LTC 164-2024 G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 33M IAM I BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER L TC# LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission FROM: Rickelle Williams, Interim City Manager ;f)u) DA TE: April 30, 2024 SUBJECT: G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 33 The purpose of this Letter to the Commission ("LTC") is to advise you on the status of the implementation of the 44 General Obligation Bond (G.O. Bond) Projects approved by the City Commission for the first tranche of funding (Tranche 1) in the amount of $157,351,109, and the status of the implementation of 20 G.O. Bond for Arts & Culture projects approved by the City Commission for the first tranche (Tranche 1) in the amount of $101,700,000. Refer to attached Exhibit A and A1 for the meeting agendas which took place with the G.O. Bond Oversight Committee ("the Committee") on March 7, 2024 and April 11, 2024. The following information includes excerpts from both meetings. For complete meeting agendas, handouts, minutes, presentations, and audio recordings, visit the website www.GOMBinfo.com and click on the Oversight Committee tab to see Meeting Records. IMPLEMENTATION STATUS - 2018 BONDS Project Dashboard and Program Progress Report As of April 11, 2024, a total of 32 out of 44 Tranche 1 projects are in some form of "Active" status and 11 projects are completed. Chart 1 below shows the full breakdown by Category. Chart 1 PR O JECT A CT IV ITY Tranche 1 44 Complete 11 Active 32 Pending 1 - Future 13 • 98% of all Tranche 1 Projects are Complete or Active = 43 PRO JECT CA TEG O RY Parks Infrastructure Public Safety All PRO JEC T Complete 8 2 11 STATUS Active 12 10 10 32 Pending 0 0 Future 9 13 All 30 14 13 57 164-2024 G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 33 April 30, 2024 Page 2 of 8 Approximately $77 million have been expended and another $41.3 million are encumbered for a total of $118.3 million out of the $157.4 million of available Tranche 1 funds. Chart 2 below shows the full breakdown of the expenditures broken down by Category. Chart 2 Tranche 1 Progress Most of the 44 projects in Tranche 1 have different components which are considered distinct projects, or “subprojects”, that are tracked separately and have separate budgets, procurement, and implementation schedules. The Tranche 1 Subproject Activity Summary depicted in Charts 3 and 4 on the next page summarize the subproject activity into Status, Category and Funding amount. Subproject Tracking Summary by Phase The tracking summary indicates that 47 (53%) of the 89 total Tranche 1 subprojects have been completed, 11 (12%) are under construction, 23 (26%) are in a design phase, 4 (4%) are in a planning phase, and 4 (4%) are pending to become active. Chart 3 on the following page shows the status of all subprojects broken down by Phase and Category. • 75% of all Tranche 1 Funds are Spent or Encumbered = $118.3M out of $157.4M G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 33 April 30, 2024 Page 3 of 8 Chart 3 The total expenditures funding summary for each of the subproject categories on Chart 4 below indicates that as of April 11, 2024, the 47 completed subprojects equate to $38.3 million of the budget (24%), $46.2 million (29%) equate to subprojects under construction, $66.4 million (42%) equate to subprojects that are in the design phase, $2.6 million (2%) equate to subprojects that are in the planning phase, and a total equating to $3.8 million (2%) are for subprojects which are pending to become active. For a full breakdown, by project, refer to attached Exhibit B. Chart 4 •96% of all T1 Subprojects are Complete or Active = 85 • 53% of the value of all T1 Projects are Complete or Under Construction G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 33 April 30, 2024 Page 4 of 8 Subproject Progress Chart 5 below compares the status of subprojects from previous months to the current month, dating back to October 2019. Chart 5 Construction Commencements for 2024 A summary graph of all projects proposed to commence construction during the 2024 calendar year was reported. Refer to Exhibit C. Tranche 1 Projects Update The following Tranche 1 project updates were discussed at the March 7, 2024 and April 11, 2024 meetings. Refer to Exhibit D for further details and information for each of the following: #01 72nd St. Community Complex #10 Maurice Gibb Park #23 Baywalk #23 Pedestrian Bridge #40 41st Street Improvements #42 Bayshore South Traffic Calming #42 Normandy Isle Traffic Calming #45 Fire Station #1 #55 Street Lighting Grants The Administration presented an updated Grants Chart showing an “Expiration Date” column, and a list of grants that are currently being applied for. Refer to Exhibit E for current updated information. Infrastructure Category - Tranche 2 The Administration reported that there are multiple tranches in the 2018 G.O. Bond, and at this point there are projects within the Infrastructure Category that need additional funding to proceed. The Administration’s recommendation to be presented to the Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee (FERC) in May, is not to issue the debt now, but instead to request authorization to issue a Declaration of Official Intent, which essentially means that the City will