LTC 277-2024 Evaluation Committee Relative to Request for Proposals (RFP)D ocuS ig n E nvelo pe ID: 7B FC 29A 9-B 6E 5-4 86 D -8AB D -B 492F C 1AD 4D B M IA M I BEACH O F FIC E O F T H E C IT Y M A N A G E R LTC# LETTER TO CO MMISSIO N TO : F R O M : D A T E : S U B JE C T : Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission Rickelle Williams, Interim City Manager ;'< It} July 3, 2024 Evaluation Committee Relative to Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 2024-274- DF for Speed Detection Camera System for School Zones The purpose of this Letter to Commission (L TC) is to update the Mayor and City Commission on the status of Request for Proposals (RFP) No. 2024-274-DF for Speed Detection Camera System for School Zones. The RFP seeks proposals from qualified Bidders to implement a school zone Speed Detection System (SOS) program in accordance with Sec. 316.008(9), Florida Statutes. Proposals pursuant to this RFP were received on June 28, 2024. The responsive proposals will be reviewed by the Evaluation Committee in accordance with the criteria established in the RFP. I have appointed the following individuals to serve on the Evaluation Committee: • Richard Ajami, Budget Officer, Office of Management and Budget • Ozzie Macias, Chief Technology Officer, Information Technology Department • Alejandro Moura, Detective, Police Department • Joaquin Rodriguez, Lieutenant, Police Department • Otniel Rodriguez, Assistant Director, Transportation & Mobility Department I have also appointed the following individuals as alternates: • Ghassan Choueiry, Senior Transporation Engineer, Transportation & Mobility • Department Anthony Loperfido, Sergeant, Police Department • Kyle Teijeiro, Senior Budget Analyst, Office of Management and Budget As a reminder, this solicitation is under the cone of silence. b Os ]·o [ . WJ/KB/DF 277-2024