0 )3) F e e fo r co n struction spa ce renta l, per day 47.00 [A] 10 6 -5 5(g )4) F ee fo r pro duction and film spa ce rental, per 16 .00 [A] da y 10 6 -5 5(g )4) F e e fo r pro duction co m p any recreational vehicl e 83.00 [A] (P C R V ), per m onth (n o t in cluding applicable sale s ta x) 10 6 -5 5(g )(5 ) F ee fo r spe cial eve nt spa ce renta l, per day 33.00 [A] 10 6 -5 5(g )5 ) F ee fo r sp e cial eve nt spa ce renta l, per day fo r 16 .00 [A] no n -pro fi t o rga n izatio n s 10 6 -5 5(h )1) F ees fo r te m p orary parkin g m e ter rem oval: R em ova l of any post, pe r sp ace 65.00 [A] C o st fo r re in sta lla tion of th e po st, per space 65.00 [A] R em o va l and re installa tion A m ou nt to due pay 12 8.00 [A] to the parking depa rt m ent in ad vance, per space 10 6 -5 5(h )2 ) F ee fo r th e private rem ova l of a pa rking space 40,000.00 F] o r loa din g zo ne shall be the greate r of the rate N/A as th e fee in lieu of req uired pa rking (as esta blish e d in the Lan d D e vel o pm ent R eg ula ti on s) or, per spa ce ; 10 6 -5 5()0) F ee per ho te l hang ta ng, pe r day 16 .00 [A ] 10 6 -5 5(0)3) M ia m i Be a ch reg istered re sid ent discounted 1.00 [F] hourly rate at on-stree t m ete rs, off -street m eters and garag e s, pe r ho ur 10 6 -5 5(m ) F ee fo r e a ch daily restricte d resid ential parking 3.00 [F] visito r perm it (va lid for 24-h our per iod) 11 1 0 6 -5 5 (n )(3 ) S m a rtw a y ci t y -w id e d e c a l p e r y e a r 1 2 8 .0 0 [A] 106-55(0) Annual residential scooter and motorcycle 128.00 [A] parking permit, per scooter or motorcycle 106-55(p) Freight loading zone (FLZ) permit: Annual permit fee for each vehicle 458.00 [A] Semiannual permit fee for each vehicle 230.00 [A] Annual permit fee for up to five vehicle permits if 1,876.00 [A] fleet of over ten vehicles is operated Semiannual permit fee for up to five vehicle 939.00 [A] permits if fleet of over ten vehicles is operated 106-55(q) Alley loading (AL) permit: Annual permit fee for each vehicle 230.00 [A] Semiannual permit fee for each vehicle 116.00 [A] Annual permit fee for up to five vehicle permits if 939.00 [A] fleet of over ten vehicles is operated Semiannual permit fee for up to five vehicle 471.00 [A] permits if fleet of over ten vehicles is operated 106-55(r) Hostel/Bed & Breakfast (B&B) in Restricted Residential Zones Fee for each permit per vehicle per day (valid 3.00 [F] for 24-hour period) 106-101(2) Construction Parking Management Plan Fee 171.00 [A] 12