borrow from reserves and at some point in the future, within approximately 18 months, the debt will be issued and the City’s reserves will be reimbursed. With respect to the selected projects, the strategy was to select those that are immediately in need of additional funds, such as Street Tree Master Plan, Sidewalk G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 33 April 30, 2024 Page 5 of 8 Improvements, Street Pavement, Seawalls & Shorelines and Traffic Calming. The Committee made a motion to approve staff’s recommendation by a unanimous vote. LTC #150-2024, dated April 19, 2024, was sent to the City Commission to notify them of the motion made to endorse the Administration’s recommendation. Savings Transfer The Administration reported that a total of $3.8 million in savings has been realized in the whole 2018 G.O. Bond program, and over $2.4 million of that was saved within the Parks category. The Maurice Gibb Park project, which is under construction, needs additional funding due to unforeseen conditions. The Administration recommended the transfer of up to $871,000 from prior completed projects. The Committee made a motion to approve staff’s recommendation by a unanimous vote. LTC #150-2024, dated April 19, 2024, was sent to the City Commission to notify them of the motion made for approval of the transfer. Funding Swap for Log Cabin The Administration reported that at the last Commission Meeting a Resolution was adopted directing the Administration to prioritize the Log Cabin Project which is a project currently planned for Tranche 2. To accomplish that, staff is proposing a funding swap, moving funding to Tranche 2 that is in place today for North Shore Path & Fields and Skate Park. North Shore Path & Fields Project will not be executed until after the 72nd Street Project, and Skate Park is currently in a pending status. The Committee made a motion to approve staff’s recommendation by a unanimous vote. LTC #150-2024, dated April 19, 2024, was sent to the City Commission to notify them of the motion made for approval of the funding swap. IMPLEMENTATION STATUS – 2022 ARTS & CULTURE BONDS Project Dashboard and Program Progress Report The G.O. Bond Arts & Culture bond was fully funded on July 27, 2023. Tranche 1 was issued in the amount of $101,700,000. As of April 11, 2024, 19 out of the 20 Tranche 1 projects are in some form of “Active” status and 1 has been completed. Chart 6 below shows the full breakdown by Category and Project Status. Chart 6 • 100% of all Tranche 1 Projects are Complete or Active = 20 G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 33 April 30, 2024 Page 6 of 8 Approximately $3.1 million have been expended and another $2.6 million are encumbered for a total of $5.7 million out of the $101.7 million of available Tranche 1 funds. Chart 7 below shows the full breakdown of the expenditures broken down by Category. Chart 7 Tranche 1 Progress Most of the 20 projects in Tranche 1 have different components which are considered distinct projects, or “subprojects”, that are tracked separately and have separate budgets, procurement, and implementation schedules. The Tranche 1 Subproject Activity Summary depicted in Charts 8 and 9 on the next page summarize the subproject activity into Status, Category and Funding amount. Subproject Tracking Summary by Phase The tracking summary indicates that 3 (7%) of the 46 total Tranche 1 subprojects have been completed, 8 (17%) are under construction, 14 (30%) are in a design phase, 17 (37%) are in a planning phase, and 4 (9%) are pending to become active. Chart 8 on the following page shows the status of all subprojects broken down by Phase and Category. • 5.6% of all Tranche 1 Funds are Spent or Encumbered= $5.7M out of $101.7M G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 33 April 30, 2024 Page 7 of 8 Chart 8 The total expenditures funding summary for each of the subproject categories on Chart 9 below indicates that as of April 11, 2024, the 3 completed subprojects equate to $1.8 million (2%) of the budget, $15.7 million (15%) equate to subprojects under construction, $24.8 million (24%) equate to subprojects that are in the design phase, $54 million (53%) equate to subprojects that are in the planning phase, and a total equating to $5.4 million (5%) are for subprojects which are pending to become active. For a full breakdown, by project, refer to attached Exhibit F. Chart 9 • 91% of all T1 Subprojects are Complete or Active = 42 • 17% of the value of all T1 Projects are Complete or Under Construction G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 33 April 30, 2024 Page 8 of8 Tranche 1 Projects Update The fo llow ing Tra nch e 1 project updates were discussed. Refer to Exhibit G for further details and inform ation fo r each of the fo llow ing: #01 Bass Museum #03 Collins Park W orkfo rce Housing #04 Fillm ore #06 Miam i Beach Botanical G arden #10 Byron Carlyle Theater #12 Hispanic Com m unity Center #13 M iam i New D ram a #18 R eefline #19 C ollins Park R otunda COMMUNITY INFORMATION AND OUTREACH The Adm inistration continues to perform public inform ation and outreach activities thro ugh various com m unity m eetings, C onstant Contact em ails, direct mailings, publications, and the City's social m edia platform s. O n April 16, 2024, the Adm inistration held