LTC 208-2024 Ad Hoc Iguana Remediation Advisory Committee MotionsMIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC# LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner and Members oft City Commission FROM: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk DATE: May 29, 2024 SUBJECT: Ad Hoc Iguana Remediation Advisory Committee Motions This Letter to Commission ("LTC") provides an update regarding motions passed at the May 28, 2024, meeting of the Ad Hoc Iguana Remediation Advisory Committee. Committee: Motion 1: Alyssa Baumgarten (Chair), Stacy Savett (Vice Chair), David Gray Increase funding for iguana remediation to $750,000 a year to eradicate the iguana infestation. Motion made by: Seconded by: Motion passed: Stacy Savett Alyssa Baumgarten (3-0) Motion 2: Finalize the iguana remediation contract. Motion made by: Seconded by: Motion passed: Stacy Savett Alyssa Baumgarten (3-0) Motion 3: Expand upon the iguana remediation information already available to the public, via video or other means with actionable advice and suggestions from subject matter experts. Motion made by: Seconded by: Motion passed: David Gray Stacey Savett (3-0) Motion 4: Include a specific section on iguana remediation in the quarterly magazine that is distributed to residents. Encourage iguana remediation contractors to take out paid promotions within it. 208-2024 Ad 1-/oc Iguana Remediation Advisory Committee Motions Page 2 of 2 Motion made by: Seconded by: Motion passed: David Gray Stacey Savett (3-0) Questions regarding the foregoing may be directed to Committee Liaison, Elizabeth Miro, Facilities and Fleet Management Interim Director, at ElizabethMiro@miamibeachfl.gov. REG/~EM