LTC 236-2024 60-Day UpdateMIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC# LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission Rickelle Williams, Interim City Manager 7f1{L) June 10, 2024 60-Day Update The purpose of this Letter to Commission (L TC) is to provide a macro-level overview of the Administration's major activities during my first 60 days as your Interim City Manager, and offer a look ahead over the next few months. Since the effective date of my appointment, on April 4, 2024, the Administration has been intentionally focused on seamlessly doing the business of the City during this transitional period. We are not only attentive to the day-to-day organizational management and operational functions, but also the more global, strategic, and long-term goals and priorities impacting our City. The information below reflects only a sampling of the efforts of our dedicated workforce and also highlights deliberate efforts to manage our City in a prudent and responsible manner. Overall, I am very proud of our City team and our accomplishments as we continue to operate a complex municipal government during a time of transition. I am grateful to the Mayor and City Commission for the substantial support and guidance. I am also appreciative of City Attorney Ricardo Dopico and City Clerk Rafael Granado for their support and collaboration. In addition, the tremendous support from staff and the community has been inspiring and made each day more rewarding. Memorial Day Weekend The Administration is encouraged by the success of Memorial Day Weekend 2024, one of our annual high-impact periods. With significant planning and preparation leading up to the event, the Administration was able to execute with precision. The Hyundai Air & Sea Show continues to enhance one of our brand verticals as a family-friendly destination. The recent activation featured multifaceted programming including a beachfront show, display village in Lummus Park, a patriotic concert and 3D mapping projection along Ocean Drive. The Emergency Management Division developed a coordinated Event Action Plan with assistance from various departments. Enhanced services and staffing plans in Code Compliance, Police, Fire/Ocean Rescue, Facilities and Fleet Management, Homeless Outreach Services, Parking, Parks and Recreation/Park Rangers, Public Works/Sanitation, and Transportation and Mobility were effective in implementing a traffic mitigation plan, license plate readers, DUI suppression, parking access management, courtesy shuttles, fire prevention night inspections, and overall enforcement, among other operational initiatives. The public safety component was bolstered by the support of 19 local, state and federal law enforcement partners and the return of Miami-Dade County's Goodwill Ambassadors, following a hiatus during Spring Break 2024, highlighting the City's efforts to cultivate and maintain collaborative relationships. Other Departments such as Marketing and Communications/Neighborhood Affairs, Economic Development and Tourism and Culture focused on messaging, outreach and special event coordination. 1 236-2024 The Administration is preparing a contract amendment with Air and Sea Show event producers, to be considered by the Mayor and City Commission on June 26, 2024. The amendment would provide for a three-year extension of the show through 2027 to further solidify the partnership for the years ahead. Fiscal Year 2025 Budget Process The FY 2025 budget process is now in full swing with the completion of the May 20, 2024 Annual Budget retreat. Per L TC # 219-2024, the Administration notified the Mayor and Commission that the June 1 preliminary property values reflect an overall increase in property values of approximately $4.5 billion, or 8.8%. This includes a $4.3 billion, or 8.3% increase in existing property values, as well as a $255 million increase in new construction values. Applying the overall increase in values to the City's property tax revenues would result in an estimated increase of approximately $21.7 million in General Fund property tax revenues comprised of $21.1 million for operating purposes, $0.4 million in Pay As You Go Capital funding, and $0.2 million in Capital Renewal & Replacement (CRR) funding. It is important to note that there are upcoming full Commission Finance and Economic Resiliency Committee (FERC) Budget Briefings scheduled for June 21, July 12, and July 19 and Commission Budget Hearings scheduled for September 16 and September 25. Spring Break 2025 With the viral success of the 2024 "Miami Beach is Breaking Up with Spring Break" campaign, this summer, the Administration will begin working with the Greater Miami Convention and Visitors Bureau (GMCVB) and their agency of record VML on an extension of the messaging for Spring Break 2025. We plan