LTC 198-2024 Audit Committee MotionsLETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: RE: The Honorable Mayor Dan Gelber and Members of the City Commission Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk -f\f May 22, 2024 // Audit Committee Motions The following motions were approved at the May 20, 2024, meeting of the Audit Committee: Motion: To re-appoint Ronald Starkman as Chairperson of the Audit Committee. Motion Made by: Marc Gidney Motion Seconded by: Adam Kravitz Motion Passed: 4-0 Motion: To appoint Adam Kravitz as Vice-Chairperson of the Audit Committee. Motion Made by: Ronald Starkman Motion Seconded by: Marc Gidney Motion Passed: 4-0 Motion: To re-appoint Adam Kravitz to serve as an Ex-Officio member of the General Obligation Bond Committee. Motion Made by: David Grieser Motion Seconded by: Marc Gidney Motion Passed: 4-0 Motion: Given the apparent vulnerabilities of the Munis System software, which can release invoices for payment without proper approvals, and where such vulnerability cannot be corrected by implementing software changes, the Audit Committee recommends that a report be issued at least weekly to identify the cases where payments equal to or more than $100,000 were released without proper authorization. We further recommend that this report be reviewed and signed off by either the Chief Financial Officer, or that person's designee, and the responsible department head be notified. Motion Made by: Ronald Starkman Motion Seconded by: Adam Kravitz Motion carried: 4-0 (Please see attached audit report OIG No. 24-01 for further background) Motion: Given that an employee who has been terminated can continue approving invoices for payment until they are manually removed from the Munis System, the Committee recommends adding to the City's Human Resources checklist of steps to be taken following a staff termination the removal of the terminated employee's payment authorizations from the Munis System. Motion Made by: David Grieser Motion Seconded by: Ronald Starkman Motion carried: 4-0 LTC # 198-2024 Members Present: Ronald Starkman, Marc Gidney, Adam Kravitz, and David Grieser. For more information, please contact Audit Committee liaison Mark Coolidge at MarkCoolidge@miamibeachfl.gov at ext. 26149. cc: Rickelle Williams, Interim City Manager Eric Carpenter, Deputy City Manager Mark Taxis, Assistant City Manager David, Interim Assistant City Manager, Director of CIP Page 2 of 2