LTC 242-2024 West Avenue Phase II Improvements - North of 14 Street UpdateDocuSign Envelope ID: 5250093E-7093-4D67-89DA-DA948AF0389B MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC# 242-2024 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission GDocuSlgned by: Rickelle Williams, Interim City Manage! Kdll lilliao4s DCA776723FE7451... June 13, 2024 West Avenue Phase II Improvements - North of 14 Street Update The purpose of this Letter to Commission (L TC} is to provide an update to the Mayor and City Commission for the West Avenue Phase II Improvements - North of 14 Street (the Project). More specifically, the update is regarding upcoming construction activities within the right-of-way on West Avenue between Lincoln Road and 17 Street. To limit construction impacts and disruption to the neighborhood, the Project has been divided into nine (9) segments. The construction of Segment 1, which includes the pump station at the P-24 parking lot located at 1671 West Avenue, started on January 2, 2024. The contractor, Ric- Man Construction Florida, Inc., is ready to commence installation of the underground utility included in Segment 1 of the Project, which extends from the stormwater pump station to the outfall pipe at the property located at the northwest corner of 17" Street and West Avenue, adjacent to the Collins Canal. The design-builder, Ric-Man Construction Florida Inc., has obtained the necessary permits for this work and the City has issued a Partial Notice to Proceed (NTP) effective June 17, 2024. Construction activities will include installation of a 48" storm drain line, an 84" force main from the pump station to the outfall at Collins Canal and the construction of the related underground structures. Message boards have been installed as of June 4, 2024, advising drivers of upcoming road work and traffic changes. The Maintenance of Traffic (MOT) devices will be installed on June 13, 2024, and construction is anticipated to commence on June 17, 2024, for a duration of approximately four (4) months. During this period, the portion of West Avenue, between Lincoln Road and 17 Street, inclusive of the intersection at 17" Street (Exhibit A), will experience intermittent detours and limited closures to vehicular traffic. Pedestrian access will be maintained. The area residents and the West Avenue Neighborhood Association are being advised of the upcoming work through a project advisory and mass e-mail (Exhibit B). Should you have any questions, please contact David Gomez, Interim Director, Office of Capital Improvement Projects, at 305-673-7071. ATTACHMENT: Exhibit A - Segment 1 Construction Detour Map Exhibit B - Project Advisory .>« DocuSign Envelope ID: 5250093E-7093-4D67-89DA-DA948AF0389B EXHIBIT A SEGMENT 1 CONSTRUCTION DETOUR MAP I \] 17 St l \ \ I \ I LEGEND Lane Closure - Detour - @ ? o o lo Pump Station - u £ Outfall Location mromeerpenemeeeememoeem9vpo Lincoln Rd , o o > O ca DocuSign Envelope ID: 5250093E-7093-4D67-89DA-DA948AF0389B VIEW AS WEBPAGE EXHIBIT B MIAMI BEACH RISING ABOVE ■■I i I I I n n , West Avenue Phase 2 Project Advisory Watermain and Pump Station Outfall Pipe Installation Starts June 17 Project update sent: June 12, 2024 What's New Beginning Monday, June 17, the West Avenue Phase 2 underground utility installation within the roadway will begin. The work will take place on West Avenue between Lincoln Road and 17 Street (Segment 1). Watermain and the outfall pipe will be installed from the pump station site within the city-owned parking lot at 1671 West Avenue (next to the U.S. Post Office) to the green space on the northwest corner of West Avenue and 17 Street. Work Phases This roadway work will be broken into five phases and is expected to take several months. The first phase, starting on Monday, June 17, includes the closure of northbound West Avenue between Lincoln Road and 17 Street. A detour will be established to guide drivers around the work. Access will be maintained for pedestrians throughout the area. Drivers traveling north on West Avenue, wishing to continue north can use Lincoln Road and Alton Road. Southbound West Avenue and Alton Court will remain open. LEGEND Lane Closure Detour Pump Station Outfall Location - - 17 St Lincoln Rd This first phase is for watermain installation and road restoration is expected to take approximately three weeks. Additional updates will be distributed to provide notice on the next phases of work and associated lane closures. Please follow all posted signs for speed limit, lane closures and detours. Project Overview and Benefits The project's critical upgrades represent a comprehensive neighborhood improvement program, focused on resolving challenges associated with climate impacts and aging infrastructure. The proposed improvements within the West Avenue neighborhood include replacement of the existing water distribution/transmission systems and gravity sanitary sewers; installation of a robust storm water drainage collection and pumping system, including the raising of the paved roads, sidewalks and harmonization within the adjacent private properties; installation of street and pedestrian lighting; installation of new traffic signals and mast arms; installation of landscaping and irrigation; and construction of a segment of new Baywalk. DocuSign Envelope ID: 5250093E-7093-4D67-89DA-DA948AF0389B Pump Station Work The parking lot will remain fenced and closed as work continues. All construction associated with the pump station is anticipated to last approximately two years. Please note, this schedule may change due to weather or unforeseen circumstances. Next Steps The underground utility and roadway work within the West Avenue neighborhood is being scheduled. A pre-construction public meeting will be conducted prior to the start of neighborhood work for Segments 2 through 9. Thank you for your continued cooperation throughout the West Avenue Phase 2 Neighborhood Improvement Project. Contact Should you have any questions regarding this project, please contact: Heather M. Leslie, Public Information Liaison, email: heather@hmlpublicoutreach.com To learn more about the city's innovative initiatives, visity.mbrlslngaboye.com To request this material in alternate format, sign language interpreter (5-day notice required), information on access for persons with disabilities, and/or any accommodation to review any document or participate in any city-sponsored proceedings, call 305.604.2AD04 (2232) (voice), select 1 (English) or 2 (Spanish) and leave a message with your request, TTY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Service). You can also make requests online at w.miamibeachtL.goulada by selecting ADA request. oo@ The City of Miami Beach fights for your human rights, let us fight for you! CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE MIAMIBE ACHE.GO City of Miami Beach I 1700 Convention Center Drive I Miami Beach, FL 33139 US Unsubscribe I Update Profile I Constant Contact Data Notice @.~Constant Contact Try email marketing for free today!