to be in market with all assets by early January 2025 - when most spring breakers begin to book their travel plans. To leverage the momentum from the breakup campaign, the City plans to launch "Find Your Match," this July, a new digital campaign that encourages travelers seeking cultural, health and wellness and culinary experiences to visit Miami Beach. In addition, the City's "Find Your Play" campaign will also run with paid promotions this summer with the intent of driving hotel bookings as well as keeping Miami Beach top of mind among travelers. The Administration is also mindful of recent Commission Committee discussions related to Spring Break 2025 including, but not limited to, opportunities for collaborating with stakeholders as it relates to messaging, extending the beach closure time from 6 p.m. to 7 p.m., enhanced public safety details beginning on Thursdays during the busiest high-impact weekends, parking plans for the City's cultural institutions, and enhancement of the Goodwill Ambassador program. Fiscal Responsibility Water and Sewer New Money Proceeds The City has moved forward on a few debt related matters recently. At the May 15, 2024 City Commission meeting, the Administration was authorized to execute a Declaration of Official Intent in the amount of $85 million in new water and sewer money proceeds, including issuance costs. A prior Declaration of Official Intent is a legal mechanism that allows an issuer to use its own funds initially for project expenses and later reimburse itself with the proceeds from the sale of tax- exempt revenue bonds. The water and sewer program will fund priority repair or replacement projects as well as the water and sewer portion of existing and future neighborhood projects, as identified by the Public Works Department. 2 2018 G.O. Bond Tranche 2 In addition, at the May 24, 2024 FERC meeting, the Committee motioned with a favorable recommendation to approve the authorization of Declaration of Official Intent to issue for the second tranche of the General Obligation (G.O.) Bond Program Neighborhoods and Infrastructure category. This would cover continued funding for sidewalks, street pavement, traffic calming, seawalls, and trees. This item is scheduled to be heard at the June 26, 2024 Commission meeting. Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency (RDA) Refunding The RDA has been working towards a refunding of its outstanding debt. At the April 19, 2024 FERC, RDA staff presented its request to endorse the refunding which was motioned favorably. The RDA may be able to achieve savings through a tax-exempt refunding. The net present value savings is estimated at $27.1 million, which would be 10.3% of refunded bonds. The total savings over 20 years would be approximately $37.6 million. RDA staff are continuing to work with Miami- Dade County to approve the refunding and an amendment to the lnterlocal Cooperation Agreement between the RDA, City of Miami Beach, and Miami-Dade County. The selection of the underwriters for the refunding and the amendment to the lnterlocal Agreement are scheduled to be heard at the June 26 RDA meeting. Collective Bargaining Four (4) of the City's labor agreements will expire on September 30, 2024. As such, collective bargaining has begun with two (2) of the five (5) unions, International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) and Fraternal Order of Police (FOP). As of June 4, 2024, the Administration has concluded two (2) sessions with IAFF, with the next session scheduled for mid-June. Three (3) sessions have concluded with FOP with the next session also scheduled for mid-June. Bargaining session dates will be provided to Government Supervisors Association of Florida (GSAF) in the coming weeks. As discussed further below, once a compensation and classification study is complete, we will also propose bargaining session dates to Communications Workers of America (CWA). Since the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) bargaining agreement does not expire until April 2025, we will begin bargaining with this group last. In the 2021-2024 CWA bargaining agreement, the City agreed to a reopener of the contract upon the completion of a compensation and classification study. The Administration, via the Human Resources Department, engaged Evergreen Solutions, LLC, to conduct the classification and compensation study for CWA bargaining members. The study aims to provide professional and objective recommendations about the City's classification structure and benchmark the current compensation structure against internal and external metrics. Select CWA employees recently attended virtual focus group meetings conducted by the consultant and are now completing a job assessment tool (JAT) designed to gather primary job tasks performed within each title. The