LTC 194-2024 Proposed Adjustments to Odd-Numbered Election ScheduleMIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC# LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission Rickelle Williams, Interim City Manager Ricardo J. Dopico, City Attorney Joseph M. Centorino, Inspector General Nick Kallergis, Deputy City Attorney Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk ~ May 22, 2024 Proposed Adjustments to Odd-Numbered Election Schedule by Miami-Dade Supervisor of Elections The purpose of this L TC is to inform you about a conversation I had earlier today with Christina White, the Supervisor of Elections for Miami-Dade County. During our discussion, Ms. White notified me that she is willing to consider maintaining the City's General Election on the first week of November and extending the period before the Run-Off Election to 5 weeks later instead of the current 2 weeks. Ms. White stated that this adjustment would provide an additional week beyond Thanksgiving, which is anticipated to offer a more comfortable timeline for all parties involved. Ms. White's alternate proposal would mean that the City would still hold its General Election on the first Tuesday in November, and the Run-Off Election (if required) on the second Tuesday in December. Ms. White is making this proposal in addition to her original request to reschedule our election dates in odd-numbers years to allow for four weeks between the General and Run-Off Election (if required). Ms. White's original proposal would mean that the City's General election would be held on the first Tuesday in October in odd years and the Run-Off Election (if necessary) would be held on the first Tuesday in November in odd years. Ms. White is interested in knowing if the Miami Beach Mayor and Commissioners would be agreeable to adopting this new revised schedule. One of Ms. White's key goals is to synchronize the election calendars in Miami Beach, Miami, and Hialeah for uniformity and ease of administration. Ms. White has made this new proposal to Hialeah and Miami as well. F:\CLER\$ALL\L TC FROM ASSOCIATIONS\Proposed Adjustments to Odd-Numbered Election Schedule by Miami-Dade Supervisor of Election .docx 194-2024