a gro undbreaking cerem ony for GO AC #19 Collins Park R otunda. An advisory was sent thro ugh NextD oor and Constant Contact to notify residents of the event. An invite w as also sent to residents via em ail and posted on Facebook and Twitter. Several pro ject advisories have also been circulated via Constant Contact to inform residents of construction activity that is being perform ed in their neighborhoods. This has included street and si dew al k w ork on 9" Stre et, 16" Street, Bi arritz Drive, and ongoin g work on Baysh ore Park. The w ebsite, www .GO M B lnfo .com , continues to be updated with the latest construction advisories, press releases, pro ject photos, im plem entation updates, public presentations, and more. For additional info rm ation, please contact Maria Hern andez at mariahern andez@ miamibeachfl.gov or via cellphone at (786) 371-3168. Attachments: Exhibit A - G OB O versight Comm ittee Agenda for March 7, 2024 Exhibit A1- G OB O versight Com m ittee Agenda for Ap ril 11, 2024 Exhibit B - 2018 G O B Subpro ject and Pro ject Li st by Phase Exhibit C - 2018 G O B C onstruction Com m encem ent G raph Exhibit D - 2018 G OB Tra nch e 1 Project Updates Exhibit E - G rants Chart Exhibit F -Arts & Culture Bond Subproject and Project List by Phase Exhibit G -Arts & Culture Bond Tran ch e 1 Project Updates fi we F:\cmgr\$ALL\GO Bond Program\LTC Program Updates\2024\2 March and April\G.O. Bond Program - Project Implementation Update No. 33.docx __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Legend: (P) Planning Phase, (D) Design Phase, (C) Construction Phase, (PN) Pending, (V) Various Phases, (F) Future Tranche General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee City of Miami Beach Karen Rivo, Chair Maria Hernandez, Liaison AGENDA March 07, 2024 I.Roll Call and Introductions All 4:00pm II.Committee Business Karen Rivo 4:05pm •Announcements •Adoption of Meeting Minutes from 2-08-24 2022 G.O. Bonds for Arts & Culture III.Arts & Culture Program General Status Update Maria Hernandez 4:10pm IV.2022 Bonds Projects Update PM / CIP / ED 4:15pm •Byron Carlyle Theater (P), Bass Museum (V), Botanical Garden (P), Collins Park Rotunda (D), Jackie Gleason Theater (PN), CP Workforce Housing (C), Reefline (P), Miami New Drama (P) V.Public Comment Public 5:00pm 2018 G.O. Bonds VI.Program General Status Update Maria Hernandez 5:05pm VII.2018 Bonds Projects Update CIP / TT / PWD 5:10pm •FS#1 (D), Pedestrian Bridge (D), Baywalk (D), Bayshore Traffic Calming (D), Street Lighting (D) VIII.Tranche 2 Issuance Jason Greene 5:40pm IX.Grants - Updated Document Krystal Dobbins 5:45pm X.Community Outreach N. Affairs Division 5:50pm •Recent Past Public Meetings / Upcoming Events MH / KPulido XI.Public Comment Public 5:55pm XII.Adjournment 6:00pm Committee Charge The purpose of the General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee is to make advisory recommendations to the City Manager and City Commission from a macro perspective regarding the timely progress, overall goals, costs, including financial efficiencies, and the timely completion of General Obligation Bond Program projects approved by the voters in the City of Miami Beach. The Committee shall have the following powers & duties: 1.Receive input from the public, the City Administration, City consultants, and the City’s Inspector General, as needed, to make recommendations relative to the overall timing, cost efficiencies, and prioritization of the G.O. Bond Program projects. 2.Provide general oversight to ensure that G.O. Bond Program project timelines, budgets (including cost efficiencies) are prioritized and achieved, and that the projects are completed in accordance with the scope of work approved by the voters. 3.Review City staff and G.O. Bond Program project manager’s progress reports and provide monthly repo rts to the City Commission. EXHIBIT A __________________________________________________________________________________________________ Legend: (P) Planning Phase, (D) Design Phase, (C) Construction Phase, (PN) Pending, (V) Various Phases, (F) Future Tranche General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee City of Miami Beach Karen Rivo, Chair Maria Hernandez, Liaison AGENDA April 11, 2024 I.Roll Call and Introductions All 4:00pm II.Committee Business Karen Rivo 4:05pm •Adoption of Meeting Minutes from 3-07-24 •Committee Appointments 2018 G.O. Bonds III.Program General Status Update Maria Hernandez 4:10pm IV.2018 Bonds Projects Update CIP / TT 4:15pm •FS#1 (D), 72nd Street Complex (D), 41st Street (D), Maurice Gibb Park, (C), Normandy Isle Traffic Calming (D) V.Infrastructure Category - Tranche 2 Jason Greene 4:40pm VI.Savings Transfer – Parks Category (Maurice Gibb Park)Thais Vieira 4:50pm VII.Funding Swap for Log Cabin Thais Vieira 5:00pm VIII.Public Comment Public 5:10pm 2022 G.O. Bonds for Arts & Culture IX.Arts & Culture Program General Status Update Maria Hernandez 5:20pm X.2022 Bonds Projects Update PM / CIP 5:25pm •MB Hispanic Community Ctr. (C), J. Gleason Theater (P), Byron Carlyle Theater (P), Rotunda (C), Reefline (P) XI.Community Outreach N. Affairs Division 5:50pm •Recent Past Public Meetings / Upcoming Events MH / KPulido XII.Public Comment Public 5:55pm XIII.Adjournment 6:00pm Committee Charge The purpose of the General Obligation Bond Oversight Committee is to make advisory recommendations to the City Manager and City Commission from a macro perspective regarding the timely progress, overall goals, costs, including financial efficiencies, and the timely completion of General Obligation Bond Program projects approved by the voters in the City of Miami Beach. The Committee shall have the following powers & duties: 1.Receive input from the public, the City Administration, City consultants, and the City’s Inspector General, as needed, to make recommendations relative to the overall timing, cost efficiencies, and prioritization of the G.O. Bond Program projects. 