next phase will consist of a salary and benefits survey of local and regional employment markets to determine the competitiveness of the City of Miami Beach salary plan for CWA classifications. It is anticipated that the compensation and classification project will be completed by mid-July. Personnel Appointments The Administration is actively recruiting for various key positions within the organization. Thanks to the competency, proficiency and enthusiasm of our professional staff, effective April 15, 2024, many interim personnel appointments were made within various departments. The City has engaged an executive recruiter to assist with filling the Building Director, Facilities and Fleet Management Director, and Economic Development Director roles. These recruitments were all advertised and closed and are now in some phase of the review and evaluation process with several promising candidates being considered. 3 Following the notice of retirement/resignation of Fire Chief Virgil Fernandez, on June 26, 2024, at my recommendation, Deputy Fire Chief Digna Abello will be considered for appointment, by the Mayor and City Commission, as the City's next Fire Chief and the first permanent director-level appointment during this period. Homeless Efforts As part of the City's public safety and quality of life strategy, the Office of Housing & Community Services Homeless Outreach Services Division, in collaboration with the Miami Beach Police Department's Homeless Resource Unit ("HRU"), and other City departments, have dedicated resources to addressing homelessness citywide including through a unified outreach initiative. Over the last 60 days, the HRU has made significant progress regarding the Marchman Act program. The HRU has utilized all the allotted substance abuse beds to begin ninety (90)-day treatment plans for those entering the program. Additionally, the Department has implemented strategies to encourage a greater effort to enforce City ordinances related to curbing homelessness. Working alongside the City Attorney's Office to further train all sworn personnel, this initiative also allocated two (2) additional dedicated officers per shift to address the unhoused issues across the entire city. Of the 78 total arrests related to refusal of placements under Sec. 70- 45 (Camping Ordinance), 46% occurred in May 2024. The HRU continues to partner with the Homeless Outreach Services Division on additional outreach details multiple times weekly, including late-night and early-morning missions. These missions have proven very effective, as the Police Department has been better able to engage clients during perceived vulnerable moments of their day or night. The Homeless Outreach Services Division actively promotes resources available to homeless individuals and has yielded a significant number of street outreach and walk-in center contacts, shelter placements and family reunifications. Hurricane Preparedness In preparation for what experts have cited as a very active hurricane season, the City has been diligently planning. In addition to assisting with updates of departmental emergency operations plans, the Fire Department's Division of Emergency Management (DEM) sends weekly Atlantic Tropical Weather Outlooks to City Staff. Police and Fire representatives participated in the Miami- Dade County Annual Hurricane Exercise at the County Emergency Operations Center (EOC). Community Emergency Response Team (CERT) courses continue, and 27 City employees were newly trained this year, bringing the total number of City employees trained in CERT to approximately 160. Many CERT members embarked on a site visit to the National Weather Service and National Hurricane Center and learned about storm prediction and how to increase storm preparedness with weather awareness. DEM outreach efforts included collaboration with the Office of Housing and Community Services to visit senior buildings and provide preparedness presentations. Staff met with the Consul General Miami, and the First Counsel of the French Embassy, to share safety information for visiting French nationals and expats in our City. DEM and Police officials met with the planners of Adobe MAX- a 10,000 attendee conference coming to the Miami Beach Convention Center in October 2024- to assist them with emergency planning and storm readiness. At the end of May, the City, in conjunction with the GMCVB and the Greater Miami and the Beaches Hotel Association (GMBHA), presented the annual Hotel Hurricane Preparedness Seminar, which was attended virtually by more than 230 local hoteliers. DEM is developing several tabletop exercises that will take place this summer, addressing long-term recovery, as well as training City staff for EOC requirements. Customer Service Development Permitting Process and User Experience As noted