LTC 216-2024 Weekly Homeless Efforts Update #1 - May 20-26, 2024MIAMI BEACH O FFIC E O F TH E C ITY M A N A G ER LTC# TO : FRO M : D A TE: SU B JEC T: 216-2024 LETTER TO COMMISSION Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission Rickelle Williams, Interim City Manager o/L<J May 30, 2024 Weekly Homeless Efforts Update #1 - May 20-26, 2024 The purpose of this Letter to Commission (L TC) is to provide a weekly update on efforts by the Administration to curb homelessness in the City of Miami Beach. This L TC is provided pursuant to direction by the Mayor and City Commission at the May 15, 2024 City Commission meeting. The Administration was directed to publish a weekly L TC sharing the various metrics and data regarding the homeless population including the number of shelter beds and residential placements provided by the City or its providers; the total number of shelter beds available to the City; the number of homeless persons arrested for violating the City's camping ordinance; and other metrics pertaining to the provision of services to homeless persons in the City. The Office of Housing & Community Services Homeless Outreach Services Division, in collaboration with the Miami Beach Police Department's Homeless Resource Unit, and other City departments, have dedicated resources to addressing homelessness citywide including through a unified outreach initiative. Together, these teams conduct weekly joint outreach missions to proactively address homeless encampments in areas of concern, while simultaneously offering services to homeless individuals encountered during these missions. This collaborative effort has augmented engagement strategies in the community by promoting more accessibility to services provided within the homeless and mental health/substance abuse Continuum of Care. Miami Beach Police Department- Homeless Resource Unit Update The Miami Beach Police Department's Homeless Resource Unit ("HRU") consists of one (1) Sergeant, two (2) day shift officers, three (3) afternoon officers, and one (1) civilian. On October 13, 2023, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 2023-4573 ("Sec. 70-45" or the Camping Ordinance"), which went into effect ten days later. With guidance from the City Attorney's Office, the HRU conducted roll calls and training sessions/presentations to further educate all Department sworn personnel. These presentations informed officers of appropriate and legal w ays to interact with homeless individuals and provided detailed information regarding available resources. Following the training, officers began enforcement of the Camping Ordinance in December 2023. The HRU continues to participate in a weekly unified outreach initiative that addresses various areas of concern throughout the city. Page 1 of 3 T h e fo llo w in g a r e re p o rt e d s e rv ic e n u m b e r s c o v e r in g th e c u r r e n t p e r io d o f M a y 2 0 -2 6 , 2 0 2 4: MBPD Departmentwide Statistics Total Arrests 114 Homeless Arrests / 32 28% Percentage of homeless arrests to total arrests Arrests - Refusal of Placements 7 62 Sec. 70-45 Campin Prohibited Contacts/ Engagements 20 Afterhours Emergency Shelter Placements 0 Residential Treatment Placements 1 Arrests 2 Office of Housing & Community Services - Homeless Outreach Services Division Update The Homeless Outreach Services Division, a division within the Office of Housing and Community Services, provides voluntary services and support via a walk-in center Monday through Friday (7:30 am - 3:30 pm), and extended outreach engagement efforts Thursday- Sunday (7:30 am - 6.00 pm). The Division offers a wide array of support services to assist persons experiencing homelessness in transitioning into the next chapter of their journey, including, but not limited to: • Emergency shelter placement • Identification replacement services • Family reunification services • Temporary employment services • Residential substance abuse treatment services • Contracted specialized on-street medical outreach services via Camillus Health Concern • Contracted specialized mental health outreach services via the Camillus House Lazarus Project • Medical and mental health care treatment referrals to local community partners The following are service numbers for the Homeless Outreach Division covering May 20-26, 2024: Homeless Outreach Services Division Street Outreach I Walk-In Center Contacts 222 / 85 Refusals of Service' 184 Shelter Placements 11 Family Reunifications 9 Average number of shelter beds available to the City per day 7 Park Ranger Service Update The Park Rangers serve the primary role of being ambassadors but have limited enforcement ability. Park Rangers address non-criminal matters and deter criminal behavior with uniformed presence at the locations assigned within parks. The Park Ranger Service serves a multitude of roles under the Parks and Recreation Department and as an alternate to police enforcement. This team is highly recognizable and assists residents and park visitors with information while promoting a diverse range of events, programs and amenities offered by the City. The Park Rangers enforce park regulations and City ordinances and assist department staff with special events They are often the first to respond on critical incidents and are often referred to as a "force multiplier" or extra "eyes and ears" to the Police Department. The following are homeless outreach activities from the Park Ranger Service covering May 20- 26, 2024: Contacts I Welfare Checks / Referrals for Assistance ' Represents number of refusals during street outreach 'A4€