2.Provide general oversight to ensure that G.O. Bond Program project timelines, budgets (including cost efficiencies) are prioritized and achieved, and that the projects are completed in accordance with the scope of work approved by the voters. 3.Review City staff and G.O. Bond Program project manager’s progress reports and provide monthly reports to the City Commission. EXHIBIT A1 Active Phase Project Name Category Department Tranche Anticipated End Date ↑Count % Count $ Budget $ Encumbered $ Spent % Spent $ AvailableClosed#53 PORTABLE BOLLARDS              Public Safety Police107‐31‐20191           1%599,916 ‐ 599,915 ‐ Closed#17 POLO PARKParksParks & Recreation108‐11‐20191           1%493,673 ‐ 493,673 ‐ Closed#19 SOUNDSCAPE 4K TECHNOLOGY       ParksTourism & Culture109‐30‐20191           1%3,748,495 ‐ 3,748,495 ‐ Closed#13 NORTH SHORE LIGHTS & PAINT     ParksProperty Management110‐14‐20191           1%130,300 ‐ 130,210 89 Closed#52 TATUM PARK LED LIGHTING        Public Safety Parks & Recreation110‐14‐20191           1%52,758 ‐ 52,758 ‐ Closed#52 CRESPI PARK LED LIGHTING       Public Safety Parks & Recreation110‐21‐20191           1%41,780 ‐ 41,780 ‐ Closed#52 STILLWATER PARK LED LIGHTING   Public Safety Parks & Recreation110‐21‐20191           1%41,780 ‐ 41,780 ‐ Closed#26 COLONY THEATRE ROOF            ParksProperty Management110‐24‐20191           1%299,650 ‐ 299,650 ‐ Closed#21 STILLWATER PARK                ParksParks & Recreation111‐08‐20191           1%142,440 ‐ 142,440 ‐ Closed#3 CRESPI PARKParksParks & Recreation111‐09‐20191           1%184,920 ‐ 184,919 1 Closed#18 SCOTT RAKOW PAINT              ParksProperty Management111‐12‐20191           1%116,776 ‐ 116,776 ‐ Closed#47 MACARTHUR CSWY  READERS        Public Safety Police111‐28‐20191           1%64,904 ‐ 64,904 ‐ Closed#52 NORMANDY ISLE PARK LED LIGHTINGPublic Safety Parks & Recreation112‐02‐20191           1%212,599 ‐ 212,593 5 Closed#18 SCOTT RAKOW HVAC               ParksProperty Management112‐06‐20191           1%137,303 ‐ 137,302 ‐ Closed#13 NORTH SHORE ROOF               ParksProperty Management112‐16‐20191           1%375,000 ‐ 374,722 276 Closed#18 SCOTT RAKOW ROOF               ParksProperty Management101‐05‐20201           1%127,218 ‐ 127,217 ‐ Closed#26 MIAMI CITY BALLET ROOF         ParksProperty Management101‐15‐20201           1%758,824 ‐ 758,824 ‐ Closed#13 NORTH SHORE CAMERAS            ParksProperty Management102‐04‐20201           1%205,699 ‐ 60,858 144,841 Closed#18 SCOTT RAKOW CAMERAS            ParksProperty Management102‐05‐20201           1%250,000 ‐ 110,659 139,340 Closed#32 PALM & HIBISCUS LANDSCAPING    Infrastructure Capital Improvement Projects103‐25‐20201           1%1,000,000 ‐ 1,000,000 ‐ Closed#18 SCOTT RAKOW WINDOWS            ParksProperty Management104‐16‐20201           1%699,999 ‐ 198,887 501,110 Closed#26 FILLMORE ROOFParksProperty Management105‐15‐20201           1%1,874,156 ‐ 1,874,155 ‐ Closed#4 FAIRWAY PARK PAVILION           ParksParks & Recreation105‐15‐20201           1%50,000 ‐ 35,044 14,955 Closed#2 COLLINS PARKParksParks & Recreation105‐28‐20201           1%557,287 ‐ 557,287 ‐ Closed#13 NORTH SHORE GENERATOR          ParksProperty Management106‐30‐20201           1%524,999 ‐ 503,861 21,138 Closed#18 SCOTT RAKOW GENERATOR          ParksProperty Management106‐30‐20201           1%803,748 ‐ 729,717 74,029 Closed#18 SCOTT RAKOW POOL               ParksParks & Recreation107‐06‐20201           1%977,998 ‐ 977,104 893 Closed#47  71 ST. ENTRANCE READERS       Public Safety Police107‐12‐20201           1%31,582 ‐ 31,582 ‐ Closed#47 JULIA TUTTLE CSWY READERS      Public Safety Police109‐21‐20201           1%89,186 ‐ 89,185 1 Closed#57 LUMMUS PARK/OCEAN DRIVE CAMERASPublic Safety Police102‐28‐20211           1%824,845 ‐ 824,845 ‐ Closed#4 FAIRWAY PARK FENCE              ParksParks & Recreation103‐10‐20211           1%209,999 ‐ 205,917 4,082 Closed#40  41 STREET LIGHTING UPGRADES   Infrastructure Public Works Department103‐13‐20211           1%102,999 ‐ 99,173 3,825 Closed#56 CAMERAS‐ BEACHWALK             Public Safety Police104‐02‐20211           1%693,219 ‐ 693,218 ‐ Closed#24 MIDDLE BEACH BEACHWALK PH3     ParksCapital Improvement Projects112‐27‐20211           1%4,424,503 ‐ 4,214,178 210,324 Closed#42 NAUTILUS TRAFFIC CALMING       Infrastructure Transportation101‐14‐20221           1%739,499 ‐ 712,631 26,867 Closed#18 SCOTT RAKOW GYM FLOORS         ParksParks & Recreation101‐21‐20221           1%322,561 ‐ 322,451 110 Closed#12 N. BEACH OCEANSIDE BEACHWALK   ParksCapital Improvement Projects106‐06‐20221           1%1,999,999 ‐ 1,999,999 ‐ Closed#50 DADE BLVD. CORRIDOR CAMERAS    Public Safety Police108‐03‐20221           