LTC 248-2024 Parks & Recreational Facilities Advisory Board MotionsDocuSign Envelope ID: DC56AFD0-242B-4513-99C7-29303BF6D3FB MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC#LETTER TO COMMISSION TO:Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner :.:..._e,ers of the City Commission FROM:Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk / cj DATE: June 10, 2024 SUBJECT: Parks & Recreational Facilities Advisory Board Motions The purpose of this Letter to Commission (L TC) is to inform the Mayor and Commission of the motionpassed by the Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board at its meeting on June 4, 2024: MOTION: The Parks and Recreational Facilities Advisory Board motions to recommend prioritizing and advancingfunding for the renovation of the Miami Beach Golf Club. Motion made by: Donald Goldberg Motion seconded by: Shannon Koonin Motion passes: Unanimously Members Present for Motion: Sean Smith, Daniel Aronson, Gayle Durham, Donald Goldberg, JanieHayes, Joseph Hernandez, Shannon Koonin, Joshua Lifshultz. Members not Present: David Berger, Jonathan Fryd, Joelle Gringarten, David Nguah. Should you have any questions, please contact Jose del Risco, Assistant Director of Parks & Recreation, at (305) 673-7272. REG / MT / JR / JDR 248-2024