LTC 180-2024 Letter From Christina White, Supervisor Of Elections Requesting MB to Adjust Election DatesMIAMI BEACH O FF IC E O F THE CITY CLERK LT C # LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission Rickelle Williams, Interim City Manager Ricardo J. Dopico, City Atore', f Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk / .d" / May 10, 2024 Letter From Christina White, Supervisor Of Elections, Requesting Consideration For Miami Beach To Adjust Its Election Dates To Create A Four-Week Interval Between The General And Run-Off Elections Attached please find a letter from Christina White, Supervisor of Elections for Miami-Dade County, "strongly urging" the City of Miami Beach to adjust its election dates to create a four-week interval between the General and Run-Off Elections. Supervisor of Elections White explains in her letter that the current two-week turnaround is insufficient for the current election process, which include Early Voting and Vote by Mail. The tight schedule leads to challenges in post-election procedures, potentially disenfranchising voters and complicating candidate outreach. Supervisor of Elections White proposes the October/November1 election schedule as the optimal solution, highlighting its benefits for election preparation, voter participation, and candidate logistics. Please note that Supervisor of Election White has sent this request to all three cities that share the same schedule (Miami Beach, Miami, and Hialeah). F:\CLER\$ALL\REG\L TCs\Letter from Christina White - 4 week interval request.docx 1 Supervisor of Election White's proposal would mean that the City's General Election would be held on the first Tuesday in October in odd years and its Run-Off Election on the first Tuesday in November in odd years. 180-2024 ...Ag i&i i i~iii» Elections 2700 NW 87th Avenue Miami, Florida 33172 T 305.499-8683 F 305-499-8501 TTY 305-499-8480 m iam idade.g ov April 23, 2024 Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk City of Miami Beach Office of the City Clerk 1700 Convention Center Drive, Suite 200 Miami Beach, Fl 33139 Dear Rafael: As a follow up to previous conversations with your Charter Review Task Force and your office, this letter serves as a formal request for the City of Miami Beach to consider rescheduling their election dates to provide for four weeks between the regularly scheduled General and Run-Off Elections. More specifically, this request is for all three cities who share the same schedule (Miami Beach, Miami, and Hialeah) to adopt the dates prescribed by the City of Homestead for their regularly scheduled election, which would mean your General Election will be held on the first Tuesday in October in odd years and your Run-Off Election held on the first Tuesday in November in odd years. Changing the election dates will benefit the Elections Department in our ability to seamlessly conduct your election, and your voters, as well as candidates, as it provides additional time. The two-week turnaround as currently scheduled was designed for a time when elections were conducted exclusively on Election Day with no Early Voting or Vote by Mail. Now that modern-day elections include Early Voting, Vote by Mail, and significant post-election requirements, a two-week turnaround creates a significant burden on all parties. As you know, there are many steps involved in preparing for an election, all of which must be done in a matter of days to conduct a Run-Off Election within two weeks. Below are just a few: • The General Election results cannot be certified until we have completed our post- election procedures internally and the canvassing board has completed the review of cure affidavits received for vote-by-mail ballots that had a signature deficiency as well as provisional ballots. This occurs on the Friday after your election due to statutory deadlines. This is already 3 days into the time allotted. • Only then can the Department begin coding, proofing, and testing three different voting systems (optical scan, express vote, and the accessible "enhanced ballot" system required for our voters with disabilities). • Only then can we send the ballot for printing. This now takes longer than in the past as we print ballots by precinct, increasing the number of unique ballot variations. • T h e n w e ca n be g in pro c e ss in g v o te -by -m a il ba llo ts fo r m a ilo ut to y o u r vo te rs . • S e p a rate ly, w e m u st re s e t, re p ro g ra m , and re te st all e le ctio n eq u ip m e nt. • C o n d u c t the state -m a n d a te d Lo g ic and A c c u ra cy Te st (L&A ). • S e t up a n d co nd u c t E a rly Votin g . • D e live r E le ctio n D a y eq u ip m e nt be fo re the M o n d a y se tup . • T he fun c tio n s state d ab o v e w o u ld be furt he r de la y e d s ho uld a re c o u n t be c a lle d fr o m the G e n e ra l E le ctio n . A s ill u strate d ab o v e , m a n y of the se fun c tio n s m u s t be pe rf orm e d in se q u e n c e and w ith ze ro to le ra n c e fo r e rro r. W ith ne w la w s an d su b s e q u e nt pro ce d u ra l c h a n g e s , it ha s be c o m e a tre m e n d o u s c ha lle n g e to pe rf o rm th e sta te -m a n d a te d pro c e d u re s w ith in th e c o n fi n e s of a tw o-w e e k tim e fr a m e be tw e e n e le ctio n s . G iv e n th is co n s tra int, the E le c tio ns D e p a rt m e n t stro ng ly urge s y o u r m u n ici p a lity to c o n s id e r ho ld in g the G e n e ra l an d R u n -O ff E le ctio n s fo u r w e e ks ap a rt . T h e ad d itio n a l tim e fr a m e pro p o s e d w ill a llo w the D e p a rt m e nt to ad e q u a te ly pre pa re fo r yo u r R u n -O ff E le ctio n . T he c o nc e rn fo r vo te rs is p rim