1%165,674 ‐ 131,420 34,254 Closed#9 MSD PLAYGROUND AND SIDEWALKSParksParks & Recreation108‐05‐20221           1%553,999 ‐ 524,410 29,588 Closed#18 SCOTT RAKOW OTHER FLOORSParksParks & Recreation110‐28‐20221           1%203,798 ‐ 203,798 ‐ Closed#52 FLAMINGO PARK LED LIGHTINGPublic Safety Parks & Recreation111‐14‐20221           1%1,044,143 ‐ 1,044,143 ‐ Closed#50 71 STREET CORRIDOR CAMERAS     Public Safety Police112‐22‐20221           1%211,999 ‐ 85,307 126,692 Closed#53 CONVENTION CENTER BOLLARDS     Public Safety Public Works Department109‐07‐20231           1%783,128 ‐ 782,013 1,115 Closed#53 SOUNDSCAPE PARK BOLLARDS       Public Safety Public Works Department112‐01‐20231           1%225,198 ‐ 223,665 1,533 Closed#53 SOUTH POINTE PARK BOLLARDS     Public Safety Public Works Department112‐11‐20231           1%391,668 ‐ 335,362 56,306 Closed Sum45         51%27,490,221               ‐ 26,098,827               1,391,374                 Closed Count45         51%45 45 45 45 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH4/7/2024 ‐ 9:27 PMEXHIBIT BG.O. BOND PROJECT LIST BY PHASE G.O. BOND PROJECT LIST BY PHASEActive Phase Project Name Category Department Tranche Anticipated End Date ↑Count % Count $ Budget $ Encumbered $ Spent % Spent $ AvailableComplete#49 PUBLIC SAFETY RADIO SYSTEM     Public Safety Fire104‐30‐20221           1%9,700,000 1,187,771 8,505,575 6,653 Complete#34 ABOVE GROUND IMPROV‐INDIAN CRKInfrastructure Public Works Department103‐30‐20241           1%1,112,000 ‐ 1,111,636 363 Complete Sum4           4%10,812,000               1,187,771 9,617,211                 7,016 Complete Count2           2%2 2 2 2 Construction#47 OTHER READERS CITYWIDE         Public Safety Police106‐30‐20241           1%1,390,000 174,926 509,754 705,319 Construction#50 ALTON RD. CORRIDOR CAMERAS     Public Safety Police106‐30‐20241           1%211,999 ‐ 113,025 98,973 Construction#57 COLLINS AVE/WASH AVE CAMERAS   Public Safety Police106‐30‐20241           1%665,154 ‐ 291,565 373,589 Construction#37 SIDEWALKS ‐ TRANCHE 1Infrastructure Public Works Department106‐30‐20241           1%3,960,066 135,353 3,739,126 85,585 Construction#38 STREETS ‐ TRANCHE 1Infrastructure Public Works Department106‐30‐20241           1%5,800,000 198,807 5,511,021 90,170 Construction#39 SEAWALLS/SHORELINES ‐ TRANCHE 1Infrastructure Public Works Department107‐31‐20241           1%4,999,999 1,471,794 3,403,697 124,505 Construction#33 TREE PLANTING ‐ TRANCHE 1Infrastructure Environmental109‐30‐20241           1%2,770,000 231,852 2,325,149 212,998 Construction#48 REAL TIME INTELLIGENCE CENTERPublic Safety Facilities Management109‐30‐20241           1%701,460 528,056 18,161 155,242 Construction#5 FLAMINGO PARK HISTORIC LODGEParksCapital Improvement Projects112‐08‐20241           1%1,051,675 1,019,639 ‐ 32,036 Construction#10 MAURICE GIBB PARK              ParksCapital Improvement Projects112‐09‐20241           1%4,500,000 2,978,216 1,521,782 ‐ Construction#15 PAR 3 / BAYSHORE PARK          ParksCapital Improvement Projects109‐17‐20251           1%20,166,104                11,891,072 8,274,072 959 Construction Sum44         49%$46,216,457 $18,629,715 $25,707,352$1,879,376Construction Count11         12%11 11 11 11 Design#54 MARINE PATROL FACILITY         Public Safety Capital Improvement Projects1,205‐08‐20241           1%1,999,999 335,015 363,737 1,301,245                 Design#48 POLICE HQ FACILITY ‐ TRANCHE 1Public Safety Property Management1,207‐31‐2024 b1           1%5,871,811 267,629 1,700,138 3,904,042                 Design#42 PALM VIEW TRAFFIC CALMING      Infrastructure Transportation110‐22‐20241           1%86,349 ‐ 46,427 39,922 Design#9 MSD PARK LIGHTINGParksParks & Recreation111‐16‐20241           1%127,999 27,638 12,737 87,624 Design#19 SOUNDSCAPE RESTROOMS/STORAGE   ParksParks & Recreation111‐29‐20241           1%827,001 657,240 53,885 115,875 Design#13 N.S. PLAYGROUND & REFORESTATIONParksParks & Recreation111‐29‐20241           1%794,999 341,912 358,512 94,575 Design#5 FLAMINGO PARK MASTER PLAN       ParksCapital Improvement Projects105‐27‐20251           1%14,098,325                621,566 1,101,346 12,375,411               Design#55 STREET LIGHTING ‐ TRANCHE 1Public Safety Public Works Department105‐30‐20251           1%3,500,000 69,159 573,174 2,857,666                 Design#42 BAYSHORE SOUTH TRAFFIC CALMING Infrastructure Transportation106‐05‐20251           1%380,148 16,788 335,207 28,153 Design#23 PEDESTRIAN BRIDGE              ParksCapital Improvement Projects106‐19‐20251           1%8,999,999 7,173,807 1,825,584 606 Design#8 LUMMUS PARKParksCapital Improvement Projects106‐30‐20251           1%4,736,999 1,034,172 58,107 3,644,719                 Design#43 CHASE AVE/34 ST SHARED USE PATHInfrastructure Capital Improvement Projects109‐02‐20251           1%830,000 25,596 386,024 418,379 Design#43 23 ST. STREETSCAPE IMPROVEMENTSInfrastructure Capital Improvement Projects112‐16‐20251           1%1,549,998 22,515 769,074 758,409 Design#42 NORMANDY ISLE TRAFFIC CALMING  Infrastructure Transportation102‐01‐20261           1%293,999 18,212 254,524 21,263 Design#50 41 ST. CORRIDOR CAMERAS        Public Safety Capital Improvement Projects107‐21‐20261           1%235,324 ‐ 17,999 217,324 Design#25 WATERWAY RESTORATION           ParksCapital Improvement Projects1,209‐18‐20261           