in L TC #200-2024, the Administration has initiated Service Excellence initiatives involving 4 the development/permitting departments (Building, Environmental & Sustainability, Fire, Parking, Planning, and Public Works). To enhance our customer service strategy, we have partnered with Moran Consulting, an experienced organizational development firm, to work with us to improve customer service training for staff and administrative leadership as well as facilitate the streamlining of our processes. One of the first steps in this new initiative will be to obtain additional perspective from our elected officials, public stakeholders, leadership team and staff. The Service Excellence project team will work closely with the newly formed "Ad Hoc Permitting Process Improvement Advisory Committee" established via Resolution No. 2024-32936. Business Tax Receipt Compliance Task Force To promote a more business friendly environment and regulatory compliance, in May 2024, the Administration implemented a new Business Tax Receipt {BTR) Task Force/Working Group. The purpose of the Task Force is to encourage new and existing businesses to obtain a BTR, as required by the City, prior to enforcement action which could include closure of the business. As part of the effort, a working group comprised of staff from Customer Service, Economic Development, and Neighborhood Affairs do a courtesy visit to businesses which have failed to apply for or renew their annual BTR. Staff engages with the business, provides information and instructional materials, and advises that the Code Compliance Department will be following up to ensure compliance via enforcement. Major Solicitations Waste Hauler Request for Proposal The City Commission approved moving forward with engaging a consultant to assist in developing the Request for Proposals (RFP) documents for multi-family residential and commercial waste collection and disposal services. The Public Works Department is working with the Procurement Department and the City Attorney's Office to advertise a consulting solicitation for solid waste services as specified in the motion recommended by FERC and approved by the City Commission. This entails a comprehensive review of the Sanitation Fund, preparing the RFP for multi-family (9 units and up) and commercial solid waste accounts, and to analyze a potential hybrid model and look at coastal municipalities outside of the state of Florida. It is anticipated that the solicitation will be advertised by the end of June 2024. Additionally, the Administration, with the support of a sponsor, intends to bring forward an item to FERC and the City Commission to extend the residential exclusive solid waste collection agreement while we work on a long-term collection and disposal agreement. Transit Circulator (Trolley) The current Miami Beach Trolley service has been successful in providing free mobility services throughout the City to tens of millions of residents, visitors, and workforce employees over the past 10 years, however, it has reached the end of its service life. To enhance mobility in the City, the Administration issued an Invitation To Negotiate ("ITN") for Citywide Municipal Transit Circulator Services. Proposals pursuant to the ITN were received on May 17, 2024 and an evaluation committee met on May 24, 2024 to review and rank the proposals. A recommendation to negotiate with the selected vendor(s) will be brought forward to the June 26, 2024 City Commission meeting for consideration. The timeframe for commencement of the new citywide municipal transit circulator service is expected in early 2025 contingent upon the type of vehicle to be provided by the selected operator. Pump Station No. 28 Located at 28 Street between Sheridan Avenue and Pine Tree Drive, the Pump Station No. 28 (PS 28) project has all permits in place and is ready to go out to bid. This project is one of our most critical infrastructure projects, as PS 28 receives all sanitary flows from Mid and North Beach as well as three (3) nearby cities: Surfside, Bal Harbour and Bay Harbor Islands. Based on the City Commission's May 15, 2024 approval of the issuance (Declaration of Official Intent) of $85 million 5 in bonds, the project is now fully funded and is expected to be considered at the July 24, 2024 City Commission as an Invitation to Bid (1TB}. This project also has a $5 million Florida Department of Economic Opportunity (DEO) grant for hardening of the station. Construction is estimated to take 9 to 12 months and will be completed in phases. Infrastructure and other Capital Projects 41 Street Water Main Replacement This project consists of replacing an existing 16-inch water main attached to the 41 st Street Bridge over the Indian Creek Canal with a new 20-inch water main that is being installed via horizontal directional