a rily re la te d to tho se w ho op t to v o te by m a il. T he sho rt pe rio d th a t curre ntly ex ists be tw e e n e le ctio n s m a y pre ve nt v o te rs fr o m be in g ab le to su c ce ssfully re tu rn the ir vo te d ba llo t to ou r off ic e by the state -m a n d a te d de a d lin e . F or yo u r 20 2 3 R u n -O ff E le ction , w e m ai le d bal lot s on N o vem b e r 11h , Th e de a dl ine for re tur n w a s N o vem b er 2 1%'a t 7 p.m . Th is pr o vi d e d ei g h t (8 ) da y s of m ai l del iv e ry. T h is ha s be c o m e m o re o f a co n c e rn in re ce n t ye a rs be c a u se the U S P S ha s se t ne w se rv ic e s ta n d a rd s , the re b y in c re a s in g de liv e ry tim e s . P e r info rm a tio n fr o m the U S P S : • Lo c al 1°cl a s s m ai l c a n ta ke up to 3 da y s e a c h w ay • O u t of sta te 1° cl a ss m ai l c a n ta k e up to 5 d a y s e a ch w a y In the c u rre n t m o d e l, the w in d o w is ve ry s ho rt a n d m a y no t pro v id e vo te rs ad e q u a te tim e to re ce iv e , vo te , a n d re tu rn the ir ba llo ts by 7 :0 0 p .m . on E le ctio n nig h t. W he n a ba llo t is re c e iv e d aft e r 7 :0 0 p.m . o n E le ctio n D a y , it m u st be reje c te d by la w . In yo u r 20 2 3 R u n -O ff E le ctio n , m o re tha n 8% or 36 8 of the 4 ,4 19 v o te rs w ho s u b m itte d a v o te -b y -m a il ba llo t ha d the ir v o te s reje cte d du e to la te re tu rn s . E x p a n d in g th e tim e fr am e be tw e e n e le ctio n s w ill aff o rd v ote rs s u ff ic ie nt tim e to re v ie w the ir ba llo t, c o m p le te it, an d the n m a il it ba c k by the de a d lin e . A s fo r ca n d id a te s , w e ha v e a lso he a rd it is diff ic u lt fo r the m to co n d u c t ou tre a c h to vo te rs in s u c h a s h o rt tim e fr a m e , re ly in g he a v ily on the E le ctio n s D e p a rt m e n t fo r da ta tha t is sim p ly no t re a d y fo r re le a s e to the pu b lic un til po st-e le ctio n ve rifi c a tio n p ro c e d u re s are c o m p le te an d the ele ctio n is ce rt ifi e d . With these factors in mind, I believe everyone benefits from providing a modest amount of additional time between elections. Therefore, I strongly encourage you to follow the recommendation to provide four weeks between your General and Run-Off Elections and ask that your City Commission consider amending the election dates in time for the 2025 election cycle. For reference, this is an excerpt from the city of Homestead's Charter. This is the model that we would like Miami Beach, Miami, and Hialeah to adopt so all four cities are on the same calendar: Sec. 6.01. - Elections. Regular election dates. A primary election shall be held in each odd-numbered year, on the first Tuesday in October. A general election shall be held in each odd-numbered year on the first Tuesday in November. Below is a statute that may assist you should your City Commission opt to change the dates. This is an option that many municipalities have exercised in the past: • Florida Statute 101.75(2), states that "the date of the municipal election shall be set by the municipality by ordinance." Should your City Commission opt to pose this question to your voters, please keep in mind that the deadline to submit your finalized ballot language to our office for the November 5, 2024 General Election is Friday, July 26, 2024 Because each municipal charter contains different wording as to the description of Run- Off Elections, we understand that any proposed language will likely be specific to each municipality and prepared by its respective municipal attorney. If you would like to have any draft language prepared by your municipal attorney(s) be reviewed by Miami-Dade County to ensure that it addresses the concerns of the Elections Department, your municipal attorney(s) can directly contact Michael Valdes at the Miami- Dade County Attorney's Office (michael.valdes@miamidade.gov or 305-375-5620) for follow-up. Please note we analyzed the option of leaving the General Election on its currently scheduled date and moving the Run-Off Election out two additional weeks. I have a difficult time recommending this as a viable option. In 2025, and beyond, this places the Run-Off Election on the Tuesday following Thanksgiving with Early Voting occurring on Thanksgiving weekend. Other factors to consider: • This would negatively impact voter participation during Early Voting. • It creates the scenario again where voters may potentially return their vote-by-mail ballot too late (if traveling). • It w ill be d iff ic u lt to sta ff E a rly Votin g lo c a tio n s o v e r th e h o lid a y , in c lu d in g m u n ic ip a l sta ff ne e d in g to be a v a ila b le fo r th e o p e n in g a n d c lo s in g o f E a rly Vo tin g o n th e ho lid a y w e e k e n d . • Lim ite d a c ce s s to pol ling pl a c e s for th e Run-Off Election equipment delivery. This occurs the latter part of the week before the election, directly overlapping with Thanksgiving. • Candidates having to campaign over the holiday. In my view, this would solve some challenges and create others. Therefore, the October/November election schedule is best for all parties involved, allowing for seamless election preparation, greater voter participation, and less strain on your candidates. I know we share a common goal to ensure that your elections continue to be fair, accurate, transparent, and accessible. This will help to ensure this moving forward. Please let me know if I can offer additional assistance or information as you review this recommendation. Should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me directly at 305-499-8509. Supervisor of Elections Miami-Dade Elections Department