1%499,999 ‐ 28,631 471,368 Design#45 FIRE STATION #1                Public Safety Capital Improvement Projects1,210‐26‐20261           1%5,746,058 2,388,933 2,122,500 1,234,622                 Design#40 41 ST CORRIDOR IMPROVEMENTSInfrastructure Capital Improvement Projects1,206‐08‐20271           1%2,428,318 900,102 1,417,109 111,107 Design#1  72 ST. COMMUNITY COMPLEX       ParksCapital Improvement Projects1,211‐08‐20271           1%10,800,000                6,081,337 2,983,434 1,735,228                 Design#23 BAY GARDEN MANOR LINK          ParksCapital Improvement Projects1,205‐19‐20281           1%269,999 100,983 100,441 68,575 Design#23 BAYVIEW TERRACE LINK           ParksCapital Improvement Projects1,205‐19‐20281           1%169,999 70,000 99,769 230 Design#23 SOUTH BAY CLUB LINK            ParksCapital Improvement Projects1,205‐19‐20281           1%559,999 90,122 232,840 237,037 Design#31 OCEAN DRIVE CORRIDOR           Infrastructure Capital Improvement Projects1,203‐14‐20291           1%1,549,000 734,064 466,413 348,523 Design Sum115       129%$66,356,322 $20,976,790 $15,307,612$30,071,903Design Count23         26%23 23 23 23 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH4/7/2024 ‐ 9:27 PM G.O. BOND PROJECT LIST BY PHASEActive Phase Project Name Category Department Tranche Anticipated End Date ↑Count % Count $ Budget $ Encumbered $ Spent % Spent $ AvailablePlanning#36 WASHINGTON AVE. CORRIDOR       Infrastructure Economic Development1,207‐01‐2024 b1           1%397,616 ‐ 213,740 54%183,876 Planning#5 FLAMINGO YOUTH CENTER FACILITY  ParksCapital Improvement Projects1,206‐28‐20271           1%250,000 167,701 33,880 14%48,418 Planning#46 OCEAN RESCUE NOBE FACILITY     Public Safety Capital Improvement Projects1,207‐17‐20291           1%1,000,000 242,513 70,482 7%687,004 Planning#29 WEST LOTS ‐ TRANCHE 1ParksEconomic Development1(blank)1           1%1,000,000 ‐ ‐ 0%1,000,000                 Planning Sum24         27%$2,647,616$410,214$318,102$1,919,298Planning Count4           4%4 4 4 4 Pending#30 SKATE PARKParksParks & Recreation1(blank)1           1%750,000 49,708 39,726 5%660,565 Pending#13 NORTH SHORE PATH & FIELDS      ParksCapital Improvement Projects1,2(blank)1           1%1,009,000 ‐ ‐ 0%1,008,999                 Pending#18 SCOTT RAKOW ICE RINK FLOORSParksParks & Recreation1(blank)1           1%413,640 ‐ ‐ 0%413,640 Pending#52 FLA. PARK LED LIGHTING ‐ FIELDSPublic Safety Capital Improvement Projects1(blank)1           1%1,655,856 ‐ ‐ 0%1,655,856                 Pending Sum28         31%$3,828,496$49,708$39,726$3,739,060Pending Count4           4%4 4 4 4 89         100%$157,351,112 $41,254,198 $77,088,830 49% $39,008,027CITY OF MIAMI BEACH4/7/2024 ‐ 9:27 PM www.GOMBInfo.com Bold 2024 CONSTRUCTION COMMENCEMENTS$46.3 Million Total GOB Budget First Quarter -Flamingo Park Lodge Second Quarter -Bayshore Traffic Calming -Soundscape Storage -Pedestrian Bridge -Flamingo Park Lodge Third Quarter -Fire Station 1 -Chase Ave Shared Use Path (1st Q. 2025) -23rd Streetscape -Street Lighting -Normandy Isle Traffic Calming (1st Q. 2025) -N. Shore Playground -Police HQ -Flamingo Pk Butterfly Garden * Fourth Quarter -Flamingo Park Softball Field -MSD Park Lighting -23rd Streetscape -Fire Station 1 (if it remains at current site) Bold Text Indicates Projects have Commenced in Calendar Year Red Text Indicates Projects that have changed from last month *Contingent upon Fire Station 1 Project EXHIBIT C EXHIBIT D Line # GOMB Project Number GOMB Project Name Scope Funding Agency/Program Status Award Amount GOMB Project Award Subsidy Expiration Date 1 10 Maurice Gibb Park New Seawall, living shoreline, overlook and furnishings.Florida Inland Navigation District Awarded November 2021 1,203,750$ 1,203,750$ 9.30.24 2 12 North Beach Oceanside Park Beachwalk North Beach Oceanside Park Beachwalk: Beachwalk from 79th Street to 87th Street Florida Department of Transportation Awarded August 2020 1,000,000$ 1,000,000$ Completed 3 18 Scott Rakow Youth Center Hardening Scott Rakow Youth Center: Replace exterior windows and doors with impact resistant products U.S. Department of Homeland Security/ FEMA Awarded June 2019 1,037,215$ 1,037,215$ Completed 4 24 Middle Beach Beachwalk Boardwalk: Construction of new on-grade accessible paver pathway, demolition of existing wooden Boardwalk Florida Department of Transportation: Transportation Alternatives Program Awarded January 2019 1,000,000$ 1,000,000$ Completed 5 25 Middle Beach Beachwalk Boardwalk: Construction of new on-grade accessible paver pathway, demolition of existing wooden Boardwalk Trail Network - FDOT Lap Agreement Awarded January 2019 5,000,000$ 2,000,000$ Completed 6 30 Skate Park North Beach Skate Park improvements/expansion Florida Recreation Development Assistance Program (FRDAP) Awarded September 2022 200,000$ 200,000$ 6.30.25 7 33 Street Tree Master Plan Tree Planting: 101 High quality/Salt Tolerant trees along local roads Miami-Dade County Street Tree Grant Fiscal Year 2019 Awarded May 2019 40,000$ 40,000$ Completed 8 33 Street Tree Master Plan Miami Beach Reforestation Program: North Beach Area Phase 1 Miami-Dade County Street Tree Grant Fiscal Year 2020 Awarded May 2020 50,000$ 50,000$ Completed 9 33 Street Tree Master Plan Miami Beach Reforestation Program: North Beach Area Phase 2 