LTC 183-2024 Email from SOBESafe Board of Directors - Agenda for Commission Meeting May 15, 2024MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC# LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission Rickelle Williams, Interim City Manager Ricardo J. Dopico, City Attorney Joseph M. Centorino, Inspector Geno% Rafael E. Granado, city clerk7 XI May 13, 2024 E-mail from SOBESafe Board of Directors - Agenda for Commission Meeting May 15, 2024 I am sharing with you an Email from the SOBESafe Board of Directors regarding the May 15, 2024, Commission Agenda. F:\CLER\$ALL\LTC FROM ASSOCIATIONS\SOBESAFE 05132024.docx 183-2024 Granado, Rafael Subject: FW: Important Safety Items on This Wednesday's Commission Agenda Memorandum for the Mayor and Commissioners Re: Agenda for Commission Meeting May 15 May 13, 2024 Among the themes for which SOBESAFE has consistently advocated are: • improved public safety, in large part through enhanced police and judicial enforcement and through better planning for Spring Break; • improved quality of life, through more effective and proactive code enforcement; • the importance of incentivizing more permanent (i.e. "non-transient") residents in the ADCD. Many benefits to safety and quality of life would accrue if more voting and tax-paying residents at all income levels lived in the ADCD; the potential for additional housing, especially on Washington Avenue is attractive. It is a complex issue, but it is important to start somewhere. A recurrent sub-theme has been the importance of collecting and analyzing data as the basis for informed decision-making. We are pleased to support the many items on the Commission agenda that support these themes: I. Public Safety • Judicial Enforcement: Item C7 AD, to appoint a municipal prosecutor as a special assistant US attorney; and Item R7 D, requesting information from the 11th Judicial Circuit concerning their proposed bail and bond reforms. Note that these two items, as well as certain others, have been passed over for several months - we hope that the Commission will now address them. 1 • Planning for Spring Break 2025: Items C4 N, C4 0, and C4 Q. Item R9 AR requests approval for a sailing event during Spring Break 2025, which is the type of family-friendly, low enforcement-impact event that we support. • Crime Dashboard: Item C4 K discusses the expansion of the Crime Dashboard. We have long supported the Crime Dashboard as an essential tool in support of public safety, but we must admit that we are not aware of significant progress on previously approved Dashboard elements. We therefore recommend not only support for this item but expansion of the referral to include a request for a status report and an update on current plans for implementing the Dashboard. II. Code Compliance • Item C? AO Is exactly the kind of Code Enforcement for which we have long advocated - proactive, including enhanced monitoring systems, and with an emphasis on noise. Not only do we strongly support this resolution; we hope that it will be further strengthened to include due dates, deliverables, and metrics for success (as we think all programmatic resolutions should include). Ill. More Residents in the ADCD • Although this is a complex issue, there seems to be broad agreement that incentives for permanent residency will be necessary. We support Item C4 AA, which appears to offer a strong start in this direction. IV. Better Data • Homelessness is a very complex issue, one that we believe is important but for which we claim no specific expertise. But one thing we are sure of is that more comprehensive, higher quality data are a prerequisite to finding solutions. We therefore endorse Item C? AL. • We have already discussed our support of Item C4 K, the Crime Dashboard, in the paragraph on Public Safety. Suffice it to say that this is an essential data issue. The SOBESAFE Board To Participate: DR. STANLEY SUTNICK CITIZEN'S FORUM. (8:35 A.M./1 :00 P.M.) In Person: Miami Beach City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive, 3rd Floor, Commission Chamber Via Zoom: https://miamibeachfl-gov.zoom.us/i/81392857671 2