LTC 243-2024 Pre-Certified Ballot Wording for the ReferendumMIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC No. LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission Rickelle Williams, Interim City Manager Ricardo J. Dopico, City Attorney Nick Kaller@is, Chier Deputy City At9rey Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk 7 ~ June 14, 2024 SUBJECT: Pre-Certified Ballot Wording for the Referendum Regarding Construction of the Fire Station in Flamingo Park on Alton Road for the August 20, 2024 Miami-Dade County Special Election. Attached please find a copy of the pre-certified ballot wording for the referendum regarding construction of the Fire Station in Flamingo Park on Alton Road. The referendum is currently being reviewed for certification in English, Spanish, and Creole. Once the Miami- Dade County Elections Department certifies the ballot wording we will provide a copy via LTC. If I may be of assistance, please contact me at 305.673. 7 411. F:ICLER\CLER\000_ELECTION\000 2024 SPECIAL ELECTIONIL TC Fire Station Referendum Pre-Certified Wording.docx 243-2024 Miami-Dade County Special Election Elecciones Especiales del Condado de Miami-Dade Eleksyon Espesyal Konte Miami-Dade Official Special Election Ballot August 20, 2024 Miami-Dade, Florida Boleta Oficial de las Elecciones Especiales 20 de agosto del 2024 Miami-Dade, Florida Bilten v~t Ofisy~l Eleksyon Espesyal 20 dawout 2024 Miami-Dade, Florid County Referendum Referenda del Condado Referand~m Konte Referendum Regarding Construction of Fire Station in Flamingo Park on Alton Road in Miami Beach Article 7 of Home Rule Charter requires voter approval prior to construction of permanent structures in public parks, subject to exceptions. In accordance with Article 7, do you approve construction of a new Fire Station at Flamingo Park in Miami Beach, between 11th and 12th Streets, from western boundary of the Park on Alton Road extending 150 feet to the east, to improve Fire Department levels of service and emergency response times for surrounding neighborhoods? Referenda relativo a la construcci~n de una estaci~n de bomberos en Flamingo Park, ubicado en Alton Road, Miami Beach EI Articulo 7 de la Carta Constitucional Auton6mica requiere la aprobaci6n de los electores antes de proceder a la construcci~n de estructuras permanentes en parques p~blicos, sujeto a excepciones. De conformidad con el Articulo 7, ~aprueba usted la construcci~n de una nueva estaci~n de bomberos en Flamingo Park, ubicado en Miami Beach entre las calles 11 y 12, desde el l~mite oeste del parque en Alton Road y que se extender~ 150 pies hacia el este, con el fin de mejorar los niveles de servicio y los tiempos de respuesta del Departamento de Bomberos en caso de emergencias en los vecindarios circundantes? Referand~m Kons~nan Konstriksyon Estasyon Ponpye nan Flamingo Park sou Alton Road nan Miami Beach Atik 7 Ak Konstititif Lokal la egzije apwobasyon vot~ anvan konstriksyon estrikti p~manan nan pak piblik, li posib ke gen eksepsyon. Dapre Atik 7 la, ~ske ou apwouve konstriksyon yon nouvo Estasyon Ponpye nan Flamingo Park nan Miami Beach ant 11th Street e 12th Street, soti nan limit lw~s Park la sou Alton Road pou pwolonje 150 pye nan direksyon ls, pou amelyore nivo s~vis ak tan repons dijans Depatman Ponpye pou katye ki ozalantou yo? Yes/Si/Wi No/No/Non XXX XXX