LTC 264-2024 Resolution from the Palm View Neighborhood Association (PVNA)MIAM I BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC# LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission Rickelle Williams, Interim City Manager Ricardo J. Dopico, City Attorney Joseph M. Centorino, Inspector General FROM: Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk ·fll1 DATE: June 25, 2024 SUBJECT: Resolution from the Palm View Neighborhood Association (PVNA) Board of Directors - Support for Item C7 AD Reduction of Pride Park Ticketed Activation Days. On behalf of the Palm View Neighborhood Association (PVNA), attached please find a resolution relating to Item C? AD on the June 26, 2024 Commission meeting. C7 AD A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE REVISED SPECIAL EVENT REQUIREMENTS AND GUIDELINES ATTACHED TO THE COMMISSION MEMORANDUM ACCOMPANYING THIS RESOLUTION; SAID REVISIONS TO INCORPORATE CHANGES TO THE ESTABLISHED FREQUENCY USE CHART, INCLUDING A REDUCTION TO THE NUMBER OF PRIDE PARK ANNUAL ACTIVATION DAYS FROM 120 TO 75 DAYS FOR TICKETS ACTIVATIONS, NOT INCLUDING FREE COMMUNITY EVENTS. Tourism and Culture Commissioner Alex Fernandez F:\CLER\$ALL\L TC FROM ASSOCIATIONS\PALM VIEW 06252024.docx 264-2024 [l]@ PALM VIEW « NEIGHBORHOOD ASSOCIATION June 21, 2024 To: Mayor Steven Meiner City Commissioners cc: Mayor and Commissioner Aides Lauren Firtel, Neighborhood Affairs Manager, Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk From: Chris Gloede, President Subject: Support for #C7 AD Reduction of Pride Park Ticketed Activation Days Mayor Meiner and City Commissioners, The Palm View Neighborhood Association (PVNA) supports item C7 AD A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, APPROVING THE REVISED SPECIAL EVENT REQUIREMENTS AND GUIDELINES ATTACHED TO THE COMMISSION MEMORANDUM ACCOMPANYING THIS RESOLUTION; SAID REVISIONS TO INCORPORATE CHANGES TO THE ESTABLISHED FREQUENCY USE CHART, INCLUDING A REDUCTION TO THE NUMBER OF PRIDE PARK ANNUAL ACTIVATION DAYS FROM 120 TO 75 DAYS FOR TICKETS ACTIVATIONS, NOT INCLUDING FREE COMMUNITY EVENTS. The Palm View neighborhood residents, who reside adjacent to Pride Park, appreciate this public park and use it often. Private events are already closing the park to residents for most of the winter. Reducing the number of days will accommodate those existing events while ensuring future events are held to a higher-standard. Pride Park is unique in that a private organization is actively selling the park to conventions and without a better system of checks from our public officials, it will eventually become a de facto private event space. Thank you for your service to the Palm View residents and the City of Miami Beach. Respectfully, Palm V iew N e ig h b o rho o d A sso ci atio n B o ard of D irecto rs C hris G lo ed e, Presid e nt V icto ria Pelletie r, V ice Presid e nt Pau l Free m an, Treasu rer B rian Feit, Secretary Jo h n Co u rtney, D irecto r Jay Levy, D irecto r B rig itt e Pe nso -D eA llie, D irecto r