Miami-Dade County Street Tree Grant Fiscal Year 2021 Awarded May 2020 47,270$ 47,270$ Completed 10 33 Street Tree Master Plan Miami Beach Reforestation Program: 128 High Quality/Salt Tolerant Trees in Four (4) Parks: (Altos Del Mar Park, Pine Tree Park, Polo Park, Marjory Stoneman Douglas Park) Miami-Dade County Street Tree Grant Fiscal Year 2022 Awarded March 2022 50,000$ 50,000$ Completed 11 33 Street Tree Master Plan Beachwalk Reforestation/Tree Planting - (1st Street to 23rd Street, 29th Street to 41st Street, and 71st Street to 87th Street) U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Urban and Community Forestry Program City has received Notification of Award (Pending Agreement) 1,000,000$ 1,000,000$ Pending Agreement from Grantor 12 39 Resilient Seawalls and Living Shorelines Brittany Bay Improvements: Shoreline, Overlook, Park Renovations The Nature Conservancy Awarded June 2020 150,000$ 150,000$ Completed 13 43 Protected Bicycle Lanes & Shared Bike/Pedestrian Paths 23rd Street Complete Streets Project: Construction Florida Department of Transportation Awarded January 2023 1,389,500$ 1,389,500$ 7.31.24 14 43 Protected Bicycle Lanes & Shared Bike/Pedestrian Paths 34th St Complete Streets Shared Use Path: Construction Florida Department of Transportation Awarded January 2023 495,075$ 495,075$ 6.30.24 15 43 Bike Lanes & Shared Use Paths Alton Road Shared Use Path Florida Department of Transportation City has received Notification of Award (Pending Agreement) $1,650,000 1,650,000$ FY2025 Funding from FDOT/Agreement will be received in that FY 16 45 Fire Station #1 Construction of Cat-5 Fire Station #1 Facility Florida Department of Economic Opportunity Resilient Florida Awarded August 2022 8,413,860$ 8,413,860$ 6.30.25 17 45 Fire Station #1 Construction of Cat-5 Fire Station #1 Facility: Additional Funding Florida Department of Environmental Protection Resilient Florida Grant Awarded October 2023 $2,500,000 2,500,000$ 6.30.25 25,226,670$ 22,226,670$ Rev. 2/12/24 TOTAL Grant Awards Includes All Grants from November 2018 to Current Grants and Contracts that Support GOMB2018 Projects GO Bond 2/15/2024 EXHIBIT E Line # GOMB Project Number GOMB Project Name Scope Amount Requested Funding Agency/Program Status 1 36 Washington Ave. Corridor Revitalize Washington Ave. Corridor with ADCD Vision Plan 5,243,308$ Florida Dept. of Tranportation, CIGP Applied December 2023; Pending Result 2 23 Baywalk South Bay Club Baywalk Design 236,950$ Florida Inland Navigation District Applying March 2024; Pending Result Total 5,480,258$ Rev. 2/12/24 *Note: The Grants Division works closely with the GO Bond Team, Budget Department, and all other Departments to keep up to date on GO Bond project budget gaps. GO Bond projects that require additional funds are a top priority of the Grants Division. The Grants Division matches new grant opportunities to GO Bond projects whenever the opportunity arises. Pending Grant Applications that Support GOMB 2018 Projects Pending Grant Applications 2/15/2024 Active PhaseNo.Project Name Category Department Tranche Anticipated End Date ↑Count %Count $ Budget $ Encumbered $ Spent% Spent$ AvailableClosed14 MB BANDSHELL CANOPY PROJECTION MAPPING City OwnedGrant ‐ Facilities Management101‐30‐20241           2%153,000 ‐ 153,000       100%‐ Closed Sum‐        0%153,000 ‐ 153,000       ‐ Closed Count1           2%1 1 1 1 Complete05 COLONY ELECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTSCity OwnedFacilities Management101‐05‐20241           2%134,200 117,538 286               0%16,376 Complete20 MB CLASSICAL MUSIC FESTIVALOther Projects Loan102‐29‐20241           2%1,500,000 ‐ 1,484,757    99%15,243 Complete Sum‐        0%1,634,200                  117,538 1,485,043    31,618 Complete Count2           4%2 2 2 2 Construction 01 BASS AUTOMATIC SHADE SYSTEMCity OwnedFacilities Management107‐31‐20241           2%230,600 96,568 492               0%133,541 Construction 01 BASS LIGHTING IMPROVEMENTSCity OwnedFacilities Management111‐14‐20241           2%463,000 345,077 987               0%116,936 Construction 19 COLLINS PARK ROTUNDACity OwnedCapital Improvement Projects102‐27‐20251           2%1,500,000 1,320,440 3,150            0%176,410 Construction 03 WF HOUSING (COLLINS PARK)Non‐City Owned Grant ‐ CIP110‐18‐20251           2%4,000,000 ‐ ‐                0%4,000,000 Construction 05 COLONY TECHNOLOGY IMPROV.City OwnedGrant ‐ Facilities Management111‐11‐20251           2%2,594,000 ‐ 550,000       21%2,044,000 Construction 05 COLONY FF&ECity OwnedFacilities Management112‐09‐20251           2%445,400 18,770 949               0%425,681 Construction 08 NEW WORLD SYMPHONYNon‐City Owned Grant ‐ Facilities Management110‐09‐20261           2%5,700,000 ‐ 415,535       7%5,284,465 Construction 12 HISPANIC COMMUNITY CNTR.Non‐City Owned Grant ‐ Facilities Management1(blank)1           2%767,000 ‐ 62,334         8%704,666 Construction Sum‐        0%15,700,000                1,780,855 1,033,447    12,885,698                Construction Count8           17%8 8 8 8 Design01 BASS FIRE ALARM SYSTEMCity OwnedFacilities Management109‐30‐20241           2%2,305,900 416,581 4,915            0%1,884,404 Design11 NBOC SOUND SYSTEM & ACOUSTICSCity OwnedFacilities Management110‐01‐20241           2%408,300 39,914 19,785         5%348,601 Design17 NORTH SHORE ARTISTIC