LTC 224-2024 Evaluation Committee Relative to Request for Qualifications (RFQ) 2024-039-WGDocuSign Envelope ID: 3556CCC1-E1F5 4EBE-9417-AC3A0E59DD42 1AM/Br.A }4l .} it OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC# LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission Rickee wams, interim city Mana@er %l/ June 04, 2024 Evaluation Committee Relative to Request for Qualifications (RFQ) 2024-039-WG for Project Management Services for the Homeowner Rehabilitation Services Program The purpose of this Letter to Commission (L TC) is to update the Mayor and City Commission on the status of Request for Qualifications (RFQ) 2024-039-WG for Project Management Services for the Homeowner Rehabilitation Services Program. The purpose of this RFQ is to select a project management firm to assist the City and the awarded program-eligible homeowners with the completion of the rehabilitation repairs identified by the Office of Housing and Community Services. Proposals pursuant to this RFQ were received on April 8, 2024. The sole responsive proposal will be reviewed by the Evaluation Committee in accordance with the criteria established in the RFQ. I have appointed the following individuals to serve on the Evaluation Committee: • Paola Arboleda, Administrative Support Manager, Office of Housing and Community Services • Krystal Dobbins, Grants Management Division Director, Finance Department • Pablo Gomez, Senior Capital Projects Coordinator, Office of Housing and Community Services • Nelson Martinez, Tenant Services Coordinator, Office of Housing and Community Services • Jorge Vargas, Project Coordinator, Facilities and Fleet Management Department I have also appointed the following individuals as alternates: • Daniel Alzuri, Assistant Director, Facilities and Fleet Management Department • Julian Bernal, Program Supervisor, Office of Housing and Community Services As a reminder, this solicitation is under the cone of silence. Thank you. EEG DM/AT/KB 224-2024