drill method under the Indian Creek Canal. The contractor has completed Phases 1 and 2 and is currently working on Phase 3, the final phase. The contractor, Quality Enterprises (QE) has been able to make significant progress and is currently 2 to 3 weeks ahead of schedule. We expect that at the current pace, QE should complete the project before Labor Day (September 2, 2024 ). The Florida Department of Transportation ( FOOT) will start the 41° Bridge Rehabilitation project and Indian Creek Drive dual right turn lane project sometime in early to mid-2025. The Lincoln Road Improvement Project Phase 2 of the Lincoln Road Improvement Project was advertised for the selection of a contractor and a sole bid was received which far exceeded the construction budget. This phase of the project consists of improvements to Meridian Avenue between Lincoln Road and 17 Street, and Drexel Avenue between 16 Street and Lincoln Lane North. Meridian Avenue planned improvements include infrastructure upgrades and new paving, lighting and landscaping. The Drexel Avenue scope addresses streetscape improvements, including drainage, paving landscaping, lighting and the pedestrianization of Drexel Avenue from Lincoln Lane South to Lincoln Lane North. After careful analysis, the sole bid was rejected on May 20, 2024. The City has commenced industry meetings, including with contractors who elected not to bid on the project, in order to determine the cost-driving factors as well as any requirements which deterred contractors from submitting a proposal. Once this research and analysis is complete, any required adjustments to increase contractor participation will be made. It is anticipated that the project will be re-advertised in July 2024. Anticipated start of construction is scheduled for January 2025 with a duration of 18 months. The Lincoln Road Improvement project, Phase 3, is currently in the design phase and includes improvements along the Lincoln Road corridor from Lenox Avenue to Washington Avenue. The project scope includes restoration/repair of fountains, restoration of the Lapidus follies, refurbishing seating areas along the corridor, refinishing existing piano keys, restoration of aluminum grates at existing trench drains, a directional and informational signage package, Lincoln Road gateway sign at Washington Avenue and Alton Road and implementation of the concept for the Euclid Avenue oval. The Phase 3 project was presented to the Historic Preservation Board (HPB) on February 13, 2024 and on May 14, 2024, the project obtained HPB approval. It is anticipated that the contractor selection process will commence at the end of 2024. The anticipated start of construction is scheduled for spring 2025 with a duration of 30 months. G.O. Bond Projects The 2018 G.O. Bond is in its fifth year. There are currently 45 out of the 57 projects in the Bond that are being advanced in Tranche 1. Of these, 11 are completed and 32 others are in some form of active status. Significant projects currently being advanced are Bayshore Park, Maurice Gibb Park, Ocean Drive Corridor, 72° Street Community Complex, Fire Station No. 1, Marine Patrol Facility in Sunset Harbor, Pedestrian Bridge on Fifth Street & the Baywalk, Tree planting along the Beachwalk, the Log Cabin, Police Headquarters Renovation including the Real Time Intelligence Center, and the Flamingo Park Softball Field and Master Plan. 6 Key Advances over the past 60 Days: • The Flamingo Park Lodge groundbreaking ceremony occurred on May 2, 2024. Once the $1 million project is completed, the 1,730-square-foot structure will be used for community and recreational programs. • The Infrastructure Category of the bonds has reached an 80% expenditure threshold, therefore $19.8 million in funding from Tranche 2 will be requested to be issued on June 26, 2024 in order to continue street paving and sidewalk repair projects, seawalls, tree planting and traffic calming projects. The 2022 Arts & Culture G.O. Bond is in its first year. Currently, 20 out of the 21 projects in the Bond are being advanced in Tranche 1. One ( 1) of these is complete and 19 others are in some form of active status. Ten of these projects, or portions of projects, are being implemented by 3"° parties through Grant Agreements. Significant projects currently being advanced are Collins Park Artist Workforce Housing, Miami Beach Hispanic Community Center, Holocaust Memorial Renovation, New World Symphony Renovation, Byron Carlyle Theater, the Bass Museum Expansion & Renovation, the Miami City Ballet Renovation, the Colony Theater Renovation, the Miami Beach Bandshell, and the Art Deco Welcome Center. Key Advances over the past 60 Days: • The Collins Park Rotunda groundbreaking ceremony took place on April 16, 2024 marking the start of construction on a $3.15 million performing