LTC 197-2024 GrantsMIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC# LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission Rickelle Williams, Interim City Manager ~w May 23, 2024 Miami Beach is Awarded $963,000 in Grants for the North Beach Living Shoreline Neighborhood Resilience Project from Congresswoman Frederica S. Wilson, Florida District 24 The purpose of this Letter to Commission {L TC} is to report that the City has been awarded a grant totaling $963,000 for the North Beach Living Shoreline Neighborhood Resilience Project from Florida District 24 Congressional Fiscal Year 2024 Community Project Funding. The funding will be used for the North Beach Living Shoreline Neighborhood Resilience Project, which will construct three sections of living shorelines together with adjacent seawall restorations and enhancements, to adapt the North Beach area to sea level rise. Resilience planning to protect our community has been essential to position our projects for funding. The grant funds are in the current Fiscal Year 2024 budget and the United States Department of Commerce (USDOC)/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) anticipates that the City will receive grant agreements later this year. I would like to thank the Mayor and Commission for your leadership. I would also like to thank the Grants Management Division and Environmental and Sustainability Department for their devoted and successful work on this grant. RW/KD/JG 3 .- + )»s 197-2024 COMMITTEE ON EDUCATION AND LABOR RANKING MLMBER, SUBCOMMITTLL ON HIGHER EDUCATION ANH WORKIORt INVESTMLNT SUBCOMMITTEE ON EARL CHILDHOOD, ELEMENTARY, AND SECONDAR EDUCATION FLORIA PORTS CAUCUS FO/NDLR AND CHAIR CAUCUS ON TE U.S. COMMISSION ON TH SOC1Ar STATUS Or BLACK MEN AND BOYS FOUNDER AND CHAIR FREDERICA S. WILSON CONGRESS OF THE UNITED STATES 241 DISTRICT, FOR1DA COMMITTEE ON TRANSPORTATION AND INFRASTRUCTURE SuCOMMITTLE ON AVIATION SU+COMMITTEE ON WATER RESOURCES AND» ENVIRONMENT SCOMMITTEE ON RAILROADS, PIPELINES, AN HAZARDOUS MATERIALS U.S. COMMISSION ON THE SOCIAL. STATUS Or BLACK MEN AND BOYS FOt DER AN CLAIR May 15, 2024 Via email: jasongreene@miamibeachft.gov Jason Greene, CFO City of Miami Beach 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, FL 33139 Dear Mr. Greene, Congratulations! I am pleased to inform you that your organization will receive $963,000 for the North Beach Living Shoreline Neighborhood Resilience Project from Florida District 24 Congressional Fiscal Year 2024 Community Project Funding due to the application I submitted on your behalf. Use this information as you plan and develop your budget. Additional information from the agency funding your grant is listed at the end of this letter and we will share more as it becomes available. The funding will be used for the North Beach Living Shoreline Neighborhood Resilience Project, which will construct three sections of living shorelines together with adjacent seawall restorations and enhancements, to adapt the disadvantaged and vulnerable community of North Beach to sea level rise. Please feel free to reach out to my staff at (305) 690-5905 with any questions or to share any further concerns. Sincerely, Frederica S. Wilson Member of Congress INSTRUCTIONS FROM FUNDING AGENCY: Subcommittee: Commerce Justice Science Agency: USDOC/National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration Bureau: Operations, Research, and Facilities Account: Coastal Zone Management WSIINGTON, DC Orr€ 2080 RR HOB WAsmcToN, DC 20515 (202) 225-4506 (202) 226-0777 (@ax) MAM1 BEACH OFFICI MAMI BAH CIT HALL 1700 CovTio CTR. DR. FIRST FOOR Sur MAM BACH, FL 33139 (305) 690-5905 WIL.SON.HOUSE.GOV [ FACEBOOK.COMIREPWILSON ] TWITTER.COM/REPILSON ] INSTAGRAM.COM/REPWIL.SON MIAMI GARDENS 18425 NW 2 AVtt, Sui1t 355 MAMT GARDENS, FL 33169 (305) 690-5905 (305) 690-5951 (Ax) WEST PAR«k WAST PARK CIT HA 1965 SOU STan ROA 7 Wsr PARR, FL 33023 (954) 989-2688 NOAA is in receipt of your FY2024 Congressional Directed Spending I Community Project and currently working to review the full slate of projects. In the coming weeks, we will initiate outreach to project leads in your State/District to provide guidance on the grant application process. In order for organizations to receive the specified funding, the recipient must complete and submit required grant forms which must be approved by NOAA. Once approved, a partnership between the recipient and DOC/NOAA is established and the slated funding is awarded. As we advance through the grant award process, we will be sure to provide interim updates. Dr. Melanie Jackson Osborn melanie.jackson@noaa.gov