LTC 263-2024 Noise Meter and Camera Pilot Program and Vehicle Noise CitationsMIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC# LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission Rickele wams, interim city Manager f?) June 25, 2024 Noise Meter and Camera Pilot Program and Vehicle Noise Citations The purpose of this Letter to Commission {L TC} is to provide information regarding noise meter and camera enforcement of noise violations. This L TC is provided pursuant to the request stemming from the May 22, 2024 meeting of the Public Safety and Neighborhood Quality of Life Committee ("PSNQLC"). Following a discussion regarding the noise meter and camera pilot program, the PSNQLC decided to move the item to Commission with a favorable recommendation to urge the State to change legislation and simultaneously have the Administration report, via L TC, on the number of citations made over the past three years under Sec. 46-152 of the City Code, Sec. 21-28 and/or Sec. 7-26.1 of the County Code for noise violations. A Noise Meter and Camera Pilot Program was approved by the City Commission via Resolution No. 2022-32208 in 2022. Subsequently, the Miami Beach Police Department ("MBPD") developed a pilot program with Intelligent Instruments of Southampton, United Kingdom utilizing three (3) noise meter camera systems to test these systems under varying real-world conditions. The focus of the tests centered on their ability to clearly identify a vehicle as the source of excessive noise, provide actionable data for enforcement efforts, determine the true extent of excessive noise in a particular area, and determine whether pursuing a more permanent noise meter camera program at the conclusion of this pilot would be an effective solution for reducing excessive noise. Because State law currently prohibits law enforcement to issue citations via a camera, since the program's implementation, MBPD has been unable to issue citations in conjunction with the Noise Meter and Camera Pilot. Any actionable data received from noise cameras is used only to identify noise trends and develop general enforcement hot spots. However, to better address this issue at identified hot spots, MBPD began conducting dedicated details throughout the city. The Noise Enforcement Abatement Team ("N.E.A.T) officially began in February 2023 in response to resident complaints regarding vehicles with loud mufflers and music disturbing quality of life. Regular details with traffic-oriented officers on overtime have been carried out routinely to address loud muffler violations. In conjunction with loud muffler details which occur on Fridays and Saturdays from 4:00 P.M. to 2:00 AM., the Department deploys additional officers specifically on loud music details. Various officers work partial shifts with roughly four (4) officers assigned to the details on Fridays and two (2) officers assigned on Saturdays. While enforcement is carried out citywide, the main focus of the N.E.A.T. details is the Collins Avenue corridor between 57 and 67" Streets. Page 1 of 2 263-2024 The total number of citations issued for loud muffler violations since the program began are depicted below. Loud Muffler Overtime Traffic Detail Feb-23 Mar-23 Apr-23 Mav-23 Jun-23 Jul-23 Aug-23 Sep-23 Oct-23 Nov-23 Dec-23 Jan-24 Feb-24 Mar-24 Ar-24 Mav-24 June Total UTC's I 41 I 11 I 9 I 21 I 10 I 14 I 5 I 8 I 27 I 16 I 10 I 17 I 15 I N/A I 30 I 11 I 7 In a year-over-year comparison through June 12, 2024, the success of the N.E.A.T. initiative with regard to mufflers and music can be evidenced through the citation data below. Statute/Violation 2021 2022 2023 2024 316.272 - Exhaust systems, prevention of noise 33 33 234 144 316.293 - Motor Vehicle Noise 15 59 88 36 316.271- Horns and warning devices 16 11 5 4 316.3045 - Operation of radios or other mechanical soundmaking devices or instruments in vehicles 0 170 252 45 TOTAL 64 273 579 229 As with noise emanating from vessels, amending the City's Noise Ordinance from a civil violation to an arrestable one prosecuted by the City's Municipal Court may also impact behavior as it relates to noise throughout the City of Miami Beach. RW/WJ/cmrp Page 2 of 2