arts space. The existing 1,960-square-foot rotunda is receiving extensive renovations, including an 895-square-foot addition that will house an entrance lobby and additional improvements. • All permits for the Aquatic Sculpture Park, i.e., The Reefline project, have been obtained and an lnterlocal Agreement between the City of Miami Beach and Miami-Dade County for the creation of the project has been fully executed. A Grant Agreement between the City and the Reefline project team was fully executed on June 3, 2024. Phase 1 of the project, consisting of an underwater installation of concrete "cars" depicting a traffic jam by artist Leandro Erlich, is scheduled to be deployed prior to Art Basel Miami Beach 2024. Public-Private Partnerships Barclay On November 16, 2022, the City Commission authorized issuance of RFP 2023-118-KB (the "RFP"), for redevelopment of the city-owned Barclay property located at 1940 Park Avenue. The solicitation resulted in a single proposal from 1940 Barclay Partners LLC ("Developer"). On March 24, 2024, the Administration was directed, via Resolution No. 2024-32977, to negotiate with the Developer, based on its updated proposal to retain the existing 3-story structure and construct a new tower reserved for income-eligible workforce and affordable housing tenants, and with a $6 million initial rental payment to the City. To date, the Administration has met with the Developer, on a biweekly basis, to discuss terms and conditions that are in the best interest of the City. The Administration continues to work diligently to negotiate a project for recommendation to the City Commission. The Administration plans to bring forward a recommended term sheet to the Mayor and Commission once negotiations are complete. Byron Carlyle At the June 26, 2024, City Commission meeting, the Administration will discuss the future redevelopment of the Byron Carlyle, a 2022 G.O. Bond Arts and Culture project. Discussion will focus on programming for the new multi-purpose cultural arts space and the inclusion of workforce housing. Additionally, consideration of a public-private partnership (P3) funding model will be presented. The Administration received favorable recommendations from the G.O. Bond Oversight 7 Committee on May 9, 2024; the North Beach Community Redevelopment Agency (CRA) Advisory Committee on May 14, 2024; and FERC on May 24, 2024, supporting workforce housing as a component of the Project. This upcoming discussion will also focus on the next steps, which may include re-engaging AMS Consulting and Research (for operating plan and pro forma) and direction to issue a Request for Qualifications / Proposals. Miami Beach Redevelopment Agency (RDA) - Convention Center Hotel At the March 13, 2024 RDA meeting, the RDA Board gave direction to negotiate with the hotel developer on how to close the existing financial gap without using City funds and come back with a recommendation on how to deliver the long-delayed hotel. The RDA Administration engaged with PFM Financial Advisors LLC ("PFM"), the RDA's financial advisor, to provide financial advisory services related to the partnership towards the development of the Convention Center Hotel. These services included review of project financial pro forma, capacity to complete project, structure of a potential RDA capital contribution, and potential mechanisms to recapture the additional capital contribution. RDA staff, external consultants, and the hotel developer's team have held several rounds of discussions regarding how to close the financing gaps while finding opportunities for the additional public benefits. This item is scheduled to return to the RDA Board in July 2024, following further discussions with Miami-Dade County. The hotel site early work, which will allow the hotel construction to commence upon formal possession of the site by the developer, was completed in May 2024. Miami Beach Marina The Administration has been discussing the Miami Beach Marina with Suntex and Terra to negotiate appropriate terms and conditions for the possible extensions (short and long term) of the Marina Lease. The South of Fifth Neighborhood (SOFNA) proposal is also being considered. Among the terms contemplated, are capital improvements by the Marina Lessee and improved quality of life items for residents. Future Outlook The City of Miami Beach is blessed to have an outstanding workforce of dedicated public servants. It is with great pride that I report on some of the Administration's strategic and operational activities over the initial 60-day period as your Interim City Manager. Know that I am grateful for the opportunity to serve alongside these diligent professionals. As we look ahead, it is clear that with continued support and collaboration, we are well-positioned to achieve our shared goals and vision. 8