LTC 217-2024 Miami Beach Police Department's Women in Blue Symposium UpdateM IA M I BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC# TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: 217-2024 LETTER TO COMMISSION Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission Rickelle wiams. Interim ciy Mana@er / May 30, 2024 Miami Beach Police Department's Wom en in Blue Symposium update The purpose of this Letter to Commission (LTC) is to provide a follow-up to the April 27, 2024 Women in Blue Symposium organized by the Miami Beach Police Department (MBPD) in collaboration with the Human Resources Department. The hiring symposium aimed to encourage and empower women to pursue careers in law enforcement and to highlight the diverse opportunities available within the Department. While women make up approximately half of the U.S. population, only 12% of police officers are women. Research suggests that women police officers see less complaints filed against them, draw their firearms less, and are less likely to be involved in use of excessive force incidents. They are also perceived by their communities as more honest and compassionate and see better outcomes from victims of crime when assigned to their cases. Overall, having more women in police agencies enhances performance, trust, and tends to result in better public safety outcomes and an increased emphasis on care and well-being. Understanding the importance of women on the police force, the Department's leadership has risen to the challenge by supporting the 30X30 Initiative focused on elevating the number of women on the force. The 30x30 Initiative is comprised of over 300 participating police departments pledging to engage in a series of cost-effective measures to enhance the representation and experiences of women in law enforcement at all levels, with the goal of increasing representation to 30% by the year 2030. In addition to increasing women in all ranks, commitments under the pledge also include ensuring the adoption of unbiased policies and procedures, promoting equitable hiring, retention and promotion, and fostering an inclusive, respectful and supportive workplace culture for women. In line with the 30x30 Initiative, the Department's Women in Blue Symposium, held to attract and ultimately hire women, was a success garnering 122 registrations, 45 participants and a significant increase in the number of applications received following the event. The Administration's efforts to promote inclusivity and diversity in law enforcement have been met with enthusiasm and interest from women across South Florida. Between April 26, 2024, the day before the Symposium, and May 17, 2024, the Department has received 180 applications, 40 of which are from qualified and m otivated women eager to join the ranks and contribute to MBPD's mission of serving and protecting the Miami Beach community. The Women in Blue Symposium, and other ongoing efforts, demonstrate the Administration's commitment to creating a more diverse and representative workforce that reflects the community served. The Police and Human Resources Departments will review these applications over the coming weeks with the expectation of welcoming new and talented members to the team in the near future. RW/WAJ/sm/cmrp