PLAYGROUNDOther Projects Parks & Recreation111‐29‐20241           2%238,000 ‐ ‐                0%238,000 Design05 COLONY BLDG. IMPROVEMENTSCity OwnedFacilities Management1,212‐31‐20241           2%639,500 74,167 1,363            0%563,970 Design01 BASS MECHANICAL IMPROVEMENTSCity OwnedFacilities Management109‐18‐20251           2%290,500 120,023 6,137            2%164,340 Design17 S. POINTE ARTISTIC PLAYGROUNDOther Projects Parks & Recreation110‐30‐20251           2%1,126,000 9,554 ‐                0%1,116,446 Design02 MCB ELECTRICAL IMPROVEMENTSCity OwnedFacilities Management107‐30‐20261           2%393,500 ‐ 839               0%392,661 Design02 MCB ELEVATOR MODERNIZATIONCity OwnedFacilities Management107‐30‐20261           2%524,800 ‐ 1,119            0%523,681 Design02 MCB FF&ECity OwnedFacilities Management107‐30‐20261           2%719,100 ‐ 1,533            0%717,567 Design02 MCB MECHANICAL IMPROVEMENTSCity OwnedFacilities Management107‐30‐20261           2%900,000 ‐ 1,918            0%898,082 Design02 MCB MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTSCity OwnedFacilities Management107‐30‐20261           2%1,944,600 ‐ 4,145            0%1,940,455 Design02 MCB TECH. IMPROVEMENTSCity OwnedGrant ‐ Facilities Management107‐30‐20261           2%7,518,000 ‐ 165,374       2%7,352,626 Design01 BASS TECHNOLOGY IMPROVEMENTSCity OwnedFacilities Management1(blank)1           2%604,000 ‐ 1,288            0%602,712 Design09 HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL MBNon‐City Owned Grant ‐ Facilities Management1(blank)1           2%7,150,000 ‐ 128,000       2%7,022,000 Design Sum‐        0%24,762,200                660,239 336,416       23,765,545                Design Count14         30%14 14 14                 14 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH4/7/2024 ‐ 9:24 PMEXHIBIT FG.O. BOND ARTS AND CULTURE PROJECT LIST BY PHASE G.O. BOND ARTS AND CULTURE PROJECT LIST BY PHASEActive PhaseNo.Project Name Category Department Tranche Anticipated End Date ↑Count %Count $ Budget $ Encumbered $ Spent% Spent$ AvailablePlanning07 ART DECO LADDER/ROOF ACCESSCity OwnedFacilities Management105‐10‐20241           2%15,600 ‐ 416               3%15,184 Planning10 BYRON CARLYLE THEATERCity OwnedFacilities Management1,207‐31‐2024 b1           2%10,590,000                ‐ 22,240         0%10,567,760                Planning18 AQUATIC SCULPTURE PARK ‐ PH. 1Other Projects Grant109‐30‐2024 b1           2%2,779,500 ‐ ‐                0%2,779,500 Planning11 NBOC CATERING KITCHEN EXPANSIONCity OwnedFacilities Management110‐01‐20241           2%392,900 56,516 838               0%335,546 Planning11NBOC COMMUNITY ROOM FURNITURECity OwnedFacilities Management110‐01‐20241           2%78,600 ‐ 168               0%78,432 Planning11 NBOC DOORS & WINDOWS SEALCity OwnedFacilities Management110‐01‐20241           2%161,800 3,662 345               0%157,793 Planning16 JEWISH MUSEUM OF FLORIDANon‐City Owned Grant ‐ Facilities Management108‐29‐20251           2%750,000 ‐ ‐                0%750,000 Planning17 LA GORCE ARTISTIC PLAYGROUNDOther Projects Parks & Recreation109‐30‐20251           2%674,000 ‐ ‐                0%674,000 Planning01 BASS MISCELLANEOUS IMPROVEMENTSCity OwnedFacilities Management110‐27‐20251           2%833,000 ‐ 1,776            0%831,224 Planning11 NBOC PAINTINGCity OwnedFacilities Management111‐24‐20251           2%141,400 ‐ 301               0%141,099 Planning05 COLONY SECURITY & COMM. SYSTEMSCity OwnedFacilities Management112‐10‐20251           2%286,900 ‐ 612               0%286,288 Planning14 MB BANDSHELL BUILDING IMPROVEMENTSCity OwnedCapital Improvement Projects109‐29‐20261           2%3,617,000 ‐ 7,596            0%3,609,404 Planning13 COLLINS PARK CULTURAL CNTR.City OwnedCapital Improvement Projects110‐13‐20261           2%7,670,000 ‐ 16,108         0%7,653,892 Planning06 MIAMI BEACH BOTANICAL GARDENCity OwnedCapital Improvement Projects109‐26‐20271           2%6,270,000 ‐ 13,168         0%6,256,832 Planning01 BASS MUSEUM MULTIPURPOSE ADDITIONCity OwnedCapital Improvement Projects1,208‐17‐20291           2%5,862,000 ‐ 12,311         0%5,849,689 Planning04FILLMORE (JACKIE GLEASON)City OwnedFacilities Management1,2(blank)1           2%12,406,000                ‐ 26,053         0%12,379,947                Planning15 THE WOLFSONIANNon‐City Owned Grant ‐ Facilities Management1,2(blank)1           2%1,500,000 ‐ ‐                0%1,500,000 Planning Sum‐        0%54,028,700                60,178 101,931       53,866,591                Planning Count17         37%17 17 17                 17 Pending07 ART DECO LIGHTINGCity OwnedCapital Improvement Projects1(blank)1           2%156,000 ‐ 333               0%155,667 Pending07 ART DECO MUSEUM EXPANSIONCity OwnedCapital Improvement Projects1(blank)1           2%1,248,400 ‐ 2,622            0%1,245,778 Pending17 OTHER ARTISTIC PLAYGROUNDSOther Projects Parks & Recreation1(blank)1           2%1,797,000 ‐ ‐                0%1,797,000 Pending18 AQUATIC SCULPTURE PARK ‐ PH. 2Other Projects Grant1(blank)1           2%2,220,500 ‐ ‐                0%2,220,500 Pending Sum‐        0%5,421,900                  ‐ 2,954            5,418,946                  Pending Count4           9%4 4 4 4 46         100% $101,700,000 $2,618,811$3,112,7913% $95,968,397CITY OF MIAMI BEACH4/7/2024 ‐ 9:24 PM EXHIBIT G