LTC 235-2024 Safe Place Decal and Stop the Hate Program LaunchPage 1 of 3 OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC # LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission FROM: Rickelle Williams, Interim City Manager DATE: June 10, 2024 SUBJECT: Safe Place Decal update and “Stop the Hate. Don’t be a Victim.” Program Launch The purpose of this Letter to Commission (LTC) is to announce the enhanced Safe Place decal and the launch of the “Stop the Hate. Don't be a Victim.” program curriculum. Miami Beach is internationally recognized as a premier destination for the LGBTQIA+ community, with an estimated 2 million visitors to Miami-Dade County self-identifying as members of the LGBTQIA+ community annually. Among these visitors, approximately 30.5% specifically choose Miami Beach as their ultimate travel destination. Unfortunately, despite the diligent efforts of law enforcement agencies nationwide, biased-motivated crimes are on the rise in the United States. Proud of its progressiveness and inclusion, the City of Miami Beach is being proactive in standing up against discrimination and protecting its residents and visitors. Statistics published by the United States Department of Justice and Bureau of Justice reveal that members of the LGBTQIA+ community, particularly those identifying as transgender and gender non-conforming, are disproportionately affected by biased-motivated crimes. In response to this concerning trend, the Administration through the MBPD’s LGBTQIA+ Liaison Detail has successfully secured state funding through a grant from the Florida Department of Law Enforcement to launch a Hate Crime Prevention and Resource Awareness Campaign. The campaign aims to proactively address public safety concerns and enhance the overall quality of life for all who visit the City of Miami Beach. Acknowledging the heightened vulnerability of the LGBTQIA+ community to unprovoked acts of violence, the Administration has implemented the Safe Place Initiative through the Miami Beach Police Department (“MBPD”) to offer a haven for victims targeted in hate crimes within this community. For the purposes of this initiative, a hate crime is defined as an act committed against a person or their property that serves as an expression of hatred based on specific characteristics, including race, color, religion, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and other attributes. In pursuit of these objectives, the Administration will concentrate on various avenues, including education, community collaboration, prevention, and research, to comprehensively address hate crimes and ensure the safety and well-being of all community members and visitors. The Safe Place Initiative serves to fortify the partnership between the City through the Miami Beach Police Department and local businesses, municipal facilities, and other organizations through collaborative efforts. As such, the City will be introducing an enhanced Safe Place decal, now inclusive of recognition for the transgender community. Each participant will be furnished with a Safe Place decal, to be prominently displayed and easily recognizable to victims of LGBTQIA+ biased hate crimes. DocuSign Envelope ID: 32536E2C-F739-473C-A0EF-B78655B6FC05 Page 2 of 3 Additionally, to conclude Pride month, the Administration will unveil the launch of the MBPD’s “Stop the Hate. Don't be a Victim.” program. This entails a six (6)-week interactive curriculum tailored for vulnerable populations, with a specific focus on the LGBTQIA+ Community. Its primary objective is to provide students with a unique opportunity to receive training from MBPD's Training Unit instructors. The training aims to equip participants with the knowledge and skills to safeguard themselves and reduce the risk of falling victim to biased-motivated crimes. Attendees will engage in various training segments, spanning scenario-based situations, active shooter response, fraud and dating applications, transgender interactions, firearms handling, self-defense techniques, and other relevant topics. See below image of the updated Safe Place decal and brochure discussing the “Stop the Hate. Don't be a Victim.” program and curriculum. DocuSign Envelope ID: 32536E2C-F739-473C-A0EF-B78655B6FC05 Page 3 of 3 RW/WJ/cb/cmrp DocuSign Envelope ID: 32536E2C-F739-473C-